God is Coming

Chapter 880

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This is a middle-aged man, strong and resolute. According to the battle armor data, he still has 11 unhealed injuries and more than 30 old injuries all over his body. Obviously, this is a man who has experienced many battles.

His voice was calm and slightly slow: "I am Major General James of the 7th Marine Corps. I think it is necessary to talk to you about the treatment and placement of prisoners. I respect your achievements on the battlefield, I also understand the harsh conditions here, but the captive issue..."

Chu Jungui interrupted him directly, saying: "There is no need to talk."

James looked angry and shouted: "I hope you can understand that I have controlled the scale of the incident!"

"I know, but no matter how you talk about it, you and your subordinates who participated in the mutiny can only stay here forever. When you negotiate the terms of the armistice with the Federation in the future, you will also be removed from the list."

"You are blatantly violating the treaty of war!"

Chu Jun Guidan said: "Those people inside have only memorized 30% of the data, right? If you want to crack and record all of them, it will take another hour. If you get angry now, it won't buy you much time."

James was taken aback. He had obviously checked all corners to make sure there were no monitoring equipment before he did it. It's just that he didn't expect Chu Jungui to come so soon. What exactly went wrong?

Chu Jungui looked at the time and said, "There are still 3412 people inside, including you 3413. You still have 5 minutes, if you don't surrender after 5 minutes, then every minute, I will Randomly select 100 people and cut off their armor life support system."

"You..." James was furious, as if he wanted to pounce on him desperately, but forcibly held back.

Chu Jungui reminded: "You'd better not test whether what I said is effective. The result of one test is 100 lives. I will count all these lives on your head. Oh, by the way, when you draw randomly, you will also be killed." In it, so, good luck. Now the countdown begins."

"Don't forget, you still have hostages in my hands!!"

Chu Jungui said: "Don't forget, they were also your comrades in arms before."

James didn't expect Chu Jungui to be so tough, and he didn't intend to give in at all. He changed his mind and said, "Then you don't intend to kill the hostage?"

The life support system of the battle armor was cut off, and the people inside could still live for a few minutes, which was enough to kill all the hostages.

Chu Jungui was unmoved, and said: "You are the ones who mutinied, and you are the ones who want to kill the hostages. If you dare to take a hostage, even after the war, I will go to the Federation to investigate your war crimes. I know you are not afraid of death , but dragging thousands of people to die with you is not bravery."

When James was about to say something, Chu Jungui reminded: "There is still one minute."

Next, this minute was spent in a stalemate. When the time came, there was a sudden exclamation in the factory, and two guards at the top suddenly grabbed their throats, struggling in pain. One of them couldn't help it, and pulled off his helmet. However, the consequence of being exposed to the atmosphere of planet 4 was that what he inhaled was not air, but fire! The atmosphere of Planet 4 instantly burned his respiratory tract and fragile lungs, and at the same time caused his facial muscles to collapse. His eyeballs had long been corroded into two pools of pus, and finally his entire face was melting!

Such a tragedy shocked James, who had expected it for a long time. His face twitched, his hands trembling slightly.

The fighters who were randomly drawn never dared to take off their helmets, but the energy of the armor was cut off, and the air was only left in the helmet, which was not enough for two breaths. Without power, this armor weighing three to four hundred kilograms has become a living shackle, and it can only struggle to move.

The soldiers of the 7th Army have been battle-tested. Although they were not in a panic, someone next to them connected the life support system of their armor to the armor of their companions and urgently injected air. This stabilized the situation.

Yet another minute passed.

The addition of a hundred people caused even greater confusion, and the mutiny fighters all knew the conditions proposed by Chu Jungui. If this continues, the entire army will inevitably be wiped out. Immediately, someone shouted: "The left and right are dead, fight with them! Kill the hostages first!"

But then several people stopped him and said, "What do you want to do? We didn't intend to kill the hostages!"

"I can't survive anymore, don't work hard, what are you waiting for, wait until he shuts down all of our armors?!"

Another minute passed.

Chu Jungui projected two figures in front of James, one was a soldier whose energy had been cut off, and the other was a person who had been judged dead.

The former is 300, and the latter number was originally zero, but it suddenly started to jump and increased rapidly. At this time, the previous number jumped to 400 again.

Seeing that the number of dead people rose rapidly, and it was about to exceed 100 in a blink of an eye, James roared in pain: "Surrender! I surrender! Quickly open their armor!!"

With a thought of Chu Jungui, all the warriors' battle armor regained their energy. But still a dozen people did not make it through the final seconds when the air was restored. The death toll was eventually fixed at 102.

Chu Jungui put away the projector and said, "It's not bad. If we attacked by force, probably no one would survive. James, remember, these 102 people died at your hands!"

There was fire in James' eyes, but in the end nothing could be done.

After a while, the hostages were released, the wounded began to be treated, and the corpses were divided into two piles, with the mutiny and the guards on one side. The placement is naturally different. The corpses of the guards are all placed in special alloy coffins, and the mutinies are randomly thrown into a pile.

After a while, more than 200,000 prisoners who were guarded in the distance were transported back and gathered in the open space. James' image was magnified and projected in the air, and Chu Jungui's voice rang in everyone's ears: "This man named James thought he was a hero, and single-handedly caused a mutiny, killing more than a hundred of our guards." , He also killed 102 brothers of the 7th Army. He also killed all the people who participated in the mutiny. I declare that even if the war ends, the people who participated in the mutiny will not be released. There is no room for negotiation on this matter! Finally, this The hero also cheated all the people of the 7th Army. From now on, the treatment of the prisoners of the 7th Army will be halved, the ransom will be doubled, and the release conditions will also be doubled!"

The prisoners were in an uproar, and many prisoners of the Seventh Army stood up, roaring angrily, as if they were going to blow up the camp. Morgan's troops, on the other hand, were very quiet, keeping a distance from the 7th Army.

Chu Jungui said again: "I don't object to people wanting to be heroes, and I can see that there are still many people who want to be heroes. Anyone who still wants to be a hero can stand up now, which can be regarded as a mutiny. But I will explain in advance One point, from now on, all mutinies will be sentenced to death!"

Sure enough, a few people stood up. This kind of person is called a brave person in the eyes of the Seventh Army, and is called a stab head in the dictionary of Light Years.

Chu Jungui cut off their battle armor energy without hesitation.

Two minutes later, in front of all the prisoners of war, there were several corpses that fell to the ground in pain.

All the prisoners of the 7th Army were furious, but no one stood up to provoke again. Chu Jungui took advantage of the situation and announced that all the prisoners of war of the 7th Army would be turned into coolies, and began to arrange a lot of heavy physical work. The 200,000 Morgan prisoners of war faced many choices. The first was the recruitment of combat troops, the second was the recruitment of technicians and engineers, and the third was the recruitment of internal guards. After serving as internal guards, they are responsible for assisting the light-year guards in guarding prisoners of war. Not only do they have some rights, but they also have considerable freedom, and they have many benefits such as ransom reduction, priority release, and improvement of living conditions.

Discriminatory treatment, this is Chu Jungui's plan early on, more than 200,000 captives cannot be monolithic, and the 7th Army is rebellious, even if they are prisoners, they don't take Morgan's troops seriously. Therefore, seeing that the 7th Army was unlucky, many Morgan troops were happy to see it succeed.

After forcefully suppressing the turmoil of the 7th Army, it was unexpected that the registration of the internal guards was extremely enthusiastic. There were more than 100,000 registrations for a mere 3,000 people. Almost two-thirds of Morgan's troops signed up. This is not just a registration, but also means that these people have a considerable sense of cooperation.

But what was really unexpected was that more than a thousand people applied for technicians and engineers, and nearly ten thousand people applied to join the Lightyear Combat Force!

This is not a temporary cooperation. Once registered, it means a complete farewell to the federal army. Originally, Chu Jungui threw out the first two plans as a cover, and he didn't expect anyone to actually sign up. After all, this war is different from the previous ones. With such a large number of prisoners of war, the Federation must find a way to return them, and it is impossible to just abandon them. In addition, the Morgan army is not the private army of the Morgan family. Most of them are out-and-out federal troops, the same as the 7th Army. It is impossible and dare not for the regular federal troops to openly abandon so many prisoners of war. Even if some senior generals want to do this, the federal congressmen will definitely eat them raw. Hundreds of thousands of fighters plus relatives and friends behind, that is 10 million votes, which cannot be ignored.

But since Chu Jungui's words have been released, naturally he will not take them back. There are so many people who are willing to jump into the fire pit of Light Years, which is not a big surprise. Chu Jungui is very curious, is his light year so popular now? Someone is willing to throw away their family property to vote?

Chu Jungui looked at himself, but he didn't see any kind of mastery that could make people vote thousands of miles away.

In the next few days, the recruitment, recruitment and work arrangement of prisoners took up most of Chu Jungui's time, especially for candidates who applied to join the combat force and technical support department, detailed information registration and background investigation had to be initiated. These are meticulous and trivial tasks, and Chu Jungui will randomly check the information regularly, and he is also very busy.

Busyness is the panacea for all troubles.

At the same time, Admiral Morgan was also troubled. He had just captured some special prisoners: a group of guys from the Dynasty who called themselves the Young Guards of the Media.

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