God is Coming

Chapter 887: Always Online

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The federation's official evaluation price for the Light Year Chariot is 900,000 units. Of course, this number is not based on brainstorming, but based on a comprehensive evaluation of the various parts, materials, and processing techniques of the chariot, and it must be obtained after actual combat. Power performance weighting corrections. On the other hand, the purchase price of a single combat vehicle from the Federation is more than 3 million, and the prices of command vehicles and support vehicles have to be doubled several times.

Calculated in this way, the light-year military loss in this battle was 1.8 billion, while the Federation's direct military loss was 1.5 billion. However, nearly a thousand people were killed or injured in the Federation, and the medical expenses and pensions alone cost more than 1 billion. Don’t forget that there are also three assault boats, which are high-end goods with a unit price of tens of millions, and the pensions of the crew are far higher than the average warrior. So the total loss of the Federation in this battle exceeded 3 billion. The additional loss in terms of light years is the base building and various facilities. Although most of the equipment was removed or blown up during the war, the main body of the building is still there. It's just that this kind of temporary assembled building is not very valuable, so the estimated value of the entire base is 500 million, and the light-year loss is about 2.5 billion.

Crassus tapped the armrest a few times with his fingers. From this perspective, he actually lost this battle? How can this be? With an absolute superiority of troops, the air and ground attacked together, and finally they fought like this. If the strength of the two sides is equal, wouldn't he be defeated?

Under the balance of power, Crassus has not lost a battle. The difference of 500 million is not very big, but it is a difference in nature.

He clicked on a communication channel and said, "Re-evaluate the cost of the light-year chariot."

Crassus didn't say high or low, just restarted the evaluation process. The officer in charge would naturally know that he had doubts about the assessed price and would revisit the whole process.

Three minutes later, the new evaluation result came out: 1.1 million.

Now it is 2.9 billion to 3 billion, and the gap has narrowed to 100 million. Crassus no longer entangled in this matter, after all, the rotten meat in the light-year chariot has not yet been counted.

At this moment, Chu Jungui is also evaluating the entire battle from multiple dimensions at the same time. The federal tanks and assault boats remained the same, and there were a hundred more fighters, but they did not join the battle. However, the result of the battle was very different, indicating that the opponent had indeed been changed. But just changing a commander can't explain such a big difference.

In this battle, the performance of the federal soldiers was far superior to that of the past. They were extremely calm and calm. This psychological quality is one level higher than that of the 7th Marine Army, let alone a unit like Morgan. Moreover, the cooperation between the combat units of the Federation is obviously more delicate and effective, which cannot be trained in ten days and half a month.

Judging from the information obtained, the strength of the 9th Army and the 7th Army of the Marine War that came this time is about the same, and the 6th Army is even weaker. However, in this limited-scale battle, the combat effectiveness of this army How much better than the 7th Army? In fact, the performance of bicycles is similar, but the overall combat power is much worse in battles with more than a thousand vehicles.

It's just that Chu Jungui didn't have the right to clean up the battlefield, he couldn't open the federal chariot to have a look, and he couldn't interrogate the crew inside.

But from the perspective of military expenditure, the result of this battle is actually not bad. Within light years, the cost of a chariot is only 50,000, which is the result of continuous upgrades. Even if the Federation's chariots are not equipped, they will cost upwards of 2 million, and those that can be used on planet 4 will probably cost 3 million. As for the fighting beast, the cost is almost zero. If it is barely calculated, it will only cost Brother Dao a little nutrition.

As for the composition of Brother Dao's special... food, if traced back to the source, 60% is soil, 39% is grass, and only 1% is fine ingredients. Seriously, it's cheaper than pig feed. This is not intentional abuse of Dao brother, but Le Mans has studied it, and Dao brother eats this to grow fast.

The cost of building materials is also very low, and the entire base is only about 10 million yuan. But Chu Jungui is also very distressed, after all, he has spent a solid 100 million with the car and the base.

But this time it was just a test. Both sides were testing each other's methods to pave the way for a real decisive battle.

After swallowing Chu Jungui's base, Crassus's army continued to advance, but the forward separated several fast troops composed of hundreds of tanks and assault boats to conduct reconnaissance in all directions, and at the same time released a large number of reconnaissance planes . The number of reconnaissance planes brought by Crassus this time is extremely large, hundreds of them are flying at a time, and they don't pay attention to stealth, just high speed and large volume.

Crassus's move was very effective. In just a few hours, he found out the surrounding area of ​​500 kilometers, but he still did not find Chu Jungui's whereabouts.

Chu Jungui was watching his opponent 1,900 kilometers away. As early as a few days ago, he had already cut off contact with the base. Even the traces left by the ark would last less than two days on planet 4.

However, Crassus was not in a hurry, and the army advanced slowly, advancing 800 to 1,000 kilometers a day like the Seventh Army. The difference is that his direction of advancement directly points to Chu Jungui's No. 1 energy base. Crassus did not directly use orbital strikes because he was concerned about prisoners of war. But such a large base does not mean that it can be deployed. Therefore, Crassus is very sure that the decisive battle will start at a certain point between himself and the No. 1 energy base.

The initiative of the decisive battle is still in the hands of Chu Jungui, which Crassus recognizes. It's just that after the decisive battle started, Lord Chu couldn't help returning.

At this moment, Chu Jungui was also lying in his exclusive command ark, and the low-temperature coolant was constantly sprayed on his body, and then turned into steam.

In Chu Jungui's consciousness, tens of thousands of units are constantly mobilizing to prepare for the final decisive battle. Meanwhile his gaze was still peering through the storm clouds, on the orbit. Above Crassus, there is always a huge fleet moving slowly with him. There are more than ten landing ships in the fleet, as well as a large number of transport ships that can penetrate the storm clouds. Even transcendent beings cannot see through what is hidden in those landing ships and transport ships.

At the same time, Chu Jungui was still calculating a crucial indicator: when the number of casualties reached, the federal troops would collapse.

According to previous data, when the moon has Phil, it is 60%, and when there is no Phil, it is 40%, which is considered super elite. 7th Marine Corps normal situation is 40%, when Chrysler personally commanded it was 55%. The difference between Morgan's troops is relatively large, 65% when the general is off, and 0.09% when the general is not...

Under normal circumstances, the threshold for the collapse of a large force would be significantly lower, and this federal army would probably retreat after 20% casualties. But his intuition told Chu Jungui that the situation seemed to be different this time.

During the entire thinking process, the metaphysics component was rarely online.

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