God is Coming

Chapter 878 Let's Talk!

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Morgan is gone, but Phil is still there.

Morgan's main base needs three shots to penetrate, and Phil's small landing base is enough for at most two shots.

While Chu Jungui was rushing to manufacture the energy lens, he mobilized production capacity to mass-produce alpha core crystals. The power of the final giant cannon was rounded up to the level of the main gun of a capital ship. According to industry practice, a gun of this level must be respected, and it must always be given a prominent name.

Naming has always been the weak point of the test subjects, and it is also the weak point of Wuzu and Li Xinyi.

Li Xuanben was originally very talented, but after being hit repeatedly, he entered the mode of listening but not talking, obviously in a deep self-doubt mood. And if the Le Mans guy had an idea, he would probably name it a Le Mans XX cannon after his own name. He's not a narcissist by nature, but with the precedent of Le Mans crystals and the growing scarcity of hair, he's always thinking about naming something after himself.

Thinking of naming, Chu Jungui activated the art component and the metaphysics component. As a result, the art component was sad for the dead, and the metaphysics was citing scriptures, and finally made an anode destroying the world cannon. The two components were both shut down within a minute after they went online.

With the idea that talking is better than nothing, Chu Jungui activated tactical deception, and got four words: a small cannon.

With a snap, Tactical Deception had its first taste of being cut off.

In the end, Mr. Chu decided to name it according to the custom of the Federation. In the federation, capital ships and main equipment will be named after the main gods in the mythology of the mother planet, so Chu Jungui directly chose a type of Queen of the Underworld. The reason for using the Federation's habit is that the main market in Light Years will be in the Federation in the future, and this gun will inevitably be sold to the Federation.

The main gun of a standard capital ship of the current mainstream level is about 50 billion. Although the overall performance of the Minghou type is only half of the mainstream level, the cost of Chu Jungui is capped at 2 billion, even if it is only sold for 20 billion. Can make some money.

As for the Dynasty's market, because Xu's family is a giant in the military industry, Chu Jungui doesn't think about it for the time being, and he can't get in anyway.

At this time, the entire light year was running at full speed, and hundreds of task progress bars were added to Chu Jungui's consciousness, including more than a dozen core tasks. The spare parts of the Hades will be produced within 6 days, 2 days for assembly, 1 day for debugging, and 2 more days for installing it on the mobile chassis.

In addition, there are also a lot of supporting equipment for the Queen of Hades. Just to use the ark to load the giant energy storage cabin requires 4, that is to say, once the Queen of Hades moves, four Arks must be followed as batteries, and then these batteries will also be used. Only enough for her to fire two shots. Of course, two shots are enough for Phil to drink a pot.

In actual combat, of course, we can’t just fire two cannonballs, but to charge these four energy storage chambers, we need eight arks full of power furnaces, and the total power needs to be 200 million kilowatts to be barely enough. The Queen's Cannon is not completely indestructible, and it also needs maintenance. This has to be two arks. And the various personnel on these arks cost at least a thousand or eight hundred, so we have to get three living arks that can be used as mobile barracks...

When planning these, Chu Jungui came up with a sentence in his mind: children and grandchildren are infinitely scarce...

It’s only a part of getting the Queen of the Dead. After the Morgan base is taken down, there are only 12,000 chariots left, and they have to be replenished as soon as possible; tens of millions of shells have to be re-produced, and Morgan’s base needs to be dismantled and packaged. It has to be recorded and reverse cracked as much as possible, and it can't be reinvented like when the 7th Army was destroyed.

Adding all these miscellaneous things together, in a blink of an eye, the newly built base doesn't even have enough energy. After laying down the Morgan base, Chu Jungui immediately sent an engineering convoy consisting of more than a dozen arks to build a new energy base 3,000 kilometers southwest.

Chu Jungui did not forget that Morgan also had the ability to drop spaceships from the sky.

From the very beginning, the new energy base will be built high and high, and the scale will be 1.5 times that of the existing base. In the worst case, the existing base may be taken away by Morgan's antimatter bomb, and then the new base will be seamlessly connected and directly on top.

When the No. 2 energy base is completed, the light-year energy supply will be almost the same as that of the entire parent star at the turn of the last millennium.

In the blink of an eye, 10 days passed, and there was a rare calm.

Phil strictly defended himself, and the defense facilities of the base were increasing every day. It seemed that he didn't want to be compared with Mr. Chu in terms of repairing the fort. Chu Jungui saw Phil's efforts, and there was only one comment on this, the kid was a little naive.

In the past 10 days, Chu Jungui's main resources have been poured into the underworld cannon, which means that one or two thousand chariots have been added. Even if more chariots can be built now, there are no combat beasts to drive them. Brother Dao is now only in and out, and he is focusing on increasing the base number, and his weight is slowly increasing exponentially.

And after the destruction of the Morgan base, Phil still stayed where he was, so he must have a way to deal with it. Don't forget that there is also a huge Federation fleet parked in orbit. Chu Jungui concluded that if he only used chariots to pile up piles like he did when he beat Morgan, he might suffer a big loss.

At that time, Chu Jungui's attack on Morgan was not a whim, but he discovered through the extraordinary creature that Morgan wanted to make a time difference. He thought that after annihilating the 7th Army, Chu Jungui would not be able to fight again in a short time, so he seized the time to attack most of the forts in the base. It has been strengthened and renovated, and a large number of forts and fortifications have been newly built, almost turning the entire base into a large construction site. This also creates a large number of defense holes. But as long as Morgan is given another two or three days, after most of the projects are completed, the defense strength of the base will rise to a higher level.

Of course, Chu Jungui would not give Morgan time. He took out most of the first 24 hours to supplement the chariot, then squeezed the last potential of Brother Dao and the wise man, directly raided Morgan's base, and defeated the opponent with his life. Only with the will, did he win the large base of 200,000 people in one fell swoop.

And Phil is ready to fight now, so there will be no similar good things.

But Chu Jungui is not in a hurry now, when he shows up in front of Phil with the Empress Dowager, he will let Phil know what a fucking surprise is.

Waiting for the battle, fortified and so on, things like Ming Hou Pao are my favorite. If it's not thick enough, you won't feel it when you push it.

These 10 days have been busy and there is no time to stop. Chu Jungui likes to be busy very much. When he is busy, he will be productive, and when he is busy, he will gain something. When he is busy, he will not have to think about some things, and he will not have to face some things...

"Let's talk!" Lin Xi blocked his way with a calm face.

The political component expresses its thoughts in a timely and serious manner: "Under the calm appearance of everything, there is a storm hidden..."

Snapped! Chu Jungui cut off its power supply.

"I'm very busy now..." Chu Jungui wanted to show dozens of progress bars on his personal terminal, but seeing Lin Xi's expression, he silently gave up struggling and followed Lin Xi out of the command base.

Lin Xi remained silent until he walked out of the gate of the command base. His pace was neither fast nor slow. If he had to use one word to describe his pace at this moment, it would be panting and tormenting.

Tactical Deceit felt that he had the responsibility to save the world, and said: "Her calmness is just a disguise, but it only takes one sentence to reverse the situation! To be precise, three..."

Snapped! Tactical deception power outage. It only had time to use the last remaining electricity to shout a word: "Wrong..."

When you leave the gate of the command center, you will see a dusty but lively base, with various heavy-duty vehicles and construction vehicles roaring back and forth, and large and small working beasts and fighting beasts shuttling back and forth, just like the set of a space horror movie.

Lin Xi walked aimlessly, not knowing where he was going, and remained silent. Chu Jungui followed her and realized for the first time what it meant to live like a year. The road under your feet doesn't seem long, but you don't know when it will come to an end.

The two walked out of a complicated S-shaped trajectory, and were about to walk around half of the base. Finally, Chu Jungui couldn't help but speak first, and called out: "Lin Xi..."

"Wait, I haven't figured it out yet."

Lin Xi stopped and raised her head. In front of her, there was a cannon like a hill, on which countless engineers and work animals climbed up and down, densely packed.

She sighed softly and said, "Jun Gui, after seeing this, I realized how difficult it was for you in the past. During the most difficult time, I was not by your side. I just came now, Does it look like someone who... came to pick peaches?"

Chu Jungui said calmly: "No one wants to pick this peach, right? If you are not careful, it will rot in your hands. As long as the Federation can make up its mind, it will not be difficult to uproot us. Now I can only let the Federation do so as much as possible. The cost becomes greater and makes them as uncomfortable as possible.”

"Then this time I'm not icing on the cake, but giving charcoal in the snow?"

"Of course!" Chu Jungui answered without hesitation.

Lin Xi looked at him, with a half-hearted smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Then what is Hathaway, going through the difficult times together?"

Chu Jungui suddenly had an extremely dangerous premonition.

Chu Jungui had a clear understanding in his heart. At the moment of life and death, one cannot get away with it by retreating or avoiding. A true warrior always faces life and death!

He said frankly: "During that time, I did some things with her, and I also cooperated with her a few times. The process and results were not bad."

Lin Xi looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "You are very frank!"

"It's the truth, everyone knows it, and there's nothing to hide."

Lin Xi was inexplicably happy, but felt that something was wrong.

She thought about it, but at this moment, her thinking seemed to be several beats slower, and she couldn't understand anything. She collected herself and said, "Okay, we..."

Chu Jungui waited for a long time, but did not wait for the next sentence. He looked at Lin Xi suspiciously, but found that she had a strange expression, her mouth was opening and closing, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything.

Finally, Lin Xi exhausted all his strength to say a few words: "...I, we...we...we..."

She just got stuck.

At this moment, the storm clouds suddenly became violent, and the huge figure was looming, and said to Chu Jun: "The orbital strike is coming!"

Chu Jungui jumped up instinctively, flew away in an instant, and gave hundreds of orders in an instant.

Among the countless orders, there is a faint voice of metaphysics components: "The old man said long ago that this time, the danger will be turned into good luck!"

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