God is Coming

Chapter 892

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Up to now, the war has become a complete meat grinder. The losses of the tanks of both sides are tens of thousands, and the losses are almost the same.

At this moment of competition of will, Chu Jungui drew out another small hole card: only 5,000 chariots.

These 5,000 chariots appeared on the edge of the battlefield, launched on the spot, and fell more than 100 kilometers away like a meteor shower, just hitting the formation of the Ninth Army.

At this time, the 9th Marine Army had only used one-third, mainly because the queen of the underworld and the princess of the underworld killed too quickly and fiercely, and did not even give Crassus time to transfer to the reserve team. However, although the Ninth Army still has nearly 10,000 intact tanks, the assault boats and support boats suffered heavy losses, with more than half of the casualties.

Chu Jungui threw the 5,000 chariots over, which would not be enough for the Ninth Army under normal circumstances. But now the front line is collapsing, and the light-year army is encircling it from all sides. The three death beams on the front line are still sweeping back and forth, and the assault boats in the air are already flying around, fearing that they will encounter the Queen of the Underworld again. The Ninth Army knows very well from the commander to the commander that as long as it is entangled by these 5,000 tanks, it will not be long before it will encounter disaster.

At this time, several orders from Crassus were finally issued from the mountain of order requests. One was to let the 9th Army leave 3,000 tanks to fight with the light years that smashed into the formation, and the rest of the troops moved forward to establish a line of defense. The troops retreating to cover the rout of one's own front line. The other is to order fighters to attack and destroy the opponent's strategic weapons at all costs.

After all, the Ninth Army was elite, silently carrying out orders, and advancing forward regardless of casualties to establish a line of defense. In the process of getting rid of, they were simply the living targets of those light-year chariots. They paid thousands of losses in one go to complete the escape, and then used 3,000 chariots to hold back these light-year chariots.

But something happened to the Fighter Air Corps, and Kun's voice was quite harsh in the noisy channel: "This is a death mission, I refuse!"

After saying it again, he still didn't feel satisfied, so he repeated it loudly: "This is a mission to send you to death, and I refuse to carry out this order!"

Crassus's response at this time has been very slow, and the number of orders processed at the same time has reached an unprecedented 1179. It took him a full 10 seconds before he realized that there was not only Kun in the fighter force, but also Hathaway. Although Hathaway didn't say anything, once something happened to the little princess, Crassus couldn't bear the anger of the Winton family at all, and even the teacher behind him couldn't protect him.

With difficulty, Crassus withdrew the order of the fighter jets to attack, and let them hover around the side of the mobile command center. Then he's stuck in a never-ending tinkering formation. The formation of the Federation is constantly being torn apart, and the morale of the troops is collapsing and fleeing. Crassus can only fill in the gaps with the troops that can be mobilized. Even at this time, he can set up a few small The trap caused considerable damage to Light Year.

At this moment, Chu Jungui was watching his opponent walking a tightrope. Indeed, Crassus' actions to maintain the formation was like walking a tightrope, and he was walking the tightrope between two tall buildings and in a windy day. At this time, any addition of straws may cause the opponent to collapse, so Chu Jungui drew another hole card: 10,000 chariots.

This is a completely living force, and each of these chariots has a human driver sitting in it. This can be regarded as Light Year's ultimate armor power. When Brother Dao couldn't use it, Chu Jungui could only let the soldiers go on top.

As soon as the new torrent of steel appeared, it completely broke the balance of the front line. A large number of federal troops began to retreat desperately, and the few who were still resisting were ruthlessly destroyed by the overwhelmingly superior enemy.

Mr. Chu was about to check which cards were still in his hand, when he suddenly raised his head and stared at the storm clouds, his body temperature suddenly rose, and more than 15,000 orders were issued in an instant, scattered in all directions!

At this time, at the Light Year base camp, all the Light Year troops suddenly split into two, outflanking the two wings of the Federation troops at high speed. And a large number of arks began to retreat at full speed. At the original light year base camp, there is only one lonely cannon left at this moment, and even the energy storage ark has run away.

The storm clouds in the sky suddenly surged, and a huge landing ship struggled to squeeze out of the clouds. It adjusted its angle and leveled itself, so as to block the firepower of the subsequent landing ships to the maximum extent.

However, it blocked the air, and the three princesses of the underworld had already run 50 kilometers away at this moment, and they simply flew close to the ground, racing at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour.

The landing ships in the air froze for a moment, and as a result, another six or seven landing ships rushed out of the storm clouds one after another, collided with each other, rolled and fell to the ground.

In the center of Light Year Base Camp, a ball of dazzling light suddenly lit up, and an invisible ripple instantly spread tens of kilometers away. Everything within the ripple was distorted and then turned into nothingness. Even the storm clouds above began to blur, In an instant, a terrifying hole with a diameter of tens of kilometers appeared!

The ground jumped violently, and then countless cracks appeared, extending in all directions like spider webs. Like a fairy-tale toy in a soap bubble, the afterlife cannon quietly dissipates without leaving a trace. There was a flash of flames on the ground, and then the Foehn blowing in all directions, burning only at the edge of the power, and in the center of the explosion, the high temperature of millions of degrees directly evaporated all substances, even skipping the burning.

The storm centered on the explosive point, spread in all directions, and then swept back.

A Princess of the Underworld escaped a little slower, the rear suddenly ignited a fire, and then the cockpit popped out, started the propeller, and flew tens of kilometers in an instant with the impact of high temperature.

Even behind the federation's front line, the monitored temperature instantly exceeded 200 degrees. Frontline troops are faced with high temperatures of 500 or even thousands of degrees. Fortunately, all the federal fighters were hiding in tanks or mechs during the battle, so they escaped unharmed. Armor alone can't stop the high temperature.

In an instant, all the surviving commanders of the Federation broke out in a cold sweat. There was only one thought left in their minds: Crassus is crazy, how dare he use antimatter bombs so close!

The power of this antimatter bomb is obviously lowered, but even so it is still extremely dangerous. If it hits a little bit off, and if its killing radius is a little bigger, wouldn't it take the federal troops on the front line all at once?

Chu Jungui was also in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Transcendent Life discovered the change of the orbital fleet in time. At the same time, Crassus also specially adjusted the power of the antimatter bomb to avoid hurting his own troops, which allowed the light-year army to escape. sky. As for the Empress Dowager, because she was too bulky, Chu Jungui simply asked her to stay as a target, lest Crassus would bomb other places.

Sure enough, Crassus turned a blind eye to the other troops fleeing in all directions, and concentrated on letting the landing ship equipped with anti-matter bombs hit the head of the queen cannon. It seems that Crassus has a lot of resentment towards the Queen of the Underworld. After all, the Queen of the Underworld almost evaporated him into elementary particles in the last round.

The aftermath of the antimatter bomb has passed, and both sides are evaluating the effect of this round of bombing. With the antimatter bomb as the center of the circle, the ground within a radius of 50 kilometers sank by an average of several meters. The ground has completely crystallized, and all objects within the power range have disappeared, and the storm clouds are slowly healing the wounds. On the outer edge of the crystal crater, there is a fire zone of more than ten kilometers. All organic substances are ignited by high temperature, forming a wall of fire several meters high. At the outer edge of the fire belt, there are still some slow-moving Ark chariots breaking out with flames.

It seems that Crassus has won a big victory and successfully destroyed the biggest killer weapon in Chu Jungui's hands. However, Chu Jungui's mood at this moment is quite strange. In fact, Minghou Pao is only a semi-finished product, and it is already good if it can be played. In fact, the cannon could no longer be launched before the bombing, but Crassus didn't know it.

Now two of the three underworld princesses have escaped, and they can still show their power. At this time, under the escort of hundreds of chariots, they were approaching the federal troops. When the federal troops dozens of kilometers away saw the princess of the underworld approaching, they turned around and ran away without hesitation. The power of the princess of the underworld is comparable to that of a heavy patrol main gun. Who can stop this kind of space weapon when it is used on the surface of a planet?

On the two wings of the federal army, thousands of chariots were advancing in parallel with the retreating federal troops with the support of the ark. The 10,000 chariots equipped with human fighters are biting the tails of the retreating troops of the Federation tightly, and are chasing them fiercely. In the center of the vast battlefield, only 7,000 of the 15,000 airdropped tanks remained, but they were like a pack of mad dogs, rampaging through the federal troops, constantly breaking up the assembled federal troops.

There was also chaos in the air, and many assault boats were turning around and returning. As the support arks approached, they were also threatened by rapid-fire guns.

All in all, after an antimatter bounced off, except for blowing up an unusable Hades, Light Years' war power was not affected at all. At this moment, the Federation still has 15,000 tanks, and the loss is more than 25,000. Light Years lost 40,000 chariots, but there are still 60,000!

Combat strength has been surpassed in light years, and the federation's failure is inevitable.

Chu Jungui looked at the place where the Queen of the Underworld once existed, feeling even weirder. The cost of the queen of the underworld is unprecedented in light years, but it is about 2 billion if it is fully calculated. And large landing ships that can pass through storm clouds are not cheap. These are high-end goods that can automatically deploy into bases after landing. Chu Jungui was very clear about the price of the federal starships. The purchase cost of these landing ships was about 3 billion yuan per ship. In order to ensure that the antimatter bombs could be successfully dropped, Crassus also specially sent six ships as shields. The cost of these seven landing ships alone is more than 20 billion, and the antimatter bomb is even more expensive, and the cost of a single shot is at least more than 10 billion.

In other words, Crassus prepared for a long time, and spent more than 30 billion to destroy Chu Jungui's 2 billion?

Chu Jungui sighed in his heart, the Federation is indeed rich!

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