God is Coming

Chapter 957: Who Did You Lie To?

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The first thing he did when he returned to the camp was not tenderness, but Chu Jungui's explanation of the next battle plan. Both of them are familiar with the process of base construction, production capacity improvement, defense strengthening, and armed attack on planet 4, so they only need to briefly explain what to do.

The next step was the most important thing, Chu Jungui took out the cactus branch that was heavily wrapped in bark, came to Lin Xi, and slowly opened the outermost layer of bark.

This branch is covered with five layers of bark, which can prevent radiation from leaking. After the outermost layer is removed, the leaked radiation is already a lethal dose for humans in the old era. The lethal dose of radiation that ordinary genetically optimized new humans are subjected to is twice that of the old humans. The radiation dose of 500 roentgens per hour is quite To them it is only serious injury, but not fatal.

The radiation of 500 roentgens made Lin Xi feel a little bit, but it didn't hurt her. After Chu Jungui confirmed that she was fine, he opened another layer of bark. If this layer of bark is removed, the radiation level suddenly jumps to 2,000 roentgens, even if human beings in the new era are exposed to this environment for half an hour, they will undoubtedly die.

This is quite serious radiation, and Lin Xi already felt a slight itching on his skin. But after top-level genetic optimization and the fusion of Kaitianzi's body, her body is already quite strong and can fully withstand this level of radiation.

Chu Jungui removed another layer of bark, and the radiation dose soared to 10,000 roentgens. New humans can only survive for 6 minutes.

Lin Xi began to feel a little burning pain, and the surface of his body immediately glowed, forming layers of ripples. At this time, she also needs to run the Forging Jade Art to prevent herself from being harmed.

Chu Jungui kept observing her state and asked, "How long can this state last?"

"About 3 days."

Chu Jungui nodded, and removed another layer of bark. Now the whole branch is only wrapped with a layer of bark. The radiation of the surrounding environment instantly increased to 30,000 roentgens. General nuclear power plants leak, standing near the reactor is roughly this level. People without genetic modification in the parent star era can last for a minute, and new humans can last for 2 minutes, but they will all be seriously injured and die slowly and painfully in the next few years.

The light around Lin Xi's body suddenly lit up, and layers of halos were continuously formed and dissipated. If you look closely, these halos are a short distance away from her skin, blocking the radiation. At this time, many facilities in the camp had begun to glow, but it was not so obvious.

Lin Xi's face was also a little dignified, and he said, "I can only maintain this intensity for an hour."

"It's already very good." Chu Jungui wrapped the cactus branches again. If the last layer of bark is also removed, then the radiation intensity can only be said, and ordinary nuclear reactors cannot reach this level.

Lin Xi's ability to last for an hour under 20,000 roentgens is enough to deal with most battles. In the next battle, this cactus can show its power again.

The jade-forging formula handed down by the Lin family is indeed miraculous, but why didn't it become famous before?

When Chu Jungui asked about this matter, Lin Xi explained that in the real world, most families have secret records of corresponding exercises, but although the effects are there, they are quite limited, far inferior to genetic optimization. As far as Lin Xi herself is concerned, she used the best genetic optimization all the way. Although she practiced Jade Refining Jue very quickly, she gained very little increase. If 10% of her power comes from genetic optimization, then Jade Forging Art can contribute less than half of it.

Looking at the entire Dynasty's Forging Jade Jue is a top-level skill, even its effect is not satisfactory, let alone other skills. When the genetic optimization is not completely completed, it is better to lie in the genetic optimization cabin for half a day than to practice hard for seven or eight years. Under normal circumstances, no one would choose to practice. Only an heir like Lin Xi, who has been poured with a lot of resources and carefully cultivated since childhood, will practice, in order to compete with other geniuses who also have top optimization, just to be a line above them. The children of ordinary small and medium families, or even the most core children of large families, cannot be genetically optimized.

With the improvement of genetic optimization technology from generation to generation, and the price drop from generation to generation, many small and medium-sized families have completely given up cultivation. lost.

Lin Xi was able to practice Jade Forging Jue to a high level, in fact, it was because of getting the first place in the previous exams. The dynasty is so big that dragons and tigers are hidden everywhere. Lin Xi has been in the best schools all the way. It can be said that there are as many geniuses as dogs. Everyone has the same genetic optimization, and their physical and intellectual talents are also the same. Even hard work is about the same. Lin Xi was able to overwhelm the geniuses of his generation because of the little extra boost brought by the Forging Jade Art.

In Lin Xi's childhood, all he could remember was studying, practicing, exercising, and soaking in the genetic optimization cabin. The entertainment was a sand table war game, and the opponent was the combat staff officer in Lin Xuanshang's fleet. Playing and innocence have never appeared in her dictionary.

The motivation that drove her to take the first place exam was actually to let adults have something to brag about at the banquet. She herself had long been numb to praise and flowers.

Along the way, Lin Xi has long been used to overpowering her peers, and has gradually become difficult to communicate with them. After entering the Zhige Academy, she defeated Rulin strongmen all the way, arbitrarily occupying the first place. This suddenly leads to a problem: I can't get married.

In the end, the Lin family chose after another, and finally found Li Xuancheng who barely matched both in terms of status and personal strength. In fact, Li Xuancheng is not the best candidate, after all, the imperial family is just a false title, not to mention the strength and industry bonus, but also attracts the attention of the public and has many restrictions.

But with this one suitable candidate, the wedding ceremony was disturbed...

Having said that, Lin Xi gave Chu Jungui a hard look, which made the test subject's heart tremble.

At this time, the three major components became restless, or in other words, rioted.

"Fight back! Gotta fight back!" the art component screamed, full of emotion, but with little concrete advice.

"At this moment, it is the right time to counterattack! The method can choose to directly attack the opponent's vital points, attack the mistakes made by the opponent, force the opponent to turn from offense to defense, reverse the passivity in one fell swoop, and take the situation into his own hands from then on." The political component has always been strategic.

Tactical Deception silently gave the text.

Chu Jungui didn't have time to think about it, so he took it and used it, saying: "If I don't go, you are already someone else's bride."

Lin Xi was stunned for a moment, and then Chu Jungui was also stunned, feeling that there was something wrong with this sentence.

Lin Xi looked away, sighed softly, and said, "I really don't know what to say about you...so reckless, what if something happens to you?"

This sentence is also in the text, not only the response text, but also the corresponding parameters of the facial expression when answering. Chu Jungui bit the bullet and put on an expression, and continued to read: "If I don't go, I might as well die."

Lin Xi remained silent, staring at a leaf in front of her toes, as if that was the whole world.

Fortunately, the text ended here, and Chu Jungui really took the initiative. He stood up and said briskly: "Stop talking about this, let's go and cut wood."

Chu Jungui walked towards the cart, and then fished it out of the grass beside him, fished out Kaitian, threw it on the console, and said, "To make 4 wheels, you need to have steering and shock absorbing structures."

Lin Xi followed behind him, and the strangeness on his face had disappeared. The two walked towards the forest one after the other. During the short journey, Chu Jungui involuntarily went through the conversation just now several times.

This text was given by tactical deception, but I don't know who it was deceiving.

When they arrived in the forest, the division of labor between the two had already been decided. Lin Xi was sawing logs and handling branches, and Chu Jungui was in charge of transporting them. In the real dream, the power of Forging Jade Jue has increased by more than ten times, and the increase brought to Lin Xi has reached 80% of the genetic optimization, which is equivalent to nearly doubling her strength out of thin air. Under the powerful boost, Lin Xi's sawing speed is also very fast. It takes less than a minute to bring down a big tree, and it takes less than 5 minutes to deal with the branches and leaves. Mr. Chu transported two trucks back and forth, refueled all the power furnaces, stopped logging, and began to clean up the battlefield.

The corpses of more than 200 ape monsters cannot be left alone, otherwise, if they rot, even though Chu Jungui and Lin Xi are not afraid of the plague, the taste is really bad. These ape monsters were much stronger than the ones Chu Jungui encountered in the village, and they were also a bit taller, reaching 1.5 meters. They are wearing leather armor, the workmanship is quite good, and some vital parts are equipped with metal armor pieces to enhance protection. Metal is obviously a luxury item for ape monsters, and being able to use metal armor shows that the status of these ape monsters is not low.

As for the alienated fighters, it was only after seeing them that they were taller and stronger than in the phantom. All of them were more than 1.9 meters long, and their tails were nearly two meters long. Chu Jungui dragged back the alienated warrior who had been shot in the forest, and dissected it on the spot to understand the body structure and fatal parts.

Chu Jungui, an ordinary ape monster, has killed quite a few and is quite familiar with it. The brain capacity of this creature is roughly half that of a human, and its bones are hollow but quite strong, somewhat similar to bird bones. Their muscle fibers and tendons are stronger than those of humans. Therefore, although ordinary ape monsters are only 1.4 meters long and weigh only 40 kilograms, their explosive strength exceeds that of new humans, and their take-off height can exceed 4 meters.

Alienated warriors are enlarged and enhanced versions of ape monsters, but their brain capacity has been significantly increased, and there is a huge heart in their bodies, which is twice the size of humans in proportion. This huge heart allows them to have explosive power and endurance far beyond human beings. The key points are naturally the head and heart, and the root of the tail is also the key point, where blood vessels and nerves are rich, and once it is cut off, it will be fatal.

The ape monster has more than a dozen organs of different sizes, the number of which exceeds that of humans, and their functions are unknown. Chu Jungui doesn't plan to study it clearly, it is enough to know where the key points are.

After dealing with the alienated warriors, Chu Jungui dug two large pits near the forest, laid firewood on the bottom of the pits, threw the corpse of the ape monster into it, and set it on fire.

The aftermath work is not over yet, and there is still a living alienated soldier imprisoned in the camp. Every biologist is good at extorting confessions by torture, and Chu Jungui is no exception. Although he couldn't understand what the alienated warrior said, Chu Jungui was sure to let him speak.


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