God is Coming

Chapter 873

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The war has surpassed anyone's ability to control it. The names of the casualties are pouring down like a torrential rain, converging into a continuously beating and growing number.

The surge of storm clouds lasted only an hour, and when it stopped, the battle had turned into a complete melee. On the land of tens of thousands of square kilometers, tens of thousands of tanks roared to and fro, and tanks were destroyed every moment, and rescue capsules were thrown into the sky.

The sky was not lonely either. When the Federation was finally able to dispatch a large-scale low-altitude assault craft, Light Year brought out real planetary fighters, although there were less than ten of them. A handful of fighter planes demonstrated unparalleled skills and lethality, and every arc of flying could blow up several assault boats in the air. Assault boats that are mainly used for ground attacks have little power to fight back against planetary fighters.

There are not many light-year fighters, but the bloodletting of the Federation is slow and firm, and the invisible pressure is also extremely deadly. After the fight, the well-organized formation of the assault boats was completely chaotic. As long as they saw fighter planes roaring towards them, the assault boats would disperse and flee for their lives.

The 20 mechas controlled by Chu Jungui slowly roamed the battlefield. His main targets were assault boats, and the Federation tanks would only be destroyed if they came close to his gunpoint. His killing efficiency was as stable as ever, and his hit rate was always hovering around 92%, ensuring that he could kill dozens of assault boats every minute.

The four-legged and eight-armed mecha that I drove this time was a little strange in appearance, and it was about the same size as the Federation's heavy mecha. It was far less eye-catching than a sea urchin, because most of the Federation fighters ignored its existence and did not deliberately focus on it. Let the survival time of these 20 mechas be extraordinarily long.

There is output only when you are alive.

"General! Withdraw, withdraw!" The staff officer shouted in Chrysler's ear.

There was a streak of blood dripping from the admiral's forehead, and half of the blood on his face had solidified. He was distracted, trying his best to direct the troops to gather and move closer, while manipulating a base cannon, constantly blasting the light-year war that rushed out of the surrounding area. The car exploded.

Light-year chariots have begun to appear around the general's command base. Although they are all small groups of dozens of vehicles, this is a very dangerous signal.

After the light-year chariot was no longer visible in the scope, the general breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the time. It has been 3 hours and 11 minutes since the war started.

He tapped his ear, turned his head and asked, "What did you say?"

The staff officer raised his voice again: "Do you want to withdraw?"

Chrysler narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Where are the reinforcements now?"

"Morgan's vanguard is already 70 kilometers away, allowing them to build a defensive position on the spot..."

"Let them move forward another 20 kilometers, and then build a defensive position."

"This... yes, General." The staff officer didn't dare to say anything more.

Chrysler glanced at the staff officer, threw the light screen in his hand to him, and said: "Don't say give them 10 minutes more, even if you give them 10 hours, they won't be able to hold it. Their use is as cannon fodder, so that our people can withdraw more Come down. This cannon is in your hands."

The general patted the staff officer on the shoulder and continued to command the troops.

In the melee, the quality of the 7th Army was fully demonstrated. Even in the first hour of losing command, the various units were spontaneously gathering, defending together, and establishing temporary command systems one by one. Even though there were heavy casualties, there was no defeat. However, as long as the 7th Army gathers a slightly larger battle group, there will be a large number of light-year troops around immediately. The first few chariots are completely suicidal charges. Army formation. The follow-up chariots directly smashed through the wreckage of the front car, and bombarded while cutting the opponent's formation.

Chrysler already knew it had a match like it had never seen before. He also discovered a phenomenon when he was commanding. Not only did the light-year tanks have a high hit rate, but they also spontaneously focused fire. Often, several tanks were randomly combined, and he began to call the federal tanks one by one. If all the surrounding federal tanks are exhausted, these light-year tanks will be disbanded on the spot, and they will form new teams with other tanks, and continue to roll the names of the federal tanks.

Moreover, on local battlefields, Light Year continued to use small troops to drag down the large troops of the 7th Army, while other troops that were free quickly interspersed, quickly surrounded part of the enemy, and then ate them with absolute superiority. Although the small group of troops blocking the enemy will also suffer heavy losses, the 7th Army without command will react slower after all, and the commander will not see the overall situation and will be relatively conservative. Therefore, the efficiency of annihilating the enemy is very different between the two sides, and the gap between entering and exiting is even more obvious.

To put it simply, the 7th Army has not gnawed out the 50 light-year chariots blocking the enemy here, and the 200 chariots surrounded by its own side have been wiped out.

When he discovered this scene, Chrysler's scalp felt a little numb, even in the drill specially performed for the higher-ups, he couldn't perform this effect!

However, after all, Chrysler is a generation of famous generals, and immediately had a countermeasure: squeeze.

Under his command, the Seventh Army all shrank to the predetermined location, constantly compressing the gap between troops, reducing the space for opponents to move and intersperse. Light Year's reaction was almost immediate. The internal troops desperately intersected and cut off the 7th Army's troops one by one, while the troops that were squeezed outside spontaneously assembled to outflank the 7th Army's rear from both wings at high speed.

Chrysler's face was ashen, and his eyes scanned the number of casualties on the side screen from time to time. The number kept getting bigger, and it was getting bigger at an accelerating rate!

Light Year's side is not having a good time either. Brother Dao's body integrity is declining rapidly, and the wise man has also suffered losses. Only Kaitian is doing well, staying above 90%.

Morgan's troops had already appeared on the horizon, they stopped and began to build a 120-kilometer-long line of defense. Everyone knows that this line of defense is extremely thin, but as long as the 7th Army can be given a little respite and a chance to regroup, the battle will once again be under the control of the Federation. The general led by Morgan thought so, and he was very confident. After all, he didn't know how many enemies the 7th Army was facing.

Except for the 7th Army, at this moment everyone thinks that the quality advantage is on their side, and the quantity advantage is also on their side.

Chrysler also withheld battlefield intelligence.

In the command cabin, pain flashed across Chrysler's face, the wound on his head burst open again, and blood rolled down. He has drawn up an order containing hundreds of sub-commands, which can be issued with one click. But his hand trembled for a few seconds before he pressed it down slowly.

Commands are sent instantaneously to the terminals of the relevant commanders.

A school officer and lieutenant officer of the 7th Army received the order with different expressions, some were angry, some were calm, and some sighed, but the reaction was the same: order the chariot to turn around and attack the enemy in the opposite direction!

At the same moment, one-third of the Seventh Army's troops turned around on the spot, and started a desperate strangulation with Light Year. Light Year reacted immediately, a large number of tanks quickly surrounded the remaining troops, and the rest of the tanks bypassed the battlefield and continued to pursue. However, the troops left behind to block the enemy were like rocks, shrinking continuously under the scour of the torrent of steel, but resolutely refused to retreat until they disappeared.

Light Year's army was blocked, and the pursuit was greatly weakened. After leaving a third of the remnants of the 7th Army, they finally disengaged the large forces and withdrew to the Morgan line of defense.

After crossing the defense line, the remnant army did not support the defense line on the spot, but roared away, leaving many Morgan soldiers stunned in place, not knowing why.

However, after a while, the Morgan fighters saw a tide line appear on the horizon, getting closer and higher, and countless light-year chariots appeared, instantly submerging Morgan's defense line. At this time, the remnants of the 7th Army were already 100 kilometers away and were speeding up their withdrawal.

Nearly 10,000 light-year chariots chased for hundreds of kilometers, and the distance from the 7th Army continued to widen. In pure pursuit, the performance of the light year chariot is still not as good as that of the elite federal chariot. After chasing to a distance of 100 kilometers, all the light-year chariots slowed down at the same time, gave up the pursuit, turned around and wiped out the remnants who were still resisting. Most of those still fighting were the 7th Army, and Morgan's troops basically surrendered on the spot.

The overall situation of the ground battle has been decided, but there has been a small episode in the air battle.

In the distance, a blue federal fighter plane roared over, blatantly killing the light-year fighter plane! At this time, the assault boats of the 7th Army had already lost seven or eight, and they were fleeing in all directions. Therefore, on the air battlefield, the ratio of the number of light years and federal fighters at this moment is 8:1.

But that azure fighter plane didn't slow down at all, it seemed to be going against eight!

Fortunately, the light-year fighters are all masters. Now that the battle situation has been decided, they don't intend to bully others, so a fighter broke away from the main force on its own and headed towards the blue fighter.

The performance of the light-year fighter is wild, while the blue fighter of the Federation is outstanding in all aspects, without any shortcomings, and its overall performance is firmly in the upper hand. The two sides launched a dazzling battle in the air. Several high-speed dives made people think that they were about to hit the ground and crash, but they were able to pull up dangerously. The two sides not only have to fight each other, but also have to be on guard against the ubiquitous stray bullets and the occasional anti-aircraft fire below.

The fight reached its climax from the very beginning, sparks flew everywhere, and the blue fighter even used the ultimate move of cutting its wings.

The two fighter planes seemed to be dancing a wild pas de deux. After a series of irregular arc trajectories, the engine of the Light Year fighter plane suddenly spewed out thick smoke and fire, and swayed and fell to the ground.

The blue fighter plane did not chase and kill, it was rather chivalrous. Just when countless pairs of eyes were deeply admiring the exquisite skills and elegant demeanor of the blue fighter, the blue fighter suddenly turned on several lasers and projected a picture in the cabin in the air.

In the cockpit, the little princess's beautiful face was as cold as ice, her right hand gathered her somewhat messy blond hair into a ponytail, and her left hand viciously pointed her middle finger at the fighter plane on the ground!

The picture lingered in the air for a long time, and the blue fighter jet roared away and disappeared out of the sky.

On the ground, the cockpit of the Light Year Fighter popped open, and Li Xuancheng crawled out from inside. What he saw was the fixed middle finger, and he was immediately confused, if he can't beat you, he can't beat you, why humiliate me?

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