God is Coming

Chapter 974 Not Excessive

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In the first ward, an explorer, regardless of his still weak body, waved his fist vigorously and cursed.

"It's obviously murder, do you care about it? How can such a person let him go unpunished? What are you all doing!"

In front of him were two people in uniform, both expressionless. They didn't even wipe the saliva on their faces. As for the finger that was about to poke the face, it was half a centimeter away. , even if they really poked it, they might not have any reaction.

The hand of the man in uniform on the left beeped, and he finally got a little expression on his face and said, "15 minutes is up."

The man in uniform on the right said: "The above are all your statements, and we have written them down. Next, just wait for the notice. This is your dictation, please sign it."

The explorer knocked away the personal terminal in the uniformed man's hand, and yelled, "I won't sign it! Why sign it? I was tricked back by my own people. Do you still have this attitude regardless of the perpetrator? I Shed blood for the dynasty!"

The young man in uniform sneered: "You have made money from Wang Chao!"

The older explorer stared at him and said, "That's what I deserve!"

Another man in uniform was much more calm, and said: "Xu Dong, right? This is the fourth time you have died in a real dream. Normally, your retirement has already been applied for approval." He paused, He said meaningfully: "Normally speaking..."

Xu Dong's heart trembled, and then his voice was raised by an order of magnitude: "What do you mean? I want to complain, I want to see a doctor! No one wants to touch my penny! You immediately pick up the doctor, I have This right!!"

The two gray uniforms looked at each other, the elder nodded slightly, and the young man opened his personal terminal and applied for communication. However, before the communication was connected, the door of the ward was pushed open, and several heavily armed soldiers rushed into the ward. The leading officer glanced at the explorer on the bed and said, "You are Xu Dong, very good, you Arrested. When the treatment is over, come with us!"

Xu Dong was startled, then grabbed something and threw it at the soldiers, shouting: "I have been here for 20 years, what are you guys who haven't grown all hair? Let me tell you, do you see me today?" When it comes to the doctor, no one can take me away! I don't believe that Chu Jungui can really cover the sky with one hand?"

The officer sneered: "It looks quite energetic, so there is no need to treat it, take it away!"

Several soldiers rushed forward and directly dragged Xu Dong out of the medical cabin and out of the ward. The officer looked at the smashed-up ward, and said to the two gray uniforms, "It's really hard for you."

The young man said: "I've long been displeased with these people! Eat inside and out!"

At this time, in the doctor's office, the doctor stood in front of the map of the real dream, and said, "There is too much garbage, it is time to clean it up."

Chu Jungui was also there, standing in front of the closet at the moment, looking at all kinds of weird weapons inside. The things that can be put in the display cabinet by the doctor are naturally extraordinary, but the strange thing is that this cabinet is full of cold weapons, not even a long-range weapon.

The doctor marked a few points on the map, then turned around, and said: "Among the original explorers, two-thirds had contact with the other party, and more than 80% of them talked about the bounty. There is conclusive evidence that More than 70% of them seriously considered the bounty. Nine of them received a deposit, and 8 of the 12 most senior explorers actually received a deposit.”

Chu Jungui said: "You have been penetrated like a sieve."

The doctor smiled slightly and said, "Sieve? That's too polite."

Chu Jungui said: "This is also the result of you letting yourself go. How about Lin Xi?"

The doctor poured two glasses of wine, handed one to Chu Jungui, and said: "The person has been caught, the main messenger and the middleman have also been found. They think they have done a perfect job, but they forgot one thing, in the site I preside over There's nothing I can't find out."

"Where's your student? How's it going?"

"He is not behind the scenes, at best he is just a middleman, a tool that can be thrown away after use. He is still too naive, thinking that those people will really fulfill their promise and give him the position of the head of the second department. He doesn't know, the second The head of the Ministry is scheduled to step down in two months, but the successor has been determined a year ago, and it is not him at all."

"Can't you change it?" Chu Jungui asked.

The doctor said lightly: "For such an important position, the level is also high, and the appointment process will take at least 2 months. Another thing he doesn't know is that the appointment of this position also requires my signature."

Chu Jungui shrugged and said, "I don't sympathize with him, but I'm curious, how did you punish him?"

"I just told him my true evaluation of his ability and IQ, and also showed him the appointment process of the head of the second department and the successor. Of course, the legal matters belong to the law."

Chu Jungui sighed, and said, "I feel a little sympathetic to him now. Where is the person who hurt Lin Xi?"

The doctor drank the wine glass and said: "That little nurse, her story is very complicated, which more or less gave me some entertainment value. She has a boyfriend who happened to owe a large amount of gambling debts a while ago. There was no way out. So she collected 20 million as the price for the murder. The money was directly transferred to her boyfriend's account through a third party, and had nothing to do with her legally. And she happened to be pregnant, so legally It would be impossible to sentence her to death. All this looks perfect, she saved her lover, and she didn’t have to die, and the other party also paved the way for her parents so that they could be promoted in advance.”

Chu Jungui gently shook his wine glass and asked, "And then?"

The doctor showed a devilish smile and said: "My time belongs to science and all mankind, and I have no time to entangle with those who know nothing but infighting. So I have been trying to make my opponents remember the following: A label: narrow-minded, vindictive, unscrupulous, harming the family. The last point is what I especially insist on."

Chu Jungui was also very shocked, the wine glass in his hand stopped shaking.

The doctor poured him another glass, and the two glasses together were almost full. Chu Jungui gulped it down in one gulp, and immediately lifted his spirits, feeling a slight increase in his energy reserves.

The doctor continued: "After Lin Xi's accident, I detained that little nurse for 3 days. During these 3 days, I had someone hack into her boyfriend's account directly in front of her, and debited the 20 million yuan; Let people hide their identity, and accompanied her boyfriend into the casino again, which tripled his debts that night. Then after the completion of her parents' promotion process, they dug up some old accounts and put them together again. Fuck it all. It's her turn in the end. This part is easy, I just had someone show her all the women her boyfriend has had over the years, and the guy he wants to marry isn't her and she's going crazy to kill her Child. Unfortunately, according to the law of the dynasty, in her situation, the child must be born, even if she wants to apply for the death penalty, she can only give birth to the child, and then there is no period."

Chu Jungui heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, I'm not your enemy."

The doctor smiled and said: "I said that my time belongs to science and human beings. If others don't mess with me, they won't understand these things. But if they mess with me, then they will see me That devil's mask."

Chu Jungui said: "I come back this time mainly to solve the bounty issue. Now it seems that my plan is not very good. I'd better use your plan."

The doctor wondered: "I don't seem to have a plan for this."

"You can solve it however you want." Chu Jungui understood now that what is called ginger is old hot.

The doctor pondered for a while, and said, "That's okay, it's not difficult. I thought about it just now. There are 279 plans in total, and one is almost customized for those who want to receive the bounty. Next, let's talk about manpower." .”

The doctor reached out and tapped in the air, and hundreds of explorer files immediately appeared in front of him. With a flick of his finger, these files were divided into 4 groups, one of which accounted for half.

"Over the years, several groups of different sizes have formed among the explorers here. The largest organization is called the Crazy Wolf Gang. The boss is a guy named Blood Wolf. He has died twice in real dreams. How should I put it, it’s pretty good among explorers.”

"What a terrible name." Chu Jungui commented.

The doctor smiled and said, "The name of the gang should be easy to remember and reckless. It doesn't matter whether it's bad or not. This hasn't changed in the past thousands of years."

"This wolf also took the deposit?"

"He and his 4 wolves took all. Of course, he got the most, 30 million. Now killing you has become their gang task."

Chu Jungui asked: "How do you know?"

The doctor said lightly: "In front of technology, human beings have no hard bones. I don't have time to interrogate, so I randomly selected a few explorers to check their memories, and they all know."

"What about the other three?"

"One is called the Star Alliance, and the other is called the Quantum God Cult. Each has twenty or thirty people. The main purpose of the establishment is to fight against the mad wolves. In the past, many explorers were framed by the mad wolves and died in real dreams. The last part They are loners without power, and their numbers will expand rapidly."

Chu Jungui thought for a while, and said, "Give the Mad Wolf Gang a task to get them to move closer to my position. I'm short of manpower recently."

"No problem." Dr. Zero arranged it casually.

"This mad wolf gang may suffer a lot of damage." Chu Jungui gently reminded.

The doctor said: "I have already prepared. Now all the reserve explorers are in my hands, and even the training facilities have been moved here. In addition, I have just ordered a group of soldiers from various elite troops. Recruiting in the market. Therefore, no matter how many quotas you get back, I will use them all up. Ah yes, the boss behind the scenes of the second film will come to negotiate with me, so you should listen to it too."

"He came to talk to you?" Chu Jungui knew that the relationship between the second department and the doctor had long been at odds. Now that the boss behind the second department took the initiative to come to the door, was he being overwhelmed by the doctor, or came to provoke him?

The doctor said casually: "Now all the molecular knives in the market are in my hands. If he doesn't come to me, who else can he look for? In terms of past affection, I won't make him too difficult, and 20 million a piece is not considered too much." Excessive."

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