God is Coming

Chapter 874: Respect

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Planet 4, the federal ground command center.

Morgan and Chrysler, the two generals, sat at opposite ends of the conference table, and the occasional collision of eyes almost burst into thunder. Phil and the little princess sat on each side, looking at the ground and the sky without touching anyone. Kun sat in the corner, dignified and solemn, without any frivolity.

Chrysler showed no signs of anger, and his voice was calm and slow, which was quite different from his usual fiery temper. He said unhurriedly: "Light Year's fighting style is obviously inconsistent with the information provided before. Did they evolve in a month?"

Admiral Morgan's face was a little gloomy, and he said: "My 50,000 people were completely wiped out, and I still need to investigate clearly. I want to know, why don't you even look at a line of defense? Even if you leave some troops to support it?" , and it will not be to the point of immediate collapse."

"Line of defense?" Chrysler said with a blank expression, "It's also called a line of defense without firing a single shot?"

Admiral Morgan was also angry, and said slowly: "If 60,000 people escaped, less than 10,000 people will escape, and if the number of people left behind is less than 20,000 people. Chrysler, you should first think about whether you can keep your number." "

A cold light flashed in Chrysler's eyes, then disappeared, and he remained calm: "Then General Morgan doesn't need to worry about it."

Seeing the tense situation, Phil rubbed his eyebrows, but he was helpless. What he needs to worry about now is what will happen to the 100,000 lunar legions on the surface of the planet.

Hathaway remained silent all the time. Anyway, she was the youngest here, so she didn't need to express her opinion. Besides, if she said something, the blood pressure of the two old people might double.

She looked at the rigorous and beautiful lines on the ceiling, and suddenly felt a little dazed. The result of this battle shocked everyone present, including her. It will definitely shock the entire Federation later, even she doesn't know what the old people in the parliament and committees will think and how to deal with it. She only knows that those old people have lived a long time, and behind every decision, there are calculations as complicated as their annual rings.

The meeting was doomed to break up unhappy, and the conclusion was obvious, that is to defend first and wait for the high-level federation to decide on the next strategy. The elite 7th Marine Army was almost completely wiped out, Morgan's cumulative losses exceeded 200,000 people, and there were still at least 20,000 tanks in light years. On paper, its strength was already comparable to the current federal ground force. up. Now everyone knows that no one with the same military strength can defeat Chu Jungui.

In the end, Morgan decided to abandon the two forward bases and concentrate his forces to defend the main base and the two landing bases. The three bases form horns and can support each other. The little princess had no objection to this decision, that is, the 5000 pirate flag was withdrawn to 4500, and the equipment was left to Morgan.

After the meeting ended, Phil waited a little longer and walked with Hathaway. Watching the two generals walk away, Phil sighed and said, "Is that guy still human?"

"It's a man, a good man."

"Really?" Phil was taken aback and smiled wryly.

At this time, footsteps sounded behind him, and Kun walked quickly. Both Phil and the little princess frowned slightly, obviously showing an unwelcome attitude.

Kun stood in front of Phil, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile, "I've heard of you a long time ago, and this is the first time I've met you."

Phil didn't move, just looked at Kun like that, without any intention of reaching out.

Kun didn't feel embarrassed either, he looked at Phil calmly and calmly, his outstretched hand didn't tremble at all. After a full 10 seconds, Kun withdrew his hand, smiled unchanged, and said, "It seems that we will not be friends anymore."

Kun turned to Hathaway, but this time he took half a step back, put his hands on his chest, and bowed slightly, with full courtesy and inner respect, which was three points lower than the normal aristocratic etiquette.

After a salute, Kun didn't say much, and left with a smile.

Originally, Phil was still aloof and cold as ice, but now he suddenly lost his composure. He glared at Kun's leaving figure, and had the urge to make a move, but he finally suppressed it. It wasn't until Kun walked away that Phil took a deep breath and asked, "Why?!"

Differential treatment has always been a source of conflict.

It's just that Hathaway was also thinking about it, and after much deliberation, she couldn't understand why Kun would salute herself. The traditional etiquette among the federal nobles is actually very particular. The depth of Kun's etiquette is actually the etiquette for those with lower ranks to those with higher ranks in the same system. Although it is very similar to the etiquette between a man and a beautiful lady, Hathaway, who has been trained strictly since she was a child, can naturally see it, so she is puzzled. Phil grew up in the army since he was a child, and began to fight around as an adult, disdainful of traditional etiquette, so he couldn't see this subtle difference.

Hathaway felt that Kun's actions seemed to have deep meaning. He was unexpectedly confident in front of Phil, and treated Phil completely as an equal. who is phil That is the famous general who is in charge of the entire Lunar Legion, and his family is stronger than Kun's family. It is a bit reluctant for the elders of the Kun family to shake hands with Phil, let alone Kun? Even Hathaway's elder brother, who is going to build a new legion now, can be compared with Phil, and the status of the little princess is even worse.

Most of the time, things like family status are useless, but when needed, they are often the key factor. There is no reason to forcibly cross the class, and to some people it is an insult, similar to throwing a glove in the face of each other in the Middle Ages. If Kun raised his head again and looked at people with his nostrils, it would be equivalent to hitting people with sweaty gloves.

After getting angry, Phil seemed to have lost his composure, and apologized to the little princess: "Actually, I'm not that particular, but I've heard some things about him before, and I don't like it."

"Me too, and I don't understand why he is doing this."

"Forget it, leave him alone. Go back and rest, I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

Hathaway thought for a while and asked, "Do you want peace talks?"

Phil shook his head and said, "It's unlikely. We lost this battle too badly. If we talk about peace talks, those congressmen can't explain it to voters."

Phil and Hathaway separated at the intersection and returned to their respective bases.

An assault boat lifted off from the command center and staggered towards Bilinde's garrison. Kun hummed an unknown tune while flying in irregular curves. This world is lonely, but it seems lively. After growing up, there will be new troubles, and fewer and fewer people can understand themselves.

Kun is a principled person, respecting the strong, looking down on the weak and not arbitrarily bullying the weak, protecting his followers and fulfilling his duties.

There was a smile on Kun's mouth, it seemed that Phil and Hathaway didn't understand him.

The reason why he stood on an equal footing with Phil was because of the 4.99% stake in Lightyear, something he had and Phil didn't. When the news of this battle spreads, how much will Light Year's stock price rise? 300 will pass tomorrow, and 500 is not a dream. If you look at it from a long-term perspective...Kun quickly withdraws his thoughts, don't think too much, and he can't sell it, not even a share.

Phil's status is high, but there is a balance between power and wealth. Phil can command the moon wheel, but the moon wheel does not belong to him. Leaving that position, Phil is just an ordinary son of a big family, and his net worth may not be as much as Kun's. In terms of equality, Kun felt that he did not elevate himself in the slightest. What's more, if you look at it from a distance, this Phil is always on the opposite side of Chu Jungui, and it's not certain whether there will be an army like Moon Wheel in a while. By that time, what's left of Phil? Without the moon, his family will be slightly inferior to Kun's family from being stable.

Kun thinks this is the art of fighting. When the world is bad, he doesn't have to do anything, just watch his opponent die. As time goes by, you will find that your original opponents have fallen somewhere, and your own ranking will naturally rise. What is lying to win, this is it.

Kun looked at Hathaway with admiration. Among other things, this little princess was convinced by Kun only because of her thick face and dark heart. 5,000 people logged in without looking at others, and immediately withdrew 4,500 when they heard that the front was defeated? What do you want to do to keep these 500 people? Do you want to hurt your own morale?

The world is going downhill, people's hearts are not old, and now even good-looking people are shameless.

On the other hand, Kun respects the little princess from the bottom of his heart. Without it, 4.99 pays homage to 21.3.

The assault boat wobbled back to Bilinde's base amidst the melodious tune.

Chu Jungui is extremely troubled at this moment, deeply worried about the loss.

This battle was fought too hard for light years, and more than half of the 50,000 tanks were lost. Now there are only more than 21,000 tanks that can be used. The terrible thing is that the loss is not linear. After hitting the back, it gets higher and higher, and the curve gradually rises.

Brother Dao now only has 25% left, the wise man still has 55%, and Kaitian has 90% left. It can be said that the loss is heavy, and it will take several months to get back.

Chu Jungui discovered a problem. After hitting the middle and late stages, as the losses increased, the chariots controlled by Brother Dao and the chariot controlled by the wise man appeared chaotic and out of control to varying degrees. Brother Dao was especially obvious. At 40%, it almost becomes a random fight, basically pointing a direction and giving me the level of rushing. This kind of command is simply worse than that of the 7th Army.

Without the unified command of the Wu Clan behind the scenes, the battle beast would not move at all, or carry out an order to the end. This is the disadvantage of not having self-awareness. But it is even worse with self-awareness, and it is impossible to achieve command down to the level of a single tank.

It seems that brother Dao's psychological construction needs to be put on the agenda.

Another problem that gave Chu Jungui a headache was the captives.

This time the 7th Army was completely defeated, and Morgan's first wave of reinforcements was completely annihilated, allowing Chu Jungui to obtain the complete right to clean up the battlefield. The 7th Army is well-equipped. Each crew compartment of the tank is an independent rescue cabin. The armor is also a high-end cargo with strong rescue functions. Many tanks ignited a fire, and these crews cannot be burned until the fire is extinguished, that is, the ammunition is sacrificed. There is no escape from the explosion. This made the 7th Army's casualties account for the majority of the wounded, with more minor injuries than serious injuries.

The 7th Army lost a total of 50,000 people this time, only 6,000 were killed in battle, and the rest became prisoners. However, among the 44,000 captives, there were 39,000 wounded, which shows bravery.

In contrast, only 60 of Morgan's 50,000 people were killed in battle, and the rest were prisoners.

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