God is Coming

Chapter 890: Creating Chaos

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As Crassus put 1,000 fire support boats belonging to the Ninth Army into the battlefield, the pressure on Light Year suddenly increased. Many tanks failed to enter the battle and were blown up on the way forward.

"Huh?" Chu Jungui was a little surprised. Didn't he be able to suppress the other party after 10 rounds of missile scrubbing? Now the firepower projection is actually a bit weak?

With a thought of Chu Jungui, 10 bomb bay arks came up behind him. This batch of Arks was the first batch to be finished, and now the missiles have been replenished, and they have returned to the battlefield. From entering the position to launching, it took a total of 2 minutes, and 200,000 missiles roared and smashed on the top of Crassus' head.

These missiles were indeed aimed at Crassus. Chu Jungui set their coverage to the middle and rear of the battlefield, which is the position where the fire support boats launched their attacks.

After all, the fire support boats use guns, and the range is naturally incomparable with missiles. So in this round of firepower delivery, Chu Jungui finally gained the upper hand. 200,000 missiles were thrown down, and thousands of square kilometers of land were washed away, and thousands of fire support boats were written off in one report.

After this round, Chu Jungui found that the number of missiles on hand was less than 1 million, and the inventory was bottomed out, and he felt a little guilty. Chu Jungui hesitated for a moment, and canceled the next two rounds of scrubbing. These missiles have a range of thousands of kilometers, and it is a bit of a disadvantage to hit such a short distance.

So Chu Jungui moved his mind again, and drew another hole card. More than one hundred fire support arks drove into the battlefield at high speed. Each of these arks was equipped with 20 large-caliber rapid-fire guns. These rapid-fire guns are a new generation of artillery that has just been developed, that is, they have larger calibers, heavier shells, and can hit farther. In fact, the rate of fire of the new cannon is only 50 rounds per minute, which is a little bit reluctant to call it a rapid-fire cannon, but a single cannonball is loaded with 10 kg of crystal pillar refining medicine, and its power is 50 times that of ordinary TNT. So one shot is equivalent to throwing half a ton of explosives.

Compared with the Federation's air assault boats, the Ark is naturally not as flexible and fast, but land-based also has the advantages of land-based, that is, it can be built big enough and heavy enough, and it also has enough shells. These support-type arks have 50,000 rounds of ammunition, and each is followed by an ammunition-type ark, which is a full 200,000 rounds of ammunition.

This round Chu Jungui prepared 30 million rounds of shells for Crassus, and he didn't know if it would be enough.

So when Crassus confidently put a thousand support boats into the battlefield, within half an hour, he was blown up in disgrace.

The battle lasted for an hour and a half. The frontlines of the two sides were already quite stalemate, but the federal formation remained quite rigid. When the Light Year Chariot charged along the passage, it encountered blows from all directions, causing heavy casualties.

In the mobile command center, the lights turned into a warm orange, and water mist began to spray around the closed high platform. These are semi-atomized coolants. Inside the high platform, the number of orders that Crassus was processing at the same time had climbed to 700. He knew that this state could not last for long, but there was no way around it. Although the advantage was still with the Federation, it was already somewhat weak, and the trend was about to get worse.

During his busy schedule, Crassus connected to a secret communication channel, and only said one sentence: "Light Year has received a large amount of external assistance, and must be thoroughly investigated!"

This communication channel goes directly to the Federal Special Investigation Service and has a very high priority.

After sending the message, Crassus calmed down a little, and continued to mobilize a huge force, bit by bit killing the light-year-old force. The chariots of both sides are rapidly depleting, and because of the dual disadvantages of chariot quality and formation, Light Year's loss is much higher than that of the Federation. The advantage that Chu Jungui gained by covering with firepower was being tenaciously regained by Crassus little by little.

Through the vision of the transcendent life, it can be seen that Crassus's formation is quite resilient, able to keep the general formation stable on the defense line of hundreds of kilometers, and constantly force the light-year chariot into narrow and long passages through movement and extrusion Accept blows from two or even three sides. However, Light Year's consecutive short and powerful assaults successfully disrupted the Federation's formation, but was quickly pulled back tenaciously by the Federation.

This is not going to work. Chu Jungui has already seen clearly that although his firepower coverage is strong, the defense of the federal tanks is quite strong, and the formation is relatively sparse, which greatly reduces the effect of his firepower strikes. If you continue to fight, although Light Year can still win, the key to victory is that the opponent did not expect Chu Jungui to have so many missiles and shells, and Light Year's loss will be quite large.

Chu Jungui decided not to wait any longer. He chose one of the many alternatives, turned it into thousands of orders, and distributed them to the rear in an instant.

On the land far away, a large piece of light-year chariot that was slowly advancing received an order and began to accelerate to full speed! In a short time, more than 10,000 chariots rushed into the battlefield!

However, they did not directly hit the federal defense line, but continued to accelerate, and the heads of the cars were tilted upwards strangely. The group of chariots rushing to the front suddenly roared from the chassis, bounced into the air, and then the chassis and tail burst into flames, and they actually crossed the federal defense line like a rocket and pierced straight to the rear!

The roaring sound became one piece, and tens of thousands of chariots spewed smoke and flames. With billowing thick smoke, they flew hundreds of kilometers like meteors, and directly hit the center of the federal battlefield!

Even Crassus was dumbfounded at this moment, not understanding what Chu Jungui wanted to do. Is this an attempt to hit people with tanks, or are these just oversized bombs?

Crassus soon had the answer. After the chariots landed, they climbed out of the pit one by one tenaciously, and then automatically formed hundreds of chariot detachments to attack the federal troops from behind!

The originally well-organized battlefield order instantly became extremely chaotic. Crassus didn't even have time to question how there could be living people in those chariots, and he was overwhelmed by the sudden orders and requests.

The number of orders he processed at the same time soared to the 1,000 mark, but the accumulated orders that were too late to process were still rising rapidly, and soon reached 2,000.

At this moment on the frontline battlefield, many grassroots commanders suddenly found that they had not received specific orders for a while. On the front line where the flames of war are raging, how can they stand the blank of orders? As a result, many commanders had to retake command and continue fighting with their own troops. These commanders are quite tactically literate, and their fighting will is also exceptionally tenacious. However, after all, they can only see a small area around their field of vision. Therefore, when the optimal command plans for local battlefields are combined together, the entire battle line begins to become chaotic. .

At this moment, the test subject, whose whole body was completely submerged in the cryogenic coolant, sent more than a thousand commands to a certain special unit, increasing the number of commands he processed concurrently to more than 10,000.

After these new orders were issued, the huge Queen of Hades slowly entered the battlefield with her equally huge guards.

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