God is Coming

Chapter 897: White Flag

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The federal troops lost their unified command and had completely turned into a mass of scattered sand. However, Light Year was orderly and precise in command. Troops interspersed and circled on the battlefield, constantly dividing and encircling them, and soon tens of thousands of troops formed on the battlefield. Several large and small encircling circles.

Although Chu Jungui and Kaitian were both on the front line, there were still wise men in command at the rear. It lost less than 20% of its body, and its thinking power dropped by 40%, but it was still higher than Krasu.

At the edge of the battlefield, the federal troops that escaped the fastest had already joined the troops from the rear, but there was still an obstacle between the large federal troops and the response troops, and that was the troops that Chu Jungui used to raid the mobile command center. Now that the two raiding forces from the north and the south have merged, Chu Jungui built a defense line on the spot, forming a circular defense line with a diameter of 2 kilometers. There are 6 fire support arks and 4 ammunition vehicles inside the defense line, and the absolute strike radius reaches 50 kilometers. Any federal troops that enter this range will encounter a devastating blow from the Ark's firepower, and the area between 50 and 70 kilometers is a dangerous area. The Ark may be inaccurate, but the probability is not high. Only 70 kilometers away is relatively safe. If you pass quickly, even the Ark's hit rate is not more than half.

In this way, Chu Jungui built a control position with a diameter of 140 kilometers, lying between the responding troops and the fleeing troops. After the two armies from the north and the south merged, there were less than 3,000 chariots left, which was all the power Chu Jungui had in his hands. The federal response force has a total of 8,000 tanks, with a total strength of 70,000. After merging some of the troops who fled earlier, the number of tanks exceeded 10,000.

However, at a distance of 120 kilometers, the responding troops stopped advancing. After hesitating for half an hour, the frontline commander actually started to build a defense line on the spot!

In other words, even with three times as many troops in hand, the federal frontline commanders did not have the courage to attack, even if they knew that they would be able to rescue more federal troops by defeating Lord Chu and returning to this position.

The supporting troops did not dare to attack, and the fleeing federal troops were doomed. They had to detour for hundreds of kilometers, bypassing Chu Jungui's position from the north and south ends far away, in order to escape back. Don't say that this has reached the battery life limit of many federal tanks. After all, the battle has been fought for a long time, and what's more terrible is that there are still countless small groups of light-year troops wandering on the way to escape. The troops that were able to escape back were blocked by Mr. Chu, and it was considered lucky to be able to escape 20% of the time.

As the federal response force hangs back, the fate of the federal army is sealed. A large number of surrounded troops surrendered, and then Light Year built a solid encirclement circle, surrounding the rear troops of the Ninth Marine Army heavily. Unexpectedly, after fighting for three days, they were unable to defeat the Ninth Army.

There are only 50,000 federal troops left in the encirclement, including many temporarily gathered troops. And Light Year's troops deployed in the encirclement are already three times that of the opponent, but half of them are human fighters. Brother Dao has reached his limit, and if he wears it down, he will hurt the root.

In this case, the wise men had to take into account the morale and damage of the human troops, so the attack was meticulously organized, with layers of attacks, one ring after another, and they set opponents up all the time. However, the commanders in the encirclement were not fooled, and the defense was impeccable. The Ninth Army also showed no less bravery than the Seventh Army, fearless of death. In many cases, Guangnian had clearly broken through the line of defense, but was beaten back by the enemy's life-and-death counterattack.

In the end, it was Chu Jun who returned to command and directly pushed the princess of the underworld to the front line. Unexpectedly, the other party prepared a raid force, rushed to the princess of the underworld desperately and successfully destroyed one. This raid force was eventually annihilated, but it also kept Guangnian's headquarters silent for a long time.

After a long silence, the wise man asked: "Is it meaningful for them to do this? What's the difference if they persist for a day or less?"

Kai Tian also said: "Don't they know that the support troops have gone back?"

No one can answer this question.

Facing the remaining less than 40,000 federal troops, Chu Jungui once again entered the war mode. He let the last princess of the underworld go forward, sweeping away the defense lines of the federal army layer by layer. Although the defense forces have dug out the deep underground fortifications, there will still be continuous casualties under the sweep of the princess of the underworld. At the same time, Chu Jungui dispatched two missile arks. In a short period of time, 100,000 missiles will fall on the federal army. This is enough to cover thousands of square kilometers, and now it is concentrated on this small position of less than 10 square kilometers.

The missile coverage lasted for a full hour. According to Chu Jungui's calculations, it was enough to turn down 10 meters from the ground. I believe that even if the defending general is a fortification maniac, he will not dig the ground to 10 meters. Besides, they don't have time at all.

After this round of missile coverage, a white flag was finally raised on the federal positions.

Half an hour later, several federal soldiers covered in dust and blood appeared in front of Chu Jungui. They came to surrender on behalf of the guards, and the leader was a middle-aged general with sticky beards sticking together. There was a thick bandage wrapped around his head, many of which were soaked in blood. He was also limping when he walked, the bandages wrapped around his thighs were quite dirty, and the oozing blood stains were already purple-black.

But his body is still straight, and although his voice is hoarse, it smells of blood and fire: "Grant, the commander of the 81st Division of the Ninth Army of the First Planetary Marine Corps of the Federation, surrendered to you on behalf of the remaining troops. According to the Interstellar Prisoner of War Convention, our requirements are as follows..."

Chu Jungui interrupted him: "We do not belong to a dynasty, nor do we belong to a federation or a community, so the prisoner of war treaty is not valid for us."

Grant was taken aback and said, "According to the Prisoner of War Convention, the affiliated forces of the dynasty are also part of the dynasty and are also bound by the treaty."

Chu Jungui said: "We are not a subsidiary force of the dynasty."

Grant was really taken aback: "You are an independent force? Damn it, then what are we fighting?"

"To be honest, I don't know either. Maybe you have to ask Phil, the commander of your moon. He seems determined to wipe us off the planet."

Grant narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "If the cause of this battle is so unreliable, wouldn't it be worthless for our tens of thousands of brothers to die?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I'm afraid that's the truth. General Grant, I want to confirm that you commanded the defensive battle?"

A look of sadness flashed in Grant's eyes, and he said slowly, "It's General Lee, and I'm just his subordinate."

"Why didn't General Li come?"

"The general has been martyred, just half an hour ago."

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