God is Coming

Chapter 956 Where there is oppression, there is resistance

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At this moment, it is useless to talk too much, Chu Jungui mentioned the cactus and walked out the gate, Kai Tian hurriedly followed.

It was only 1,500 meters from the camp to the place where the quota disappeared, and Chu Jungui didn't bother to hide it. He ran at full speed, at a speed of over 100 per hour, and rushed straight to the scene of the incident, believing that the thief would not have time to escape.

It is inevitable to be counterattacked for such a swaggering pursuit. What Chu Jungui was waiting for was the opponent's counterattack. If the opponent ran away without saying a word, it would be troublesome.

Facts have proved that those who wander in the real dream are not good, and those who dare to take food from Chu Jungui's mouth are even more daring. Not only did the thief not run away, he dared to fight back!

A figure flickered in the depths of the forest, and the man was vaguely seen holding a throwing spear, as if about to throw himself.

Kai Tian ascended to the sky behind Chu Jungui, and his body suddenly shone brightly! In the dark forest, it was as if a snow-white lightning flashed, and it shone like daylight in an instant!

Kai Tian flashed and sneered at the same time, if you dare to steal our things, you will be blinded first!

This move was originally prepared by Kai Tian to deal with the ape monster. Ever since he was attacked by the ape monster and half his life was sprayed out with a mouthful of digestive juice, Kai Tian regarded this as a great shame and vowed revenge. The ape monster's perception is extremely keen, its eyesight is even more outstanding, and it likes to act in dark environments, so Kai Tian painstakingly practiced this trick as a hidden killer. It's just that Chu Jungui killed too fast just now, Kai Tian has never been able to use his force, but now it is just right.

However, the thief was also extremely fierce, his body glowed faintly, but he was not affected by the strong light, and shot with a short spear.

Suddenly there was a piercing roar in the forest, and there was a faint brilliance on the short spear, and as soon as it was released, it was already in front of Chu Jungui!

Chu Jungui turned sideways to avoid, threw his spear and passed by, piercing through a big tree behind him. Half of the tree's body suddenly exploded, and debris flew around.

Seeing the power of this spear, Kai Tian was terrified, and subconsciously turned off the light, so as not to become a living target.

After Chu Jungui dodged sideways, his figure disappeared from the original place, like a ghost beast, moving back and forth at high speed, and pounced at the opponent at full speed. After a few ups and downs, he appeared above the thief, but there was no one below.

Chu Jungui moved his ears and caught the faint sound from the side. He kicked on the tree and flew across more than ten meters like an arrow. Finally, he saw a figure moving at high speed below. Chu Jungui was like an eagle fighting a rabbit, he flew down in the air, and threw the man directly on the ground.

The man reacted extremely quickly. He was overwhelmed and instantly rolled over, turned his face upwards, and kicked out his curled legs fiercely! If these two feet are solid, Chu Jungui may also have his belly ripped open.

Chu Jungui moved sideways, leaving the man in the air. That person didn't expect that he would step into the air when he kicked with all his strength, but his body took advantage of the momentum, head down and feet up, and it seemed that the momentum could go all the way up to the canopy of the tree.

However, how could Chu Jun make the opponent so happy? He stood up close to his body, stroked his upper abdomen with one hand, and pressed his buttocks with the other hand. He easily turned his opponent from upside down to prone, and then pressed on his buttocks, and the opponent fell into a prone position. The opponent hits the ground heavily!

This muffled sound made the trees within ten meters tremble, and the man buried half of his body in the soil.

Chu Jungui is also very satisfied with his pressing. This hand is as light as it is heavy, without any smoke, and the strength is just right. Death is impossible, and there will be no serious injuries. Fainted to death, the next step is to be slaughtered by him.

The opponent in front of him is very fierce, with at least 15 fighting skills, so he is also getting down now...?

Chu Jungui suddenly felt a chill welling up in his heart, fighting skill 15, and this body became more and more familiar the more he looked at it. As for the feel, I was unfamiliar with it before, but now...

The man didn't move, but a voice of gnashing teeth came out from the ground: "Chu... Lord, return!!"

Chu Jungui looked around in a daze, trying to find Kaitian. But this unreliable guy was clearly nearby, but he disappeared without a trace, and his aura was so restrained that even the test subjects couldn't find it for a while. And it seems that this guy has made up his mind that he won't show up again for a while.

Chu Jungui had no choice but to make helping her up a mandatory task, stepped forward and grabbed her arm, and helped Lin Xi up.

Lin Xi's face shimmered, and the sticky dirt and dust collapsed automatically, and then he reached out to brush off the grass leaves stuck to his hair, looked at Chu Jungui, and said with a half-smile: "Yes, Mr. Legion Commander, this hand is very skilled Ah, it seems that you must have practiced a lot these days, right?"

Chu Jungui instinctively ignored some specific dangerous moves, and said with an innocent face, "Does that mean the pounce? At that time, I was afraid that you would escape, and wanted to enter the ground to fight as soon as possible."

Lin Xi didn't give him a chance to pass the test vaguely: "I mean the last one. Well, do you want to knock me out? Then what do you want to do?"

Chu Jungui explained palely: "I just want to make you lose your fighting power, so it's not easy to kill people directly, right? Look, didn't you recognize you at that time..."

Lin Xi interrupted him, and continued to ask: "The last touch, your hand, why did you press there? You are very skilled!"

Chu Jungui felt that the sweat glands on his forehead were a little out of control, and subconsciously said: "At that time... I felt that the center of gravity was there, so...that, I didn't think much..."

The fighting in the experiment is all out of instinct, without having to use the brain, the body will naturally catch the fighter and move out what should be done. Just like this time, when Chu Jungui realized something was wrong, Lin Xi was already embedded in the ground.

Lin Xi stared at him for a while, then suddenly smiled, and the whole forest lit up for a moment.

Chu Jungui finally breathed a sigh of relief, but when Lin Xi forced him to question him, he actually recalled the whole process just now. Although separated by a layer of animal skin, the astonishing curve and elasticity can still be clearly felt in the hand, especially the elasticity, the deeper the pressure, the greater the elasticity. The power curve is a shockingly large convex function, not soft. Weak straight lines.

Predecessors and sages have long discussed this incisively: Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

This doesn't seem to be a question that should be considered carefully... Chu Jungui packed up this memory and sealed it in a corner of his body. Anyway, it would not be connected with the thinking organ anyway.

"Why are you here? Also, why did your strength suddenly increase?" Chu Jungui asked.

Lin Xi's original fighting level should be around 14, a line higher than Li Xinyi and Li Ruobai, which is the main reason why Chu Jungui didn't recognize her immediately. If you want to raise your martial arts level from 14 to 15, it can be said that it is as difficult as climbing the sky. To this extent, what restricts people is talent, and hard training is useless. Just like human beings before genetic optimization, it is extremely easy to increase the 100-meter sprint from 20 seconds to 19 seconds, but it took hundreds of years to advance from 9 seconds to 8 seconds. In the end, more or less genetic technology was used to achieve it.

So after the short spear was thrown head-on, even if he saw that the figure was 80% similar to Lin Xi, Chu Jungui's first reaction was "Where is the evildoer, how dare you pretend to be". What's more, there is a layer of light that appears and disappears around Lin Xi's body, which has never appeared on Lin Xi before.

"The improvement in strength is because I have practiced the Jade Forging Jue handed down in my family. For some reason, its effect is suddenly magnified here." Lin Xi picked up a fallen branch. This branch was scraped off when the two were fighting just now, and the wood is quite hard.

Suddenly there was a faint light in Lin Xi's hand, and with a bang, the branch was smashed into pieces!

Then the twilight faded, Lin Xi opened her hand, and sawdust fluttered down from her palm.

Chu Jungui was amazed by this grasp, but suddenly there was a throbbing in a dark corner nearby.

"Sure enough! Did you use the Forging Jade Jue with that spear just now? If it hits the target, at least half of my life will be lost." Chu Jungui half-jokingly half-seriously said.

Lin Xi was also a little embarrassed, her voice softened, and she explained in detail.

Ever since he knew that the bounty on Chu Jungui's head was a full 10 billion, Lin Xi knew that in the real dream, he would have no allies, let alone friends. She herself has a bounty of 120 million, which is enough for the explorers of Part 2 to attack her behind her back, let alone Chu Jungui. With a huge bounty, even a small group of explorers cannot resist the temptation. For the vast majority of people, if something like human nature has withstood the test, it is often because the price tag of the test is not high enough.

So after returning once, Lin Xi's mentality has been adjusted. If he encounters other explorers on the way of adventure, he will usually throw a flying spear in the past. If the other party is lucky enough to survive, we can talk about the next thing. Under this line of thinking, seven or eight explorers have fallen under her hands in the past few days, and most of them have disappeared before they have figured out their identity and camp. So far, only Chu Jungui can survive her spear.

From Lin Xi's point of view, if you see a figure and give a spear first, 99% of the time you will not kill by mistake. The only one who should not be killed will never be shot by her. Perhaps the only exception is the little princess. Lin Xi also has a headache for this little goblin. If she doesn't kill it, she will run away if she doesn't use all her strength.

After the explanation, Lin Xi saw Chu Jungui looking at him with piercing eyes, as if he was listening carefully, but also absent-minded.

Before she had time to ask questions, she saw Chu Jungui open his hands.

"He, what does he want to do..." Before Lin Xi finished thinking, he was hugged by Chu Jungui. In an instant, his consciousness went blank, but his heart seemed to jump out of his chest.

Lin Xi's whole body was stiff, as if he couldn't move a single finger. In a trance, she vaguely heard Chu Jungui say, "It's really great that you're here."

"This idiot, he can't even speak..." Lin Xi wanted to punch him, but he couldn't move.

Chu Jungui's arms tightened, and then slowly let go. Lin Xi still maintained the posture just now, with his arms wrapped around his chest, like a frightened deer.

Chu Jungui naturally stood beside her, and pointed to the light in the distance: "Look, that's our camp."

We... This word made Lin Xi tremble slightly.

Chu Jungui didn't notice it at all, showing a bright smile from the heart, and said: "You are here, and someone will do a lot of work."

Kai Tian, ​​who was planning to take the lead, suddenly lost all breath.

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