God is Coming

Chapter 967: Luring Wolves Into the House—Part 1

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The second cataclysm that befell the camp was still the beast horde, but it was upgraded in scale and intensity. However, the primitive attack mode of the beast horde was naturally bruised in the face of the camp whose defenses had been completely upgraded. Chu Jungui, Lin Xi and Kaitian, the ferocious firepower of two bows and a machine crossbow directly wiped out hundreds of beasts, and several large beasts were directly taken away by the electromagnetic rifle.

The intensity of the second cataclysm was not as strong as the last ape monster attack, and it was not known whether the original intensity was like this, or it was adjusted due to the appearance of the ape monster after the world changed. However, the aftermath work is much more than that of the ape monster attack. Most of the beasts are edible and usable, and they need to be peeled and baconed, so they cannot be wasted.

It seems that there is a lot of animal meat now, but if it is not processed in time, the decay rate will be quite fast. And after the time of catastrophe, it is quite difficult to hunt and kill a wild beast. Among the early explorers, not a few starved to death.

But now Kaitian has eaten himself up to three kilograms, theoretically he can control 30 manufacturing machines, and the existing ten manufacturing machines are very easy. And Chu Jungui's memory database is a complete collection of blueprints, so two organic matter processors were urgently built. Throw the beast in and it will be broken down into basic fats, proteins and synthetic organic matter and so on. These are the raw materials for the next step, so the organic matter editor was also created logically. Then Chu Jungui discovered that, whether he wanted it or not, he had bio-mass explosives and food, but he had a lot of reserves. He and Lin Xi were only two people, and they had already prepared 15 tons of meat raw materials.

After the catastrophe ended, Lin Xi returned to reality, leaving Chu Jungui and Kaitian in the camp. Before returning, Lin Xi confessed that she would go back for about 8 to 12 hours this time, and she would come back after dealing with outside affairs.

The place she chose to return this time is the bedroom in the camp, and there is a little story about this bedroom. When Chu Jungui was building a functional room, he only built one bedroom with a big bed, and then invited Lin Xi to stay in, and then there was the allusion of dead fish. Thinking about it now, maybe this guy just didn't think there was enough space in the camp, so he only built one bedroom.

Lin Xi closed the door, lay down on the bed, and returned as a ray of light.

Chu Jungui saw the light flashing through the crack of the bedroom door, and knew that Lin Xi had gone back. He pulled out a long list and started to do the following tasks one by one. There is still a lot of work to be done, superconducting materials are already available, and the next step is to build an intermediate manufacturing machine. The precision of the mid-level manufacturing machine is enough to build a relatively backward main brain chip, so that Kai Tian can be liberated.

Chu Jungui sent all the production task sequences to Kaitian, and was checking the blueprint to see what equipment should be built next. At this moment, a straight column of smoke suddenly appeared from the other side of the distant mountains.

This is not a natural sign, Chu Jungui immediately took up the weapon and made a preliminary judgment of the distance. The plume of smoke is 90 kilometers away, a little farther away. But for Chu Jungui, who is determined to be a real dream scavenger, as long as the explorers let him discover, they will be killed no matter how far away.

With an electromagnetic rifle on his back, a long and short bow on each side, 100 light arrows and heavy arrows, and Lin Xi's throwing spear as a melee weapon, he ran murderously in the direction of the rising smoke column. With the weapon in his hand, it is enough to kill a platoon.

After running for several kilometers, Chu Jungui remembered that he forgot to bring the cactus. But now the cactus is not too useful, and it’s okay if you don’t bring it, it’s just a little troublesome. Chu Jungui believed that with the 1500-meter range of his heavy arrows, he could also make the explorers die without knowing why.

After crossing the mountains, Chu Jungui saw the source of the smoke column. It was a temporary camp by the river, and the bonfire in the camp was piled up with wet leaves and grass, billowing thick smoke. Today is another windless day, so the smoke column rises high for Chu Jungui to see.

There are two explorers in the camp, looking for something, it seems that they are not the original owner of the camp.

Chu Jungui observed for a while, and the two explorers found nothing, and only took two animal skin vests, which looked very wretched. At this time, an explorer walked out of the woods, waved to them, and said something. The two explorers reluctantly put down the things in their hands, followed the man to the woods, and began to search.

Chu Jungui understood that these explorers were all in the same group, and they seemed to be chasing someone. And that person seemed to be attacked suddenly, and fled in a hurry, without even having time to clean up the things in the camp, he just threw a handful of wet grass in the campfire, and it was unknown who sent the fireworks signal.

Halfway up the mountain in front of Chu Jungui, an explorer climbed up to the stone platform, squatted on it, and observed the woods below, apparently to prevent the hunted person from escaping. It's just that his attention was all on the bottom, and he didn't even know that Chu Jungui was right behind him.

He was engrossed in his search, wearing a strange crystal lens in one eye, which seemed to have special observation ability.

When the explorer glanced across a forest, he suddenly seemed to have discovered something and was very excited. He reached out and grabbed the whistle next to him, wanting to warn his companions. However, as soon as he turned around, he was suddenly stunned. He didn't know when there was another person beside him, who knelt on one knee like him, looked at the forest, and asked curiously: "What did you see?"

The explorer was stunned again, and the person asked very naturally, as if he knew him very well. But Chu Jungui really asked the question sincerely, because he cut the vision of several modes, but he couldn't see anything.

The explorer finally came to his senses, pulled out his dagger, and shouted, "Who are you?"

Before Chu Jungui had time to speak, his heart suddenly moved, and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed an arrow flying out of the forest just now, shooting at him silently!

Without hesitation, Chu Jungui reached out and grabbed the hapless explorer in front of him. With a plop, the long arrow pierced through the chest, and the tip of the arrow emerged from the explorer's back.

The explorer looked at the arrow tail on his chest, then turned his head to look at Chu Jungui with difficulty, Chu Jungui said: "I wanted to ask about your background, but you have a face full of righteousness. It’s the kind of person who regards death as home, and when you think about it, you have a lot of accomplices, so it’s the same to ask them.”

The explorer felt grief and indignation, and wanted to say something wrong, but there was no chance to say this sentence again, and after struggling twice, he disappeared.

Chu Jungui picked up a short knife from his leftover equipment and looked at it. The short knife was well-made, obviously made of alloy, and the metal processing technology was quite good. In addition, there is a badge engraved on the body of the knife, which looks like a principality of the community.

"Community explorers are really rare... No, maybe I have encountered them before." Just as he was thinking, Lin Jian shot another arrow, aimed at Chu Jungui's head, and the aim was excellent. Chu Jungui caught it casually, put it aside, and continued to check the explorer's equipment.

The man in the forest hid himself very well. Even after shooting two arrows, Chu Jungui couldn't find the specific location of the opponent. Otherwise, he would shoot another arrow directly to let the opponent understand what is the kinetic energy of 100,000 joules.

The search in the woods below was still continuing. Chu Jungui paid a little attention and found 6 explorers. One of the explorers jumped up the big tree, stood on the highest branch, poked his head out from the canopy, and glanced at the stone platform, but the stone platform was empty, and Chu Jungui had disappeared. The explorer frowned, and said displeasedly: "What's the matter, haven't you arrived in place after so long?"

After cursing a few words, he jumped down from the tree, but when he fell, he suddenly noticed a little cold light below, and then saw that it was a long alloy arrow stuck upside down on the ground, and the light of the arrow was pointing straight up!

But he found it too late, before he even had time to scream, his feet had already stepped on the ground heavily, and the 1.5-meter-long, 1.3-meter heavy alloy arrow was exposed on the ground, and the tip of the arrow had completely sunk into his body. between the legs.

A strange sound came from the explorer's throat, suppressed to the extreme, as if it was forcefully squeezed out of his lungs. He just stood there, motionless, until finally he disappeared.

Chu Jungui walked out from behind the tree, looked at the heavy arrow standing proudly, felt a little disgusted, and didn't pick it up.

This explorer seems to be a leader, and his equipment is much better than that of the previous explorer. There are many gorgeous decorations on his armor, so he should be a good interrogation target. It's a pity that his injury is special, even if he can survive for a while, Chu Jungui probably won't be able to speak a word.

Chu Jungui inspected the equipment left by the explorer, picked up two pieces of equipment he was interested in and put them in his backpack, then locked a group of two explorers and approached them sneakily.

These two explorers are strong and tough, with carefree voices, but their movements are cautious and gentle. They are obviously treacherous characters with thick outside and thin inside.

Those who were left behind laughed and said, "Don't hide, come out! You escaped twice, and you were caught up by us, didn't you? Either you go back, and then we will wait for you back where you are, or You have to watch something good. But you don’t have a comeback now, right? Hahaha!”

He waited for a while, then continued: "We all know how you hide, every time you hide in a tree. If you get impatient, sir, I'll just poke every tree a few times, just in case you get hit Your little butt, that taste has an aftertaste."

He searched as he spoke, occasionally stabbing the tree trunks beside him with his spear. The other explorer didn't say a word, and walked like a ghost more than 10 meters away. The two of them were bright and dark, and they had set a trap.

"Our patience is not that good! If we don't come out again, we won't be polite after we catch you. Don't forget, there are 5 of us in total, so you can never sleep..."

While talking, he suddenly felt that the forest was extremely quiet, and the footsteps of his companions, which he could faintly hear, suddenly disappeared!

He turned around abruptly, and a cold light flashed from the corner of his eyes. The movement of turning just sent his neck to the point of an arrow that suddenly appeared!

The arrow completely passed through his neck and severed the cervical spine. He couldn't make a sound, so he fell limply to the ground, and it took a while for him to melt away.

Chu Jungui picked up the heavy arrow and disappeared like a ghost. A moment later, he appeared in another area, walking silently. When passing by an old tree surrounded by several people, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a thick vine wrapped around the tree, and then pulled it hard. The rattan actually turned into a human leg, and the ankle happened to be in Chu Jungui's hand! With such a pull, a person was pulled out from the ancient tree.

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