God is Coming

Chapter 898: After the War

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A total of 13,712 people surrendered, of which 9,100 belonged to the Ninth Army. Everyone was injured, and more than half of them were seriously injured. Originally, there were a total of 60,000 people in the Ninth Army, but more than 80% of them died in battle, and the rest were almost all wounded, unable to fight any more, so they surrendered.

Looking at Grant's tired and somewhat numb eyes, Chu Jungui understood that this elite team might not be able to keep its title.

There is still a group of people in the Ninth Army who are fighting with the Light Year Airdrop Force. This force, which originally had 30,000 people, only had less than 20,000 left when it surrendered.

The 6th Marine Army put 100,000 people into the battlefield, and eventually captured 65,000 people, with one-third of the casualties, and most of them were killed in battle. Most of the casualties came from the mopping up of the queen of the underworld and the three princesses of the underworld. Under their terrifying high-energy beams, no life could survive, and the time the chariot could resist was measured in units of 0.01 second.

In the end, more than half of the two elite marine troops suffered casualties, and only 90,000 people fell into the hands of Chu Jungui.

The casualties of other federal troops were also above 20%, but most of them were wounded, and not many died in battle. Of the 300,000 ordinary marine troops, 80,000 escaped, 30,000 died, and 190,000 became light-year prisoners.

Now counting the 100,000 troops left behind, the Federation has only 180,000 troops on the surface of the planet, at least one-third of which are wounded, and there are tens of thousands of logistics, transportation, and auxiliary arms with little combat effectiveness. And Chu Jungui still has 50,000 chariots in his hands. It can be said that a single charge can drive the Federation out of planet 4.

However, Chu Jungui did not continue to pursue, but began to clean up the battlefield. He now has nearly 700,000 federal prisoners on his hands, a figure that makes him think he can talk about it.

At this moment, within hundreds of kilometers of the battlefield, the burning flames were gradually extinguished, but the gunpowder smoke would still linger for a long time. Dozens of arks drove into the battlefield, and then hundreds of people jumped from them to start cleaning up the battlefield. They were all soldiers from the former Federation. What they had to do now was to separate the corpses from the wounded and treat the wounded.

Among the federal captives, there are 30,000 people who are willing to join Light Years, and more than 100,000 people are willing to cooperate in a limited way and engage in some non-combat work in exchange for better living conditions and priority release. For example, the cleaning and treatment of the battlefield at this moment is non-combat work.

The addition of a large number of captives has greatly accelerated the process of clearing the battlefield. At the same time, the troops that have surrendered are gathered in dozens of assembly points, and then the organization is disrupted, loaded on the ark and transported to the rear. Now Light Year has enough production capacity, so Chu Jungui rushed to make a batch of transport boxes.

These one-meter-square and two-meter-long boxes were specially used to load prisoners, one box per person, and then stacked on the ark. With this efficient transportation method, an ark can carry thousands of people.

In addition to the captives, the surrendered troops left Chu Jungui with more than 10,000 intact chariots, 1,200 mechas, including 400 heavy mechas, more than 100 assault boats and 10 fire support ships boat. It can be said that Chu Jungui now has a complete sample of the standard equipment of the planetary army on the Federation side.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of chariot wrecks on the battlefield, and hundreds of supply vehicles carrying ammunition and energy have also become Light Year's possessions.

However, the most valuable are the two mobile command centers, one of which is almost intact. Especially in the car that Crassus was in, the mastermind was controlled by Kaitian in advance, and all self-destruct procedures were suspended. If an intact campaign-level command master falls into the hands of people, it is almost certain that the Federation will replace and upgrade the entire communication and intelligence system, and the cost alone will cost hundreds of billions.

In addition, the corpses of the 18 black-armored soldiers always made Chu Jungui have an indescribably complicated feeling, so he immediately took the corpses back to the rear to find Le Mans. Cleaning up the battlefield was left to Wise Man and Li Xuancheng.

As soon as he returned to the base, Chu Jungui went straight to Le Mans' laboratory. A moment later, the body of a black-armored soldier was placed on the operating table in the center of the laboratory.

The corpse looked like a male, with obvious masculine features, and the entire body was well-proportioned and strong, like a sculpture lying flat.

Le Mans changed into a special research suit, put on a protective mask, and moved his fingers. One of the two nurses next to him was holding a tray with more than a dozen injections, and the other was busy injecting Le Mans. Le Mans injected six different types of injections, some to keep him calm, some to maintain his strength, and some to allow him to concentrate on operations for a long time.

In addition to Le Mans himself, two assistants, a man and a woman, also received injections. Now Le Mans is also a person with an assistant.

Everything was ready, and the medical equipment in the laboratory also completed a preliminary scan of the corpse. Le Mans first stroked the chest of the corpse, pressed it, and said: "He has been dead for more than 10 hours, but the corpse is still elastic, and the body tissue has not softened at all. In addition, I have not seen pores on the skin. , this is not like a skin, but like a beautifully made close-fitting garment..."

After preliminary identification, Le Mans finally picked up the scalpel and cut open the skin of the corpse with some difficulty. The scanning beam above the head then shone into the open wound, analyzing and recording the data. The wound did not bleed, but a milky white fluid oozed out. Le Mans took the liquid carefully and filled several test tubes without any waste.

He looked inside the wound and said: "The strength and toughness of the skin far exceeds the normal level of human beings, and it is close to the organic fabric that has been specially strengthened. Now I feel that this is not the skin, but the clothes. This kind of strength cannot be used. For normal explanations, microstructural analysis is required..."

Le Mans cut off a small piece of skin and handed it to the assistant next to him. The assistant immediately sent the sample to the analysis center not far away. Ever since Guangnian became rich, Chu Jungui has never been stingy in purchasing equipment. Now the level of equipment in the Le Mans laboratory can be compared with the first-class laboratories of Dynasty or Federation. The most expensive thing in the entire laboratory is not the equipment, but the room where these equipment can work normally.

Chu Jungui looked at it for a while, then left the laboratory and let Le Mang work by himself. The entire analysis process is expected to have at least 20 hours remaining.

After Chu Jungui thought for a while, he asked someone to take out another corpse, and called several doctors. He asked doctors to disassemble the body into a dozen parts, freeze them and put them in containers. Then he personally disassembled the black armor they were wearing, and also disassembled it into small pieces that could fit into handbags. Then Chu Jungui activated the wormhole transmission device and transmitted these samples to Dr. Zero. The remaining black-armored warriors were deep-frozen and sealed up.

After dealing with the black-armored soldiers, Mr. Chu returned to the control center of the production area. Standing on the top floor of the high control center, you can see the crystal cores of alpha cannons that are constantly spitting out from the 10 huge factory buildings. In each factory building, there are five production lines constantly producing alpha crystal cores. And in the giant factory building farther away, which is obviously several times larger than other factories, a giant energy lens with a diameter of 20 meters is taking shape.

According to the production records, two energy lenses have already been scrapped during production, and this is the third one. In fact, the scrap rate of energy lenses, which require extremely high precision, is an astonishing 85%. However, even if there is not a finished product out of the five energy lenses, the total cost of the Hades I is still only 2 billion.

In fact, the yield rate of Alpha crystals is not high, around 30%. However, in order to improve production efficiency, the engineers at Lightyear came up with a non-solution method. They refined several large crystals at one time, and then found out the qualified parts and cut them slowly. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to cut out ten finished large crystals, but on average, only three finished alpha crystals are cut out in the end. The rest is, of course, waste. This is an astonishing waste from an energy standpoint, yet the production rate has tripled. Chu Jungui also acquiesced to the new production method. Anyway, energy is like the air of the mother planet, which is a free public good.

Now Lightyear has poured more than 70% of its production capacity into the production of new Hades, and as hundreds of thousands of captives gradually become skilled workers, most of the work beasts and Lightyear's core engineers can work from less important links. Liberated, the production capacity can be further improved. In less than ten days, the new cannon will be released.

Chu Jungui doesn't mind Crassus bombing again, anyway, the federation's production of antimatter will definitely not be faster than his production of the queen cannon.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of federal captives on hand, the most indispensable thing in the interstellar era is people. Chu Jungui estimated that the Federation might not be so willing to sit down and talk, so he had to find a way to give them some motivation.

The posthumous cannon is the driving force.

The news of the federation's defeat spread faster than the speed of light, but compared with the longitudinal line, the scale of the N77 battle was much smaller. Therefore, the news of the war did not arouse too much repercussions among ordinary people, but it caused a lot of turmoil among the upper echelons.

The lights were on in the War Committee of the Federal Parliament. This was another emergency meeting. In fact, only 11 days have passed this month, but emergency meetings have been held 8 times.

On the high seats around the grand hall, many councilors showed fatigue. Although most of them participated in the meeting in the form of virtual images, the council stipulated that no means of beautifying the images should be used. Appearing, this is a respect for the congressmen who attended the meeting in person.

In the center of the hall below, the chairman of the committee presiding over the meeting had a hoarse voice: "Now proceed to the seventh topic of this emergency meeting: N77 Starfield War."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white-haired old man stood up and said, "Before the discussion, I would like to ask another question. This question has been raised for the third time. The question is, why do we fight with a neutral force?" This war?"

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