God is Coming

Chapter 891 Enough

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A terrifying glare appeared on the edge of the battlefield, getting brighter and brighter, like a rising sun!

Endless light and heat spewed out from the mouth of the queen of the underworld, condensed into a beam of light, and shot forward. The bottom of the beam of light did not reach the ground for more than one meter, so the touched ground instantly vaporized and evaporated, and a deep groove appeared, extending forward at a speed of several thousand meters per second. The first federal tank encountered on the extended path of the beam of light only resisted for 0.1 second before melting and vaporizing. The subsequent tanks basically continued this fate, turning into nothingness one after another.

The beam of light finally completely left the ground nearly a hundred kilometers away, penetrated the entire battlefield, and disappeared into the distant sky.

After 10 seconds, the beam of light dissipated, but the terrifying light had caused the optical sighting equipment of thousands of federal tanks to malfunction. Those who accidentally looked directly at the beam of light closed their eyes tightly, but there was still a thick black band in their field of vision. Even if they barely opened their eyes, they couldn't see anything.

The entire battlefield was silent for a moment, the extremely concentrated energy caused the extreme disorder of the battlefield magnetic field, and the high-frequency vibrations that could not be heard by human ears violently swept across the entire battlefield. Even with the protection of the battle armor, many people experienced severe dizziness and tinnitus, and just wanted to vomit for a while.

A white cloud wall suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield, heading straight into the storm clouds. This is a cloud wall formed by a large amount of vaporized matter, and the high temperature still remains inside, and the outer edge will emit fire from time to time. Then a gust of wind picked up and swept the entire battlefield.

Crassus failed to capture the energy reading, and the burst of energy in an instant was beyond the capture range of the sensor. His fingers froze in the air, unable to continue tapping. How could a weapon of this level appear on the surface of a planet? How can it be used on the surface of the planet?

Fortunately, the number of casualties gave him some comfort. Less than 200 tanks disappeared, and more than a dozen assault boats were lost. That beam of energy light was indeed terrifying, but its diameter was not enough. Even if it pierced through the federal front, it didn't hurt many people. It felt like a cannon hitting mosquitoes.

Seeing the number of casualties, Crassus was slightly shocked.

Chu Jungui was not disappointed either. It was just a test of the cannon just now, and it seemed to work well. It penetrated the entire defense line of the Federation and opened up more than half of the battlefield.

According to the latest data, the Empress of Hades began to squirm slowly, making final adjustments.

A minute later, Crassus opened his mouth in an O-shape, and suddenly he couldn't see anything, only endless lights left! The high-energy light beam of the Queen of Hades spanned more than 200 kilometers, eliminating all obstacles along the way, including leaving a long trench of nearly 100 kilometers on the ground, and bombarded Crassus' mobile command center!

Crassus' field of vision suddenly became dark, the temperature in the command cabin rose rapidly, and the harsh siren sounded only twice before it fell silent.

The safety hatch directly buckled Crassus's command seat, and the bottom of the closed high platform opened automatically. The command chair fell to the ground, and then the jet port spit out blue flames. The command seat became an escape pod, and flew away from the side in an instant. After flying more than ten kilometers, the command seat ran out of fuel and landed. The hatch opened, and Crassus fell out of it, steam rising all over his body.

At this time, several figures flew from different directions, landed beside Crassus, and helped him up. These people are the mysterious black-armored warriors following Crassus.

Crassus turned his head and looked at the mobile command center. In the cloud wall rising in the distance, the outline of the mobile command center could still be vaguely seen. It's just that a layer has been cut off from the top of it at this time, and the rest is burning.

Crassus froze for a full second before accepting the reality. He knew that those in the mobile command center who hadn't escaped would never have a chance to come out again.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Go to Command Center No. 2!"

A black-armored soldier hugged Crassus from behind, a faint light flashed on the back of the armor, and he flew up directly with Crassus, flying to the No. 2 mobile command center tens of kilometers away. The other two fighters grabbed Crassus' arms to assist in accelerating.

Chu Jungui watched this scene through the storm clouds. The man supported by three mysterious fighters seems to be the commander of these federations. Unfortunately, the mobile command center he went to is further back, and the queen of the underworld can only barely scratch the top of it.

Chu Jungui looked back, even if this fateful guy re-established the command system, it would have to be 10 minutes later. With this time buffer, the Queen of Hades should have completed her first adjustment.

On the other side of the battlefield, Crassus hit the No. 2 mobile command center like a cannonball. This landing was extremely violent, and the three black-armored warriors directly threw Crassus in front of the mobile command center from tens of meters of air.

Crassus landed in a kneeling position, and a shallow pit with a radius of ten meters appeared around him. He moved his body, stood up, and boarded the mobile command center. The landing just now was enough to kill an ordinary person, but Crassus acted as if nothing had happened. He entered the command hall and sat on the spare command seat. Before flattening the seat, he glanced at the command hall below. There were many unfamiliar faces in the hall. Originally, this place was just a backup, and those who really followed him for a long time were in the No. 1 center.

Crassus couldn't see any expression on his face, he laid the seat flat, and the surrounding partition wall rose to wrap the podium inside. Crassus activated the backup command channels one by one, and the number of orders processed rose rapidly. But most of his consciousness is in contact with the orbit, ready to launch a strike from the orbit.

The queen of the underworld has launched twice successively, which has completely exposed her position. As long as an antimatter bomb is thrown down, the radius of hundreds of kilometers is the killing range, and there is no fear that the opponent will escape.

In orbit, the fleet that had been synchronized over the battlefield finally moved. The two landing ships broke away from the fleet and rushed towards the storm clouds at an increasing speed.

At this time, the Queen of Heaven is loading a thin adjustment lens in front of the energy lens. Around her, three underworld princess cannons that were two circles smaller were facing the sky, locking onto the landing ship that had landed from orbit.

The two landing ships, one behind the other, had just rushed out of the storm clouds when they were shot through by three high-energy beams at the same time, burning and falling to the ground.

At this time, the post-Ming Cannon had loaded the new energy lens and was making final adjustments. The underworld cannon without the special lens is one of Chu Jungui's hole cards, and the one with the lens loaded is another hole card of Chu Jungui.

Against the backdrop of the burning and falling landing ship, the Queen of the Underworld Cannon advanced a few kilometers, almost reaching the edge of the Federation's firepower, and then the muzzle lit up a little.

The light was not very bright, but it was extremely dazzling. Immediately, a thin light beam with a diameter of less than one meter shot out, penetrating the battlefield in an instant. The extreme concentration of this light beam, no matter what it touches, it will instantly vaporize and be unstoppable. After the beam is shot, the Empress Cannon starts to rotate slowly!

After 15 seconds, the high-energy light beam goes out, and the afterlife cannon has rotated 10 degrees. The angle seems small, but it is not the case when it is tens of kilometers away. And this vast fan-shaped area has become a dead zone, all tanks are swept away, no distinction between enemy and friend!

Only airborne assault craft and further afield tanks were spared due to the curvature of the planet's surface.

Countless commanders of the Federation stared blankly at this blank area that suddenly appeared, and couldn't even imagine that this was a battlefield where they would risk their lives just a moment ago!

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the battlefield command channel, and everyone felt their scalps go numb, as if the air was filled with tiny electric currents. The soldiers at the forefront of the battlefield felt especially obvious. Many people realized instinctively that the thing had begun to charge again!

The muzzle of the Empress Dowager's cannon indeed began to light up to declare death. This time, the thin and condensed light beam was like a sickle in the hands of the god of death, harvesting countless lives on the vast battlefield in one fell swoop!

With this shot, the queen of the underworld started from the edge of the fan just now, and harvested another 10 degrees.

After one shot, the Queen of Heaven finally paused temporarily. The energy-storage ark in the rear, which had exhausted its energy, released the cable and retreated to the rear. 10 full-energy arks followed immediately and connected to cables with a diameter of 1 meter. . The postmortem cannon began to beep again, and the surviving federal soldiers on the front line felt their scalps tingling again.

However, today is their lucky day. This cannon was not aimed at the frontline tanks, but aimed at the assault boats behind!

The thin light was like a scalpel, silently sweeping across the center of the assault boat group hundreds of kilometers away. The assault boats fell to the ground like a swarm of flying insects sprayed with insecticide spray. Fifteen seconds later, a blank space appeared in the center of the huge Federation assault boat group.

Through the vision of transcendent life, Chu Jungui instantly counted the results of this artillery: 892 assault boats and 170 support boats.

"Enough." Chu Jungui was very satisfied.

From the perspective of military expenditure, one shot from Hades is equivalent to destroying 10,000 tanks of the Federation. Even Chu Jungui himself did not expect such a big result. This is also because Light Year has never had a good way to deal with the assault boats, so that Crassus boldly arranged the assault boats in a dense formation, and asked for them to be arranged neatly. As a result, the queen of hell swept over it with a single shot, just like wiping a piece of dust on dirty glass.

By this time, the Queen's Cannon was rendered useless, and many components were overloaded and had to be replaced.

But Chu Jungui still has three princesses from the underworld.

When the three princesses started to shine, chaos finally appeared on the frontline of the Federation. Many soldiers at the forefront lost their morale, turned around and wanted to escape regardless. But where is it that they can escape if they want to? Light Year's chariot bit them hard, and even blocked their retreat with its own car body!

Immediately, three thin beams swept across the battlefield.

The power and damage range of the princess are far inferior to those of the Queen of the Underworld, but the total damage area of ​​the three sectors combined is quite considerable. And they are not picky eaters, so they will sweep where the food is dense.

A trembling voice suddenly sounded on the federal battlefield channel: "They...they are crazy! They even beat their own people!"

At this moment, the morale of the front line finally collapsed, and large-scale routs began. And Crassus looked at the pile of pending orders that quickly rushed past 10,000, helpless.

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