God is Coming

Chapter 888 The Art of War

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War came sooner than expected.

When Crassus further dispersed his forces on the third day, and hundreds of thousands of federal troops were distributed in a vast area of ​​300 kilometers from east to west and 250 kilometers from north to south, the earth began to shake continuously, and countless light-year troops attacked the federal troops from all directions.

Chu Jungui decided to fight early.

Crassus already knew the moment the light-year troop was dispatched. Although the means of reconnaissance are limited, the vibration of the ground is unavoidable. All the federal troops released began to shrink at almost the same time, and the two troops that had rushed too far were on the spot. Both of these troops have light-year troops rushing in front of them. Their timely defense allowed Light Year to either detour or destroy them before attacking the main force of the Federation. Regardless of the choice, Light Year's attack speed will be severely delayed.

The reaction of the federal troops was perfect. After the troops shrank, they changed their formation, leaving a series of deep passages leading to the center, shaped like a dried ginkgo leaf. If Light Year still followed the previous tactics of rushing into the interior regardless of everything and creating a melee, then he would naturally rush forward along the passage, but he would be hit by fierce firepower from both sides.

Countless light-year chariots appeared on the horizon, rushing towards the federal troops at high speed, and the densely packed artillery shells and missiles in the air fell into the federal army formation one step earlier. The explosions continued in an instant, and the dust and smoke covered everything, turning into hundreds of Kilometers, several kilometers wide smoke and dust belt.

Countless assault boats from the Federation side appeared, crossed their own line of defense, and pounced on the Light Year Chariot. The fire support boats in the rear also continuously poured artillery fire into the light year. The first round of firepower coverage by both sides, they can't wait to turn over tens of thousands of square kilometers of ground.

Crassus' fingers tapping on the armrest suddenly stopped before continuing. A line of dazzling red letters appeared on one screen. The firepower launched per light-year unit time and the total firepower delivered far deviated from the expected value, so much so that the highest level of warning was triggered.

"This battle is not easy to fight!" Crassus said to himself, he moved his body, put himself in the most comfortable position, and then the speed of thinking suddenly increased, from processing dozens of commands at the same time to processing data at the same time. Hundreds of commands!

The painting style of the federation's support assault boats changed suddenly, from a desperate bombardment to a group of several ships, with a rhythmic alternating bombardment, perfectly covering the small gaps in firepower, and the entire assault boat group became a huge machine. Out of the rhythm, out of the rhythm, out of the beauty.

The federal chariots on the ground also moved in unison, with an indescribable rhythm, like reeds swaying in the wind. The front-line federal chariots fought to the death, built a steel barrier, and firmly withstood the light years, forcing countless light-year chariots to pour into the reserved passage, like a torrent rushing along the canyon.

The mobile command center is busy and orderly, countless staff officers and commanders are desperately processing the data sent back from the front, breaking down and conveying orders. Hundreds of staff officers were almost so busy that they flew up, and different orders would hit them on their heads every moment.

Although they were too busy, they occasionally looked at the closed high platform behind the command center, their eyes were still full of awe and pride. They have all followed Crassus for a long time, and they know that the orders that make hundreds of people too busy to handle are actually from the one who is quietly lying on the high platform, and more orders even bypass them and are sent directly to the front line. combat unit.

Under Crassus' exquisite command, warfare has become an art, and countless combat units have become a whole. Since his comeback, the battles he personally commanded have always defeated opponents of comparable strength head-on at an astonishing speed, and the cost was surprisingly small. He is like the most shrewd chess player, any slight mistake of the opponent will be caught by him, gradually enlarged, and finally turned into an overall defeat.

This is Crassus, and these staff members are convinced that since his comeback, human warfare will change accordingly. Even if they encountered an unprecedentedly strong opponent today, they firmly believed that Crassus would win the final victory. In fact, on the way to the throne, the stronger the opponent you meet, the brighter the crown on the throne will be.

Crassus did meet an opponent, and it was an opponent who did not play cards according to common sense. Not long after the fierce battle started, Crassus discovered that he was not superior in numbers, nor in firepower!

At this moment, several strange arks have sailed 150 kilometers away from the battlefield. They are shaped like rectangular matchboxes, but with a rapid-fire cannon placed at the head and tail, they are completely different from those hedgehog-like fire support arks. As soon as these arks entered the position, the top opened, and there were two silos of 100*100!

20,000 missiles soared into the sky, turned into dark clouds, and flew towards the battlefield at high speed!

These missiles exploded over the battlefield, throwing out hundreds of alloy armor-piercing rods, and falling towards the federal tanks on the ground!

As soon as a federal tank fired a shot, an armor-piercing rod fell from the air, directly piercing the tank turret, all the way to the end. There was a flash of light inside the chariot, and then the top cover collapsed, spewing out a burst of fire!

There were also light-year chariots nearby, one of which was unlucky and was hit by an armor-piercing pole. Ark's missile strikes do not distinguish between friend and foe. With a bang, a large piece of armor was blown off the top of the tank, and the armor-piercing rod turned into a mass of metal, embedded on the top of the tank. Under this terrifying blow, the top of the light-year chariot was cut off a large piece, but it was still fighting.

The federal soldiers who saw this scene were stunned, and then they realized that even the top armor of Light Year was specially thickened! How afraid of death is this?

The coverage area of ​​the light-year missile is extremely large. Dozens of missiles can cover a square kilometer. After dozens of Arks are launched in turn, the strike range covers thousands of square kilometers, covering almost one-tenth of the battlefield.

After a round of missile coverage, Crassus found that his tanks were two thousand less. This is because the density of armor-piercing rods is not high, and the quality of the federal tanks is also excellent. If it does not hit a weak spot, it can continue to fight after being hit by one or two armor-piercing rods. However, the target of the missile is not just the tank. The assault boat cannot withstand the bombardment of the armor-piercing pole, and more than 300 vehicles were lost after one round of coverage. Even though Crassus was well-informed, he couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken.

While directing the support assault boat to cover it with firepower, he snorted and said to himself: "I see you can come a few more times!!"

What even Crassus didn't expect was that Chu Jungui may not have much else in his hands, but there are many low-tech products such as Ark missiles that have no accuracy or technical content, and only need production capacity. So with the same firepower coverage, Chu Jungui came again 9 times.

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