God is Coming

Chapter 886 Know something

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This Crassus, does he know something? Looking at the layout of the Federation's military formation, Chu Jungui also fell into deep thought.

The federal army is mighty, with the 3rd Marine Corps at the vanguard and the 9th Marine Corps at the back. In the center is a hodgepodge of Morgan, Luna and ordinary Marine Corps. The pirate flags on both wings are stretched into two long lines. With the entire middle team. But the problem is that when the federal march is fully unfolded, the large army of nearly a million people will stretch to more than 100 kilometers, and if the forward is counted, it will be more than 200 kilometers. There are only 50,000 people on one side of the pirate flag, and the line of defense is a bit weak when it is stretched so long. But in any case, Crassus' intention to use the pirate flag to guard the two wings is already very obvious.

In the past few battles, including the defeat of the 7th Army, the Light Year Troops entered the battlefield directly from the two wings, which disrupted the formation of the Federation and dragged the battle into a melee. This time, Crassus should have a full understanding of the importance of the two wings, and he doesn't know whether he has full confidence in the combat power of the pirate flag, or simply wants the pirate flag to die. Looking at the two pirate flag defense lines advancing a hundred kilometers away from the main force in the middle, it is estimated that there are mostly early warning and cannon fodder.

Chu Jungui looked back at the endless sea of ​​chariots behind him, and fell into deep thought again. Did this Crassus really know something he shouldn't? Otherwise, how could they be so cooperative?

At this time, a picture of advancing to the base has appeared on a screen around Crassus, and the forward reconnaissance plane has arrived at the periphery of the base. The base was alarmed everywhere, and all the prisoners of war entered different buildings to take refuge according to the prompts of the armor.

Crassus also saw the prisoners entering the building, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "This is trying to force me to fight in the streets!"

An order was issued from the mobile command center, and the 6th Army in front suddenly dispatched thousands of chariots. With the cooperation of nearly a thousand assault boats, they accelerated their charge and headed straight for Chu Jungui's new base. And behind this army, nearly a hundred fighter planes rose again!

The surface of these fighters is covered with a thick special protective layer, which looks a bit clumsy, but they are real fighters, not ground-based assault boats. And under that clumsy appearance, all the real advanced fighters are hidden. Even if the load is too heavy due to the harsh environment of the defense against planet 4, the performance is at least not inferior to the light-year fighters.

This vanguard quickly opened a distance of hundreds of kilometers from the main force of the 6th Army, and went straight to the base. In terms of troop strength, they are twice as many as the known defenders of the base. Of course, combat power is two different things. On paper, the combat power of this army is probably three or four times higher than that of the opponent.

Inside the base, a light-year fighter jet soared into the sky, piercing the sky like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath!

It ignored the torrent of armor rushing towards the federal army, and then saw the black assault boats and hundreds of federal fighters behind the assault boats!

The Lightyear Fighter turned around and walked away without delaying at all.

Li Xuancheng is not a fool, and he still has a lot of youth that he has not squandered, so he will die in vain. Besides, the order given to him is that when the troops directly under him are obviously outnumbered, they must retreat and not love to fight. Now Li Xuancheng's direct unit is the fighter plane under him.

The 2,000 light-year chariots finally moved, drove into the base, and fought street battles with the vanguard of the 6th Army under the cover of buildings filled with prisoners of war.

The main force of the Sixth Army stopped 30 kilometers away from the base. Although there were thousands of assault boats hovering in the air, they did not move. The main forces in the rear also slowed down, bypassing the bases that were fighting, and advancing in depth, and there was no intention of supporting them.

In this way, thousands of chariots launched a brutal war of attrition in the base. Both sides were determined to fight to the end, and they would not stop until the last chariot was hit. The final result was not unexpected. After 12 hours of hard fighting, the Federation, which had double advantages in quantity and quality, finally destroyed the last chariot in Light Years and occupied the base.

The federal army was still moving forward, and the 6th Marine Corps sent an armored infantry to receive the base and treat the prisoners of war.

Both Crassus and Chu Jungui were looking at the newly released battle data.

All 2,000 combat vehicles in Light Years were destroyed, and the loss of the 6th Marine Army was 570 vehicles plus 3 assault boats crashed, all due to mechanical failures.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with this number. The attacking side is overwhelmed by troops, and the more they hit the back, the more obvious their advantage, and the more disproportionate the casualties.

Among the dozens of screens around Crassus, one screen suddenly flashed, showing various high-level statistics. The hit rate of the light year tank is 69%, while the hit rate of the federal tank is 41%. But another set of data shows that Light Year needs to hit an average of 9 shots to kill a Federation tank, while the Federation tank only needs 3 shots.

This set of data began to have problems. The chariot styles of the two sides are the same. The light years are accurate, but the power and defense are poor. The hard indicators of the Federation are high, but the accuracy is relatively poor. But comparing with the previous data, we can see the difference. The Light Year Chariot is still highly accurate, and the hit rate in melee is unbelievably close to 70%. However, the federal tank's hit rate was only 20% before, but now it has jumped to 40% in one fell swoop. This gap is huge. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the battle loss ratio between Light Year and the Federation should be 2:1, but it turned out to be 4:1.

Chu Jungui also frowned slightly, did the Federation change to a new chariot, or was there some other reason?

Next comes casualties, 0 for Lightyear and 900 for Federation. On a screen in front of Crassus, several engineers in engineering armor were cutting open a destroyed light-year chariot. The core was a pool of flesh and blood, with no human form visible. As usual, they carefully sampled, sealed, and then put them into a special freezer, ready to be sent to the rear for inspection.

Crassus shook his head. Thousands of similar samples have been sent for inspection, and the reports are all the same, that is, ordinary animal tissue, whose genes have obviously been edited, but very crude and rough, similar to starfish in terms of life level , without any wisdom at all. The organs of thinking cannot be found in the entire body tissue, and the larger neurons are about the size of soybeans. What is this enough for? Even a mouse is smarter than a thing.

Human gene editing technology has been very developed. If necessary, it is possible to install wings, multiple tails, or erect ears, plus some strange parts. It is not a problem. What is the use of making a starfish?

But everyone knows that the secret of light years should be hidden in these biological tissues, but so far, no living samples have been obtained.

Deciphering this secret should be a matter for scientists, and Crassus did not struggle in this regard. He directly switched to the next item of data, the comparison of military expenditures.

"How much is the cost of a light-year bicycle?" Crassus asked casually, and then got the figure assessed by the Federation. Upon seeing this number, Crassus' smile disappeared a lot.

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