God is Coming

Chapter 896 Math Problem

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The mobile command center has stopped moving, and the interior is also very quiet. All the crew members who can still stand obediently stay at their posts, not daring to move or speak. Of course, many people are doing small things in private, such as quietly sending information to the rear base or friendly troops, and their own coordinates. There is no check.

At this moment, Chu Jungui was busy doing a math problem, that is, who is more valuable between the 18 black-armored warriors neatly stacked in front of him and the escaped Crassus?

Under normal circumstances, people will definitely think that Crassus is more valuable, and there is almost no room for dispute on this issue. But in the eyes of Chu Jungui, the value of Crassus is just a ransom. The reason why he took the risk himself was to get the ransom.

However, Crassus's ransom value is very clear and can be calculated. This ransom is what a 4-star general can get. The specific amount is clearly stipulated in the federal law. 90 million is that much, and there is no more. If Chu Jungui arrested Kun, the ransom he would get in exchange would be several times this amount.

No way, the difference is that Kun has a family, while Crassus has no family behind him. Ancient families are willing to pay high ransom for their young and outstanding children. In this regard, the Ring of Roses has a particularly generous reputation. Because of the high ransom, no matter which force captures the children of the ancient family, in most cases the first option is to ask for a ransom. There was even an incident where the three forces fought for the core disciple of an ancient family. All three parties suffered heavy casualties, but the core disciple standing in the center of the battlefield was not even injured.

Chu Jungui had been contemplating the corpses of the 18 black-armored warriors. Originally, Chu Jungui had just knocked them out, and he went through a hard fight for it. But when the last black armor fighter lost consciousness, all the black armor fighters lost their lives at the same time.

At this time, a cloud of black mist floated over, and Kai Tian's face appeared. He looked at the row of corpses in front of him and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"These guys have a big secret."

A beam of light shot out from Kai Tian's eyes, scanning a black-armored warrior from top to bottom, and said, "Nothing special? Isn't this just a classic low-level humanoid creature? It doesn't even have any eye-catching transformations."

"That's the problem, they shouldn't have this level of fighting power."

Kai Tiandao: "Boss, you can't just say that someone has a secret just because you struggled to fight..."

Chu Jungui stretched out his hand and patted Kaitian on the head. Kai Tian wanted to blur in an instant to avoid this slap, but the moment Chu Jungui dropped his palm, Kaitian's whole body was frozen, as if changing from a gaseous state to a solid state, and then he was slapped away by Chu Jungui's palm.

After a while, Kai Tian re-condensed his body, still grinning, obviously the slap just now was very uncomfortable. He couldn't help but said: "Boss, your palm...couldn't be specially used to deal with me?"

Chu Jungui said lightly: "Originally, it was to guard against wise men, but later it was prepared for Brother Dao. It's just that you were the first to try."

Kai Tian kept sucking in air-conditioning, feeling that every cell was trembling, which was much more severe than the dizziness of human beings, powder invisible to the naked eye kept falling from his misty body, and it took a while after landing Only then can it rise again and merge into Kaitian's body.

After several minutes, Kai Tian came back to his senses. The first thing I did when I came back to my senses was an evil and cold voice from the entire mobile command center: "People in rooms 207 and 210 on the second floor, put down your weapons immediately, otherwise you will be watched by the automatic defense system." For the enemy!"

After releasing the broadcast, Kai Cai said: "These low-level creatures! They always want to play tricks, and they don't even look at their own strength!"

After complaining, Kai Tian said again: "It's a pity that the commander ran away. He dared to reach out to you. You didn't react at that time, did you?"

Chu Jungui admitted that he was really a little confused at the time, and Crassus's tone was really a bit loud. The problem is that Chu Jungui didn't realize that he had the strength to match his tone. The fact is also true, Crassus does not have the strength to match, although compared to others, he is already a rare powerhouse. For example, with his strength, he can completely sweep the Ninth Fleet.

But it’s not a pity. These 18 warriors are the top technology products of this era just wearing battle armor. Among them, Chu Jungui can distinguish more than a dozen unprecedented technologies with his naked eyes, and there must be more hidden ones. This kind of armor is more like a prototype that has not yet been mass-produced, and this prototype can undoubtedly be sold at a high price in the dynasty and the community, or even sold back to the Federation. In terms of cost alone, a battle armor probably costs more than 100 million yuan. If the research and development costs are also included, it will be a sky-high price.

In contrast, Crassus's little ransom was nothing at all.

As for Crassus's command level, there is no doubt that it is very high. But very high depends on what the standard is. Compared with Admiral Morgan, then Crassus can definitely pick up ten or eight. But in Chu Jungui's eyes, his micromanagement skills are just good, and there is no essential difference from Admiral Morgan, and he can't beat him anyway.

As for the light-year loss, there is almost no difference in cost. Anyway, the chariots all come from the soil, the energy comes from the storm clouds, and the chariot drivers all come from Brother Dao. As long as a creature like Brother Dao can be fed, he has to keep growing. So in essence, what Light Year does is no-cost business.

At this moment, the control right of the mobile command center has fallen into Kaitian's hands, and the automatic processing mode has been turned on, and those sailors and officers who are still on their posts have actually become decorations. Even if they can do something, they dare not do it now. After all, the two light-year troops from the north and the south have broken through the interception, and the rapid-fire guns of the Ark have locked on to the mobile command center. As long as there is a slight change here, a devastating blow will be incurred at any time .

After losing the command of Crassus, the federal troops have fallen into a mess. Crassus was quite random in dispatching, and he would break up and reorganize the formed troops from time to time. Sometimes the members of a battle group would come from seven or eight different troops. This is not a problem when Crassus can delegate orders to the company level, but once there is no order, the troops are immediately in chaos, and many people can't even find where their superiors are.

The originally well-organized federal retreat suddenly turned into a flock of aimless sheep, being driven to flee to the base.

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