God is Coming

Chapter 968: Luring Wolves Into the House - Part 2

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To be precise, what Chu Jungui pulled out was just a human figure, and it was blurry, and the edges were a bit unclear. However, this is not an obstacle to the test subject, as long as it can be seen clearly as a human figure. For melee combat, the pixel-level resolution is sufficient, and high-definition is not required.

The man was still dying, with one foot hooked on the tree and the other in Chu Jungui's hand, refusing to get off the tree even if he died.

It was enough for Chu Jungui to feel the grip firmly, and with a casual shake of the hand, the whole body of the man trembled, and he fell directly from the tree, paralyzed on the ground and unable to move. With this shaking, with the help of the feedback shock wave, Chu Jungui has roughly understood her body structure, and she is a woman.

Chu Jungui turned her face towards him, wanting to wipe it clean, confirm her identity before letting her go on the road. It's not that he will be soft because of women. After all, he never considered men and women when throwing cactus before, and cactus can't distinguish between men and women. The reason why Chu Jungui wants to confirm his identity is that before his return, the doctor said that there might be big people entering the real dream, and the first one to appear is probably the community.

Chu Jungui deliberately stored a profile of the big figures in the community, and there were many women in it. In Chu Jungui's future plans, these big figures are very useful, so of course they must be recognized clearly when conditions permit, and resources should not be wasted in vain.

When Chu Jungui put his hand on her face, he could feel the abnormally smooth skin, as if no camouflage had been applied on it. After one swipe, the mosaic blur disappeared with his hand, revealing a Zhang's familiar and beautiful little face, with a pair of eyes fixed on him, made people's heart beat agitated.

"See clearly?" Hathaway asked.

"It's you……"

The little princess puffed up her chest: "If you didn't see clearly, look, there are still many places that haven't been wiped clean!"

"Ah, this, that's not what I meant. I really need to confirm my identity before I can proceed..." Finally, Chu Jun returned to the cliff and swallowed the last word.

"If I don't let you see clearly, I will shut up!"

Chu Jungui didn't know what to say. The little princess is really right, that's what Chu Jungui did before.

Now the test subjects are finally a little bit better to the people in the first part, but unfortunately none of them can hold back their curiosity and refuse to look at what's in the bark.

The little princess didn't make things difficult for him, she stretched out her hand, gritted her teeth and said, "Help me up."

Chu Jungui pulled her up. After the little princess stood up, she swayed again and almost fell down. She had to support Chu Jungui's shoulders to stand still. After waiting for a few minutes, the stiffness and numbness all over her body gradually disappeared.

She glared at Chu Jungui, and the blur on her body faded away, revealing her real appearance. She wore a hunting suit of animal skins, and her weapons were a short bow and a short spear. The arrows are bone arrows, the spears are wooden spears, and there is no metal on the whole body. That kind of blur seems to be optical camouflage, but I don't know how she achieved it.

"Where are those people chasing me?" Hathaway asked, with a murderous look in her eyes.

"It's all sent back to reality. The only strange thing is, are there five or six chasing you?" Chu Jungui asked.

This question is very strange. Hathaway thought about it for a while, but she also seemed confused: "My reason tells me that there are 5, but I feel that it is 6. I don't know what's going on, and I can only remember 5 clearly." , but I always feel that there is another person following behind, but I haven't found it yet."

"That's right, this guy gave me a very unreal feeling, but I didn't notice it at first, until I killed him with a spear, I felt something was wrong, as if there was no entity, and there was no equipment left behind .That guy doesn’t look like an explorer, maybe it’s a creature from a real dream.”

The two discussed the details for a while, but were unable to come to a conclusion. Chu Jungui struck too quickly, seeing the figure flashing, it was a flying spear, and the man disappeared before he could dodge. But recalling carefully, his aura seems to be different from that of the explorer.

Since there is no result, the two will not continue to struggle. The little princess asked him: "Where is the camp, let's go back."

"Okay, it's a bit far away, we have to walk for a while."

She asked naturally, and Chu Jungui answered naturally. The little princess's simple camp didn't even have a tent, so it couldn't be compared with Chu Jungui's camp that was armed to the teeth and whose technology trees could fly.

On the way back to the camp, Chu Jungui asked, "Who are these explorers? Why did they hunt you down?"

"They all come from the Principality of Salem in the Commonwealth, and one of them is the younger brother of the current king. He saw me two days ago and has been chasing me all the way to the present. I had already gotten rid of them, but just happened to encounter a catastrophe and was besieged by beasts Ushio exposed his position. He was caught up again. If I can’t escape this time, I’m going to commit suicide and go back. It’s just that molecular knives are a bit expensive now.” The little princess finally said a joke, but there was no smile on her face . No matter who it is, if they are continuously hunted down and verbally insulted for several days, they will feel murderous. What's more, since she was a child, when has she ever been insulted like this?

Chu Jungui said: "Aren't they afraid of the Federation's revenge when they treat you like this?"

The little princess sighed, and said: "How can I get revenge? War is impossible, that is, to fight back in the real dream. But in the real dream, those people from the Federation are not at my disposal. Besides, some guys in the community are inexplicably strong. The explorers of the Principality of Salem are very famous, they are a bunch of mad dogs. The Federation has its own plan, every explorer is very useful, and they will not sacrifice explorers for such a trivial matter as me."

Chu Jungui was silent for several minutes this time, and Fang said: "If the Federation fails, I will avenge you."

The little princess finally had a smile on her face, and said, "Didn't you kill them once? They will definitely not return to the original place, and it will not be easy to find them. Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Chu Jungui said: "What they want to do to you, killing them once in the real dream is not enough. When the matter in the real dream is over, I will ask the Principality of Salem to hand over these people."

"How is it possible? There is also the king's brother inside."

Chu Jungui showed a murderous look in his eyes, and said calmly: "If you don't pay, it will be war."

The little princess was taken aback and said, "Are you serious?"

Chu Jungui said: "I checked the information on Salem and the battles in recent years. They are strong outside but not very strong. The fleet record does not match the scale at all. If there is a full-scale war, I still have a little confidence that I can destroy them, but It will take time."

"Did you go to check the information just now?"


The little princess is no longer surprised by Chu Jungui's inhuman memory. She rolled her eyes and said meaningfully: "If you are not strong, go to war. What if you are strong?"

Chu Jungui said without hesitation: "Then it will be destroyed in a few years."

The little princess gave him a blank look, and said, "Bragging."

Chu Jungui said seriously: "If it is the five strongest alliance countries in the community, it will be really difficult to fight. It may take decades and lead the opponent to planet No. 4. To deal with other alliances The country is still a little sure. I just made a preliminary battle plan, as long as there are two mobile bases and an entire fleet, the crew will be hired from the dynasty and the Federation. The number does not need to be too large, after all, there is Brother Dao. Then Use small fleets to provoke and seduce them, and pull their fleet out of the galaxy before fighting. The opponent will most likely seriously underestimate our strength. As long as the main force of their fleet is eaten in the first battle, it will be easy to fight later. But this plan is not perfect, How to keep the other members of the community from interfering needs to be considered carefully. I will show you the route of the fleet and the battlefield when I arrive at the camp later."

The little princess had a strange expression, and said, "Are you...really serious?"

"Of course. The king will lose his crown if he won't give up his brother."

The little princess sighed and said, "It's not worth it."

Chu Jungui smiled and said: "It's worth it. If I can't even protect my best friend, then why should I form Light Years? What's the use of such a huge force? Is it for display?"

The little princess said helplessly, "Are you friends?"

"Of course, the best kind." Chu Jun returned.

The little princess was already used to his style. At this time, the camp was already far away, and the two of them accelerated together and returned to the camp.

The first thing to do when you get back to the camp is of course to visit and arrange a place to live.

After looking at the defense facilities and the manufacturing workshop, I came to the bedroom. Chu Jungui pushed the door open and entered, and said naturally: "This is the bedroom, uh, the bed is..."

The little princess's eyes were so bright that it made people panic. She looked at Chu Jungui and said, "...shared?"

"Ah... um..." It wasn't until then that Chu Jungui realized that there was only one bedroom in the camp. Although three people could live there, it seemed a little smaller. Hathaway has been pampered since she was a child, can she stand this?

The little princess covered her mouth with a chuckle, and said: "There is only one room, it's just right, so I don't have to tear down the wall."

She only had a small backpack and no other luggage. Just as she was putting the bag down, she saw a suit of armor on the side of the big bed against the wall. The little princess remained calm, stretched out her hand to pick up the breastplate, looked at it, smelled it again, and said with a half-smile: "A woman's?"

"Lin Xi, you guys have met." For some reason, when he said this, Chu Jungui suddenly became a little nervous.

"It's her... where is she now?"

Chu Jungui looked at the time: "I have returned to reality, well, I will be back in about 3 hours."

"Three hours... is enough." The little princess' eyes became brighter and brighter, she approached Chu Jungui, and said, "Did you know that there are many prefixes that can be added before the word friend."

"Prefix??" Chu Jungui scanned the languages ​​of various countries and hundreds of ancient languages ​​in an instant, and found many prefixes, as well as a series of words related to friends, with various meanings, such as best friend, bad friend, X friend Etc., etc.

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