God is Coming

Chapter 973

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The off-road vehicle approached at high speed, and the two explorers recovered from the initial shock. One explorer had sharp eyes and shouted: "They are holding bows! Don't be afraid, we have guns!"

He knelt down on one knee and aimed at the off-road vehicle in the distance. At this moment, the off-road vehicle was still a thousand meters away, far beyond the range of the single-shot musket in his hand. He had to wait for the opponent to get close to about 200 meters before he could fire. . . Moreover, the muskets in their hands have to be reloaded every time they fire a shot, and the first hit is very important.

The explorer held his breath in an instant and entered the state, only the gap in the front sight and the firmly trapped off-road vehicle remained in his field of vision.

A person on the off-road vehicle suddenly jumped out of the vehicle, took out a longbow, pointed an arrow at the sky, and shot in this direction. There seemed to be a flash of light on the bow, and the arrow disappeared.

The explorer felt that his eyes were a little blurry, and he couldn't find the trajectory of the arrow in an instant. But he still locked on the woman driving the car firmly, and didn't care about the arrow at all.

This is 1000 meters! What kind of arrow can shoot 1000 meters? The almost sniper rifle is not easy to hit at this distance.


The cry of the companion next to him suddenly sounded, but the explorer, who was concentrating on aiming, hadn't figured out what to be careful about, when a heavy arrow fell from the sky and pierced his right shoulder!

The place where the heavy arrow hit was not fatal, but the terrifying kinetic energy instantly tore apart most of his body, such an injury made him disappear in an instant, and he didn't even have time to scream!

The heavy arrow did not run out of momentum, and it plunged obliquely into the ground. The ground was sunken first, and then exploded violently, spraying out a mud waterfall several meters long, pouring mud and gravel onto the head and face of the explorer next to him.

The surviving explorers were dumbfounded. Is this an arrow? ?

Seeing the man open his bow again, he suddenly felt blessed and raised his hands high! Obviously, there is no escape, no two legs can run off-road vehicles, as for confrontation, the fate of the companions around is an example. This is not a bow and arrow, a large-caliber sniper rifle is nothing more than that. Not to mention that he was just a flesh and blood body wearing leather armor, even if he was sitting in an infantry chariot, that armor would definitely not be able to block such a terrifying arrow.

Seeing the explorer raise his hands in surrender, Chu Jungui loaded his bow and arrows without hesitation. Fixed target is much easier to hit.

"Wait!" Lin Xi stopped Chu Jungui and said, "Confirm your identity first, our follow-up plan needs additional manpower."

"We already have people!" Chu Jungui pointed to Hathaway, and the little princess straightened up immediately.

"There's only one!"

"Is this one better than ten?" Chu Jun returned.

Lin Xi didn't deny the little princess' ability, but said: "We still need workers and cannon fodder."

Chu Jungui said: "It's fine to have me do the work, I'm probably equivalent to 20 strong human laborers? For cannon fodder, Kaitian is very suitable."

Lin Xi covered her eyes and said, "It's up to you, you shoot!"

However, Chu Jungui slightly lowered his bow and arrow, pointing the arrow tip at the ground, and said hesitantly, "He has already knelt down..."

Lin Xi sighed, and said, "Go over and have a look, if you don't let go of your arrow, he will probably lie flat."

Chu Jungui received the arrow according to his words, and the three of them climbed to the small high ground. The person in front of them was somewhat familiar. He had seen it in the directory of a department, and he belonged to a senior explorer who had experienced death once.

The explorer looked to be in his 30s, with a messy beard and hair, and a dusty look. When he saw Chu Jungui and Lin Xi, he immediately smiled wryly, and said, "It's actually you, if you knew it earlier, you might as well resist desperately. Although you know it's useless, at least you can die with some dignity."

Chu Jungui said: "Our reputation is so bad?"

"It's not just bad, er, it's famous. Anyway, meeting you must be a death, and some people don't know how they died, but they also know that they must have died in your hands."

Lin Xi said: "There is no way for this. Who told some of you to be greedy for rewards and want to do something to us? If you want to blame them, you should also blame them. These people gave you, especially the people in the first department, the way to live. Discarded."

The explorer sighed and said, "I never thought about the bounty, because I knew I couldn't get it even if I died. I just want to make more achievements here and make more money before I retire , In this way, can you leave me a way out?"

Lin Xi said lightly, "I don't want anyone to shoot me in the back again."

The explorer smiled helplessly, closed his eyes, and said, "Let's do it! For the sake of the same part, give it a good time and don't torture me."

Lin Xi poked Chu Jungui and gestured for him to come out and be a good person.

Chu Jungui was a little puzzled, but he still took a step forward, pulled the explorer up from the ground, and said, "I just need a few people right now, so don't let me down."

The explorer survived the catastrophe, he was surprised and happy.

"Pack up the useful things, then follow us, and inspect the next place. What's your name?"

"Fang Ren, a veteran explorer of the first department." He came to the equipment scattered on the ground by his companions, his eyes were a little sad, and he silently picked up the backpack and armor, while the armor stayed where it was. This is a ritual in the real dream. If it is not urgently needed, the armor of the teammate who died in battle will be left in place, hoping that he can enter the real dream again.

The four people on the off-road vehicle were a bit crowded. Fang Ren sat in the corner very consciously, half of his buttocks were outside, and he had to firmly hold on to the steel frame so as not to be knocked over. The three of Lin Xi were nailed to the car, no matter how the car went up and down, they remained calm and unaffected.

The off-road vehicle drove for half an hour. On the way, Fang Ren told his background and story, which can be regarded as a confession to the three of them. He was a mercenary, and after several years of fighting, he came across the dynasty recruiting reserve explorers. Of course, the external name of the recruitment was not this, and he only knew that he wanted to enter the real dream as an explorer after he was successfully recruited.

The explorer who was shot and killed by Chu Jungui was surnamed Xu. Fang Ren had cooperated with him before, and they felt lucky to meet him this time. It's just that Lao Xu was really unlucky. He pointed his gun at Chu Jungui, but it was actually Lin Xi who aimed the gun. A thousand meters away, Chu Jungui and Lin Xi were still sitting next to each other, and this error was normal. However, Chu Jungui didn't know how far his gun could shoot, and the test subject was most afraid of random marksmanship, so he simply killed it with one arrow.

The 4 people soon arrived at the predetermined area, and everyone got out of the car. Chu Jungui asked Fang Ren to follow him and began to search in a fan shape.

Chu Jungui also trotted all the way when searching. For a whole hour, he searched in a straight line for a distance of 15 kilometers, and then joined Lin Xi and the little princess. The three of them confirmed that there were no traces of ape monsters or explorers in their respective search areas, so they ended their day's patrol and began to return to the camp.

During the whole journey home, Fang Ren remained silent. But he finally understood how those explorers died.

Back at the camp, Chu Jungui had already found a place next to the camp, and asked Fang Ren to camp here. There are still many secrets in the camp, and he cannot be allowed in yet.

Fang Ren originally felt that he had become numb after seeing the off-road vehicle, but now seeing the 20-meter-square, 4-meter-high fortress, his mouth still opened slowly uncontrollably, and he could hardly close it. Then he saw a row of blast furnaces erected by the river outside the camp, with hundreds of tons of ore piled up in the open space next to it, hundreds of logs on the other side, and a six-car cargo cart.

This is not an explorer camp, it is clearly an industrial base!

However, this was not over yet, he suddenly shivered, and when he looked up, he saw an unmanned machine crossbow automatically turned around on the camp wall, aimed at himself, and then it shot a green laser light, It fell on my forehead!

Even without looking in the mirror, Fang Ren knew that there must be a green light spot between his eyebrows at this moment. This scene was seen a lot when he was a mercenary. But that is the real world, but here is a real dream. In the real dream, didn't everyone agree to conquer the world with muskets and sabers? Why is there even a calibration laser?

There was a light click, and the machine crossbow was wound up automatically! Fang Ren felt his whole body was icy cold, he didn't dare to move, even the thought of dodging disappeared. He is an experienced mercenary. As soon as he saw the huge arrow box hanging under the machine crossbow, he knew that this thing must be firing continuously. Even if he dodged the first arrow, he could not dodge the second arrow. Besides, the power of crossbow arrows is not the same as that of bullets, and it is possible to not die if you get shot. One arrow in this kind of machine crossbow will definitely kill you.

Fortunately, after the machine crossbow was wound, there was no follow-up action. But Fang Ren always felt that the machine crossbow seemed to be alive and was examining himself. After a while, the machine crossbow seemed to lose interest in him, turned off the laser, and turned in another direction. After a while, the machine crossbow began to move along the city wall and ran to the other side of the camp.

Although this is a common operation of the intelligent automatic defense system, Fang Ren always has a creepy feeling watching it. That machine crossbow seems to have its own consciousness, look around, and shoot it with an arrow if it sees something that is not pleasing to the eye.

At this time, Chu Jungui came over with a huge backpack, and when he put it on the ground, the ground sank a few centimeters, showing how heavy the backpack was. Then Chu Jungui put the wooden box in his left hand on the ground, and the ground also subsided.

But carrying such heavy things, Chu Jungui did not leave any footprints on the ground. Fang Ren's heart trembled, and when he was about to ponder over the scientific principles, Chu Jungui had already handed him a manual and said, "The backpack contains your equipment and parts, and the box contains building materials. You can build a room for yourself." Survival house. Here's the instruction manual, just follow it."

Fang Ren took it silently, flipped through it casually, and saw that the manual was full of pictures and texts, the printing was exquisite, and the paper quality was exceptionally good to the touch.

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