God is Coming

Chapter 882 Overcooked

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Phil never felt that he had a good temper, but he was able to restrain himself very well for big things. This kind of cultivation is a must for great people. However, temper is like liquid water, the total amount is fixed and cannot be compressed. Even if it is restrained here, it is still there and must be vented elsewhere.

In the past two days, Phil's temper has grown and he has nowhere to vent.

Earlier, the base detected abnormal vibrations. To be on the safe side, Phil sent an armed reconnaissance unit to the source of the shock wave to reconnaissance. This unit was very lucky to pass between the two patrol units of Light Year, and saw the truth of the shock wave: Light Year was building a new base.

The new base is only 900 kilometers away from Phil's landing base, and has already entered the edge of the base's reconnaissance range. A swift attack by the mixed forces will appear in front of the new base in less than a day. This is Phil's doorstep. Light Year is so blatant, he really doesn't take Phil seriously.

The information brought back by the reconnaissance unit was extremely detailed. Judging from the images taken, many people working in the base were wearing the armor of the 7th Marine Army, and their identities were determined to be prisoners of war of the 7th Army. Ten hours later, the second armed reconnaissance unit also brought back information. It was found on the video that three people were wearing the same armor. In other words, all 3 worked at least 10 hours.

Letting prisoners of war work is inherently inhumane and a flagrant violation of the war treaty, and that's all. What angered Phil the most was that Light Year ignored the reconnaissance convoy he sent, and didn't even bother to change the speed and trajectory of the reconnaissance convoy. The route goes away. As for the reconnaissance team coming back later, that is the business of the next patrol.

This kind of attitude and the way of building the base directly under Phil's nose is tantamount to saying to Phil: Sorry, you dare not go out of the city.

The officers of Yuelun have long been filled with righteous indignation, and they all clamored to send this video back to the Federation to denounce Light Year's atrocities.

Condemning the word felt very harsh to Phil.

There are still some soldiers from the former 7th Army in the base, most of them are logistics and support. Remnants of combat troops have been evacuated with Chrysler. After seeing the video, these former second-line fighters were all silent and did not act aggressively. They just exercised their bodies and maintained their weapons silently, but their murderous aura gradually became stronger.

Fighting incidents in the base suddenly increased. The fiasco of the 7th Army is the biggest topic recently, and everyone is discussing it. When the 7th Army first appeared on the stage, it was so powerful that no one cares about Morgan or the moon. Now that they have been defeated to the point where the entire army is almost annihilated, Morgan and Moon Warrior will inevitably gloat and say some strange things. Originally, the remnants of the 7th Army could bear it, but when they saw their captured comrades being forced to do hard labor, they no longer tolerated it. As long as someone dared to say something about the 7th Army in front of them, they would punch them, regardless of how many people were facing them.

There are many such incidents, and Phil also understands that this is the silent protest of more than 10,000 remnants of the 7th Army, protesting his behavior that he can't shrink back. In private, there are countless strange rumors circulating, all of which are similar to "the 7th Army dares to fight decisively with 60,000 people, and some people have 150,000 people but can't shrink back".

Originally, when Phil heard similar rumors, he just laughed it off and didn't take it to heart. It is true that your 7th Army dared to attack with 60,000 troops, but you also dared to wipe out the entire army!

But now that Chu Jungui has smashed the base in his face, if you listen to these rumors again, the taste will be different.

Now Phil still has no way to hit an antimatter bomb, and there are tens of thousands of federal prisoners in the base. When Morgan smashed Chu Jun back to the new base, he could still say that he didn't know there were federal prisoners there. Now that the intelligence images are in front of Phil, he can't even say that he doesn't know. And the captives are all from the 7th Army. He Phil dared to throw an anti-matter bomb in the past today, and the 7th Army would dare to bomb the camp tomorrow. Moreover, the 7th Army has a long history, and many military leaders have come out. If you can find a way to get tens of thousands of captives back from Jungui's hands, then the number of the 7th Army can still be kept. If there are no prisoners, there is a high probability that the number will be cancelled.

In the end, even if Phil smashes it desperately, there will definitely be a war crime waiting, and no one can protect him.

There are many such things, and Phil will always be unable to hold back. Whenever this happens, he will grab something and smash it on the window, roaring angrily. He, Phil, can be regarded as a famous general of a generation, but this Chu Jun is really deceiving people too much! Since Chu Jungui wanted him to go out of the city to fight, then he, Phil, dare not hold out!

"I won't leave the city, what can you do?!" This sentence has almost become Phil's mantra for the past two days.

When the new base was under construction, Mr. Chu came here for a day. The main function of this new base is to defend the fortress, and has no other functions. All construction tasks have been broken down and split among the heads of each captive. All building materials are ready-made, and the turrets, various factories, and energy stations are also finished products, which can be pulled to the designated location and placed on the ground.

Behind the new base is the barracks, where 2,000 tanks and two fighter planes are parked. After Chu Jungui arrived at the new base, the first thing he went to was the barracks, and then he and Li Xuancheng walked around the entire base.

This was the first time that Li Xuancheng was alone, but being placed in the front position seemed to be a conspiracy.

After looking at the entire base, before leaving, Chu Jungui said to Li Xuancheng: "This is not a place to die. Even if Phil hides in the base, he will not be safe. Forgive him and he will not dare to go out of the city. If he sends a small unit Troops come to harass you, don’t be polite, just eat it in one bite. If the federal army lands, put all the tanks on top, and then you can just withdraw.”

Li Xuancheng looked at the rows of stationary chariots, wisely he didn't ask any questions.

After explaining the defense, Chu Jungui left in a hurry, and there were still a lot of affairs waiting for him in the rear.

In the orbit of the planet, a large transport fleet has arrived, approaching the federation fleets and starting to replenish.

Hathaway was in the office of her flagship, busy with official duties. Even if the pirate flag is here to hold back, there are countless important affairs that need to be handled by her personally.

Just when he was in a hurry, Kun's call request appeared on the communication channel.

The little princess planned to cut it off directly, but thinking of Kun's unexpected performance at the last meeting, she hesitated for a while, and connected to the communication, wanting to hear what Kun had to say. Although Kun is a bit stupid, he is not really stupid. He knows that the little princess doesn't want to see him, and he won't talk to the little princess directly if there is no important matter.

The channel was connected, and Kun's image appeared in front of the little princess. He had a complicated face, looked at Hathaway with an expression of indescribable pain, hesitated to speak, and after a few times, Fang Youyou said: "There is an old saying in the dynasty, which is called raw rice and cooked rice. Now that such a long time has passed, this meal...is probably overcooked?"

The little princess was dumbfounded.

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