God is Coming

Chapter 879 Still Negotiating?

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In orbit, three modified landing ships lined up, gradually accelerated, and rushed towards the storm clouds. The storm clouds in front of them seemed to have sensed it, protruding like a plateau, and a large number of lightning shot into the outer space.

In the orbital flagship, Morgan and Chrysler stood side by side, looking out the window. At different positions on the track, Kun and Hathaway are also watching. Only Phil is still on the surface of the planet. Hathaway persuaded him, but he didn't listen. As for Kun, of course he wouldn't even try to persuade him. Kun had already given Phil a chance to shake hands, but Phil didn't grasp it.

The three landing ships gradually approached the storm clouds, and the admiral was a little nervous. Chrysler also frowned slightly, feeling faintly uneasy. Compared with the initial orbital strike, these three landing ships have all been strengthened and refitted, fully able to withstand the blows of the storm clouds, and will never burn out midway.

As the landing ship approached, the changes in the storm clouds became more and more obvious, and a volcanic bulge appeared, extending straight towards the landing ship that was rushing down. The crater continuously spewed thousands of kilometers of lightning, which slammed down on the landing ship.

Chrysler frowned slightly and said, "How does this storm cloud seem to be alive?"

Morgan also frowned, saying: "It wasn't like this before. But it doesn't matter, I can stop it."

The three landing ships lined up, rushed into the storm clouds one after another, and disappeared.

They had just submerged into the storm clouds, when a strong light suddenly lit up in the clouds, instantly lighting up a huge area with a radius of thousands of kilometers! The strong light flashed three times in a row, and then a small bulge appeared in the storm cloud layer, and then the top broke, and a little light overflowed, and then fell silent.

The storm clouds returned to calm, as if nothing had happened. There was also silence in the command center of the orbiting flagship. The two generals looked at me and I looked at you, but neither of them knew what to say.

Nothing happened.

Nothing happened?

The two generals waited for a full 10 minutes, and the storm clouds in front of them remained silent. The power of antimatter bombs far exceeds that of nuclear explosions. The first two blows directly caused the storm clouds to bulge up like a mountain.

Morgan finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned on the communication channel, and asked, "Have you detected anything?"

"Nothing unusual, General. Radiation, magnetic field, shock waves are all normal."

Morgan slowly cut off the communication channel, everything was normal but not normal, which meant that none of the antimatter bombs on the three landing ships detonated, or they might have disappeared directly into the storm clouds. But now all the advanced reconnaissance planes have been destroyed, and they have no means to directly detect the situation of the new base, not to mention entering the light-year control area, and now they dare not even leave the base, so they can only rely on the indirect means of monitoring the magnetic field shock waves .

It stands to reason that an explosion of an antimatter bomb can be monitored by the entire planet, so how could there be no reaction at all?

At this moment, Chu Jungui looked up at the sky and sighed: "It's a loss!"

Only the core was completed, and the afterlife cannon that hadn't had time to install the shell was slowly lowering back to its original position. The momentum of this big guy with a total length of more than 200 meters is quite amazing when it is erected. When the guns were actually fired, there was nothing amazing, that is, the world was completely white, and nothing could be seen.

At this moment, a big irregular hole appeared in the storm cloud layer, and it could be vaguely seen that it was the superposition of three circles, which were rapidly closing. Then pieces of burning debris fell from the storm clouds, like a meteor shower.

After being reminded by the transcendent life, Chu Jungui immediately activated the underworld cannon that had not yet been fully completed. With the help of the transcendent creature's vision sharing, he locked the three falling landing ships. hair.

However, Chu Jungui far underestimated the power of the Empress Dowager Cannon, and the landing ship melted instantly like cotton candy roasted by a spray gun. The leading landing ship separated directly in the center, and the aftermath also cut off a side of the following landing ship. The second shot also pierced through the second and third ships, and when the third shot fired, it basically missed, almost piercing through the storm clouds.

The storm clouds are actually not that fragile. The first two shots of the Queen of the Dead have already penetrated two-thirds of the way, so only the third shot can penetrate the storm clouds. At the same time, in order to make it easier to aim and not affect the power, the transcendent life has greatly suppressed the activities of the storm clouds in this area, which also indirectly contributed to the performance of the afterlife.

The life of the energy lens is limited, and it can fire more than 30 shots, so firing one more shot is a huge waste. This is what Chu Jungui feels distressed about. It would take ten days to remake an energy lens, and the miscellaneous costs would be at least seven or eight hundred million. If such a lens can be used until it is scrapped, it is probably just barely knocking out a 7th Army, and it is not very powerful.

After this round of orbital attack is defeated, it must be quiet for a while. Before investigating why the attack did not work, the Federation should not make any new attacks for the time being. After all, a landing ship that can penetrate storm clouds is definitely not cheap, and antimatter bombs are not cheap, and the cost of each is equivalent to a heavy cruiser. Morgan wants to take out three landing ships at once, and he has to weigh them carefully.

But temporary security is not permanent security, and Chu Jungui's base can't escape, and the storm clouds have proved to be no longer foolproof, so it is necessary to deploy sufficiently powerful anti-aircraft weapons.

Chu Jungui quickly formed a new plan, starting to build two smaller energy lenses. The diameter of the new energy lens is only half of that of the Minghou type. In the end, two beams that are stronger than ordinary heavy cruisers and heavy guns will be built. The cannon is a bit worse than the champion knight.

It will be much faster to build two new cannons, one can be completed in seven days, and one cannon can also be reimbursed for a landing ship. With these two cannons guarding the new base, unless Morgan throws seven or eight landing ships down in one go, otherwise Don't even think about landing one.

According to federal practice, this kind of main gun that surpasses ordinary heavy cruisers must also have a name. Fortunately, there is the first type of Queen of the Underworld, so it is not very difficult to name it this time, just call it Princess of the Underworld. In the future, if you create a few more powerful ones, you can also name them Maid of the Underworld.

As for where the men in the underworld have gone, this is not an issue to consider right now.

After arranging the production of the two Underworld Princesses, Chu Jungui finally breathed a sigh of relief. Surprisingly, Lin Xi didn't come to him. This made Chu Jungui rejoice that he escaped from birth, but also always felt that the sword hanging above his head did not fall.

Being busy is the only good way to solve troubles.

Chu Jungui was about to find some work for himself, when he received a message that the captives in the new base had mutinied.

Most of the more than 300,000 captives were transported to a temporary camp 100 kilometers away to the south, where they will build a new base and their own prison. The scale of the mutiny was not small. A total of more than 3,000 people mutinied and robbed some weapons and tools. A dozen of Light Year Warriors were killed, hundreds were injured, and another 300 were taken hostage.

Most of the mutinies were members of the 7th Army. They were wounded and captured, and most of them were still not very convinced. After all, they had not suffered any losses in the regular battlefield.

When Chu Jungui received the news, he immediately dispatched a 3,000-strong army and 2,000 chariots to suppress it. This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise once all the more than 300,000 captives mutiny, it will become extremely difficult, and Chu Jungui can't kill them all.

On the way, Chu Jungui had read all the information. The mutineers occupied the factories and warehouses of the new base and built temporary fortifications, and the Lightyear Warriors were also in the factories.

The suppression force moved quickly. It took only an hour to reach the captive camp by ark.

There are more than 200,000 new captives in the captive camp, and they have been transferred 10 kilometers away, guarded by two arks, 200 soldiers, and dozens of chariots. This power is really too weak. Once the prisoners blow up the camp, the guarding power will be overwhelmed immediately.

When Chu Jungui arrived, Lin Xi and others also came from different directions. A light-year military officer is reporting on the latest situation.

This time Chu Jungui was also careless, and did not send Kaitian wise men over. Wilson, Li Xinyi and others stayed by his side, but Li Xuancheng could not be assured of appointment. The war has just ended, the Wu Clan is going to grow again, Li Xinyi is going to lead the research and development, Wilson is going to reorganize the troops, and Chu Jun has no one available for a while. So a former federal colonel was sent to lead 1,000 people to take charge of the matter.

Planet 4 has a special terrain and is naturally a big prison with no way out, so the simplest and most effective way to imprison is to strip it naked and stuff it in an oxygen room. But this time the captives had to build the base by themselves before issuing the battle armor. Of course, the bottom-level control authority of all the battle armor was in Chu Jungui's hands. That's why Chu Jungui felt that 1,000 guards were enough, but unexpectedly there was a mutiny.

Chu Jungui ordered the troops to disperse, surrounded the factories and warehouses first, and then consulted the information recorded by some working beasts in the original warehouses who pretended to be dead. Upon seeing it, Chu Jungui's expression immediately darkened.

The factory is also one of Lightyear's core secrets. All the equipment in it is the product of complete planetary localization after two or three improvements, and its efficiency has greatly increased. At this moment, the hostages are gathered in a corner and guarded, that's all. But the soldiers who mutinied inside were not idle, they were actually dismantling the equipment, analyzing and recording it!

One of the power furnaces has been moved to the ground, and the shell is opened. Dozens of mutiny fighters are constantly scanning and recording data, and some people are analyzing the fuel used by the power furnace. Everyone was working in silence, with only occasional conversations. The situation of a few people is very special. They do not do anything or participate in the discussion, but just look at the data silently.

Chu Jungui's eyes were extremely cold. These guys may think that others don't know what they are doing, but Chu Jungui knows that they are memorizing the data and storing the recorded data in some unknown place. They may have a particularly developed brain area, or they may have a hidden chip in a certain part of the body. In short, the data they have read will be recorded, and it is not easy to be searched.

These guys are spying on secrets in a mutiny way? This operation is somewhat commendable!

At this moment, an officer came out of the factory, raised his hands, and said, "I am in command of this operation! I want to negotiate!"

Still negotiating? Chu Jungui sneered in his heart.

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