God is Coming

Chapter 883 Confidant

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Kun: "There is an old saying in the Dynasty that even a duck can fly when its mouth is called."

Kun: "There is an old saying in the dynasty, which says that the first to attack is the strong, and the second to attack will suffer."

Kun: "There is another old saying in the Dynasty: Reserved, you will let good opportunities slip through your fingers..."

"That's not the words of the dynasty!" The little princess finally couldn't bear it anymore. If he didn't interrupt, Kun didn't know how long he would talk and what he would say.

Hathaway looked murderous, stared at Kun, and said word by word: "What do you want to say?"

Seeing that the little princess had a murderous look, Kun finally got a little scared, shrank back, and said: "Actually, it's nothing, I just feel emotional, and I can't find anyone to talk about it. After thinking about it, in this galaxy, only you and me It's a confidant..."

"Get lost! Who is your bosom friend?" The little princess was so angry that she lost all her reserve.

Kun shrank back again, and said: "Of course you don't think so, but in my heart, only you are the genius who can stabilize me, and everyone else is mediocre, including that Phil, and it won't take long Maybe I won't see him."

Hathaway's heart trembled, this Kun, did he know something?

Her expression turned soft, and she asked, "Did you encounter any embarrassment?"

Kun finally waited for this sentence, and immediately began to pour bitter water: "There was a good opportunity in front of me, but in order to be able to get here, I pushed it back. Lost it! Alas!"

While sighing, Hathaway listened for half an hour, and finally understood what was going on. It turned out that Bilinde had just formed a secret army. Although there were only a few dozen people, the rank was extremely high, and the members were all lieutenant colonels. As the center of gravity of the younger generation than Linde, the youngest member of the presidium of the Red Crescent Society, and the great achievements of leading the entire presidium to make a fortune, Kun originally had a good chance to become the major general commander of this army.

It's a pity that Light Year's stock price plummeted some time ago, and everyone in the presidium suffered heavy losses. Two-thirds of the people were cut out, directly turning from a big profit to a big loss. Kunzi has great confidence in Light Year, but he can't explain to others where his confidence comes from. After listening for a long time, Hathaway finally understood that Kun actually didn't know why he had confidence in Light Year, he just had confidence.

As a result, most of Kun's accumulated favors were lost. Since then, Light Year has won successive battles on Planet 4, and Light Year's stock price has skyrocketed, making the younger elites of Bilinde heartbroken. In their hearts, the unearned money is naturally a loss, and of course this loss must be counted on Kun's head. Who told him that he didn't tell himself that he wanted to cover his position?

The pain of Takong far surpassed the pain of cutting flesh, and these people's feelings towards Kun changed from gratitude to hatred. So this secret army is getting farther and farther away from Kun.

Originally, Kun was only slightly regretful, after all, out of sight, out of mind, but the problem is that this team is now coming to N77, and the team is led by a person Kun least wants to see.

It turns out that a lot of dynasties are talking about Kun himself.

The little princess who was severely flashed angrily cut off the communication channel, interrupting Kun's self-pity. But after cutting off the channel, she suddenly remembered, why does Kun care so much about an army of only a few dozen people? What kind of army is this?

The little princess wanted to ask Kun, but after thinking about it, she felt that asking Kun at this time seemed too deliberate. It's best to wait half a day later, find an excuse to talk to Kun, and then inadvertently mention this army to test his tone.

In Hathaway's mind, this is actually not a big deal. Regardless of Bilinde or the Pirate Flag, all private legions like to form various special forces. Before that, there were more than a dozen special forces with various names of the Pirate Flag. , but combat effectiveness, that's all.

Bilinde is a military-military-industrial integration group. It not only builds special forces, but also equips them with specially developed equipment. Therefore, the overall combat power is much higher than that of ordinary special forces. But if you really want to put it on the battlefield, it will look like a dozen of five or six, and the larger the scale, the lower the value. After all, it is difficult to increase the number of special forces, and it is very expensive. The pirate flag currently has only 2,000 special forces, but the cost is more than 10 times that of ordinary troops. Bilinde's special forces cost 30 times more than ordinary troops, but their combat power is only 50% higher than that of the Jolly Roger.

What tricks can dozens of people pull out on the battlefield?

Although Kun seemed particularly disappointed, it proved that this army is not easy. On the other hand, Kun's vision and wisdom have always been questionable. So the little princess didn't take it too seriously.

Another thing that bothers the little princess is that Phil is so tolerant. Chu Jungui built the base up to the tip of his nose, and he didn't move at all. Even the detection range was reduced to 800 kilometers, just out of the patrol range of Chu Jungui's new base, clearly out of sight, out of mind, I can't see You don't exist.

In this way, half a month passed, and both sides lived in peace. Chu Jungui's new base was almost built, and there was no movement from Phil.

Although Li Xuancheng was on the front line, he didn't need to intervene in the construction of the base, and the troops didn't need to be mobilized. The 2,000 tanks seemed to be hibernating, and there was no movement. From morning to night every day, there was not even a request for instructions and reports that required him to nod, which made Li Xuancheng wonder if he was a fake base commander.

In the rear, the No. 2 new energy base has taken shape. The second batch of 12 energy columns has been completed, and the third batch of 48 energy columns has officially started. It is expected to be fully completed in 15 days. With the completion of the second batch of energy pillars, the energy of the entire base is already in a state of serious overflow, so 10 refining arks have been put in place, and the process of refining soil into steel and soil into food has officially begun.

On the No. 1 energy base, the production capacity has finally been officially full, with a single-day processing capacity of more than 4 million tons of raw materials, output of 1.5 million tons of various metals, 2 million tons of non-metallic materials, and 500,000 tons of waste building materials. Every day, more than 50 ultra-large manufacturing machines come off the production line and become part of the production line in the blink of an eye. These ultra-large manufacturing machines can print 4 tanks at a time, and the manufacturing time of a single batch is 2 hours.

Now the production capacity of light-year single-day tanks has exceeded 10,000. It's just that the chariot is quite late in the production sequence, and it has to give way to various important equipment, so the output is not high. However, after this period of time, Chu Jungui has saved another 80,000 vehicles. The reason why it didn't develop towards 100,000 is because Brother Dao couldn't cut so many slices.

Now the bottleneck of Light Years is Brother Dao.

A wise man has both mastermind and command functions, while Kaitian is more of a mastermind and slightly more commanding. Therefore, the number of wise slices is in the middle, and Kaitian is the least. There is an order of magnitude gap between the three fog tribes.

However, Chu Jungui reckoned that 80,000 chariots would be enough, and at most 10,000 chariots driven by humans would be added. What's more, it's different now than last time. When facing the 7th Army, Chu Jungui had nothing but chariots, but now there are not only tens of thousands more chariots, but also one queen of the underworld and three princesses of the underworld. Among them, the princess of the underworld is mainly used for air defense of the new base. However, through the construction of the new base, Chu Jungui has sent a clear signal to the Federation: I have a large number of Federation prisoners in each of my bases, and they will bomb them if they have the ability.

Mr. Chu does not believe that the Federation can still label more than 300,000 people treasonable?

Brother Dao at this moment has entered the third stage of Wusheng. Now his body is in a huge square container, which is divided into countless grids with a size of one cubic decimeter. Low-frequency vibration to help Dao brother digest.

And Le Mans is working on a 1 cubic centimeter micro-grid, which will soon be put into use. As for something called molecular grids, a project has been officially approved and pre-research has begun.

As long as Brother Dao is fed well, the organization of light years is unlimited. In Chu Jungui's words, problems that can be solved with quantity are not problems.

Due to the long period of quiet development, in the face of exponentially exploding production capacity, Chu Jungui seemed to be on the verge of finding nothing to do. He began to wonder if he should build another post-mortem cannon, crossfire or something.

Li Xuancheng was also a little annoyed, why didn't Phil come?

The test subject showed no signs of impatience. Facing the explosive production capacity, Chu Jungui did not waste a single iota. He is not qualified to waste. According to Chu Jungui's estimation, after the 7th Marine Army is wiped out, the next wave of federal reinforcements is likely to exceed 500,000 people, and the equipment will be on par with the 7th Marine Army. At the same time, orbital strikes will become a routine method, and various reconnaissance equipment will also be deployed to grassroots units. All in all, light years will not be dominant in quantity or quality.

But that's all the old calendar, and the current light year is built according to the standard of confronting 1 million federal troops head-on. If you give Chu Jungui a little more time, this standard can be raised. In the consciousness of the test subject, No. 3 and No. 4 energy bases have already been put on the agenda, which is equivalent to the energy output of 2 home planets.

Everyone knows that the peace at this time is temporary.

It didn't take long for the calm situation to be broken, and the war council held a temporary meeting with extraordinary efficiency, discussing and passing the proposal to expand the scale of the war in the N77 star field. There was an unprecedentedly fierce quarrel at this meeting, and both sides were at war with each other, refusing to give in to each other. If it weren't for most of the congressmen attending the meeting remotely, there might be the 10,086th parliamentary hand-to-hand combat in federal history.

The resolution passed at this meeting was unprecedentedly strict, but it also exposed the differences of the upper echelon towards the N77 star field to everyone. After the meeting, many big figures in the federal military more or less expressed their dissatisfaction with the war councilors. The expansion of the scale of the N77 war has reached the verge of danger. If it is further expanded, it will affect the layout of the longitudinal line.

Although the military was dissatisfied, on the second day after the proposal was passed, the Army's 3rd Army and 9th Army still embarked on the journey. They also set off together with a full squadron and 2 complete Marine Corps, totaling 20 Thousands of elites and 400,000 first-line fighters marched towards the N77 star field in mighty force.

At this moment, Chu Jungui is working hard to build the ability to confront the third 500,000 federal soldiers head-on.

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