God is Coming

Chapter 975 As long as the price is right

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An image of a capable general appeared in Dr. Zero's office. Compared with the two general stars on his shoulders, he seemed a little too young, and he seemed to be in his early 30s.

"Doctor, you should know the reason why I came to you. I can double the profit of the molecular knife, 6 million. In addition, I want 100 reserve explorers and 50 training facilities."

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, this person was aggressive when he came up, making people very uncomfortable. But it's also part of a tactic to set the tone for the negotiation.

However, Dr. Zero naturally wouldn't follow such a routine. He smiled slightly and said calmly: "The molecular knife is 30 million. There is no set of reserve and training facilities."

The general's eyes were like lightning, he glanced at Dr. Ling and Chu Jungui, and said coldly, "Doctor, is this inappropriate?"

"What's wrong? No matter whether the molecular knives are used in the first part or the second part, they are all in the hands of the dynasty. To be honest, I don't plan to sell any of these molecular knives."

Just as Dr. Ling put down a sentence, a communication channel next to him automatically opened, and a cynical man appeared with a smile on his face. He came up and said, "Doctor, can those molecular knives be given to me two days in advance? The recent casualties here are It’s a bit heavy. In addition, the price is cheaper, just drop 2 million, and you can earn a lot of 18 million. Also, can we talk about the transfer fee for the reserve team?”

The man was talking non-stop, when he saw the Lieutenant General with a livid face, he was shocked.

The general said coldly: "Mr. Ji, didn't we agree to advance and retreat together?"

Mr. Ji is also an old man. After the initial shock, he immediately regained his composure and said with a smile, "Isn't General Yu here too? This is how we advance and retreat together!"

Lieutenant General Yu's face was naturally extremely ugly, and the little atmosphere he had created with great difficulty was completely destroyed in this way. Moreover, he heard a lot of information from Mr. Ji's words. For example, the reserve explorers now require a transfer fee, so needless to say, they have to pay for the training facilities.

General Yu holds the power in the second part, while Mr. Ji is the big man behind the scenes of the third part, with his hands and eyes in the sky. Although Lieutenant General Yu is a general of the young and strong faction of the military, he can't be too rude to Mr. Ji.

The doctor picked up the wine glass and said calmly: "I can sell the molecular knife as I like. If you don't want to accept the price, you don't have to buy it. Anyway, the explorer is a consumable, and the higher the loss rate, the higher it will be."

General Yu suppressed his anger and said, "I've accepted the high price, but why is the price I've been offered different from his by a full 10 million?"

The doctor said lightly: "I also want to know why there are tens of billions of bounties on my head."

A cold light flashed in Yu Lieutenant General's eyes, and he said calmly: "I don't understand what you are talking about, you have a bounty on your head, it seems that it has nothing to do with me."

The doctor said: "Oh, I just don't want to solve it. Since you are so rich, the price of the molecular knife will not drop, 30 million, not a cent less! Anyway, the military has a lot of people, so they don't care about the explorers."

General Yu looked into the eyes of the doctor, and still said: "The matter of the bounty really has nothing to do with us."

The Doctor interrupted him and said, "You just took office, you haven't dealt with me yet, and you don't know my character. If it was your ex, you would know that you are just wasting your time by doing this. Return!"

"Yes." Chu Jungui agreed.

The eyes of the two of them all fell on Chu Jungui, Mr. Ji's eyes were more curious, and the lieutenant general's eyes were filled with killing intent.

The doctor said: "These two are the real bosses of the second and third movies, now tell me, what are you going to do in the real dream?"

Chu Jun returned: "Those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish."

Mr. Ji was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed out loud, very happily. The lieutenant general couldn't help but stared at Chu Jungui and said, "I hope you can do it."

"I've been doing pretty well this past time."

The lieutenant general snorted heavily, ignored Chu Jungui, turned to the doctor, and said coldly: "Doctor, the situation of the dynasty is very good, but the progress in the real dream has fallen behind the Federation. If you continue to behave like this , What do we rely on to catch up with the Federation?! Just rely on you?"

The doctor took a sip and signaled to Chu Jungui.

Chu Jun returned immediately and said: "This little thing doesn't need the whole part, it's enough for me."

The lieutenant general jumped up against the case and said angrily: "Do you know who you are talking to? Presumptuous!"

Chu Jun Guidan said: "Of course I know, but I don't think you know. If we met on the battlefield instead of here, you probably won't last 24 hours."


Seeing that the lieutenant general was about to explode, the doctor finally intervened. He first calmed Chu Jun, and then said to the lieutenant general: "General Yu, I don't think there is any need to talk about it. There won't be any molecular knives. As for what you plan to do?" How to report to the higher-ups is your business. But I want to remind you, first think about whether it is worth fighting against me, it may cost your political life."

The lieutenant general turned pale and cut off the communication directly.

Mr. Ji looked a little embarrassed by the side, he laughed at first, and then said: "Jun Gui, have you ever been on the battlefield?"

"Go up."

"Who did you fight with?" Mr. Ji looked very curious.


"Oh, oh, who are your opponents? Are there any celebrities?"

Chu Jungui recalled: "There are quite a lot of opponents, and I can't say whether they are famous or not. Recently, it is Morgan Jr. and Crassus."

Mr. "Krasu" Mr. Ji's smile suddenly froze, and then he laughed and said, "It's Crassus, then your luck is really not very good. But it's not bad to be able to escape unscathed. That battle What was the result?"

Chu Jungui sighed, and said: "There is no complete annihilation, but let him escape by hundreds of thousands."

"Haha" Mr. Ji laughed several times before connecting Chu Jungui in front of him with the distant n77 star field. He looked Chu Jungui up and down, wishing he could dissect Chu Jungui with his eyes, and then said: "If you say this, General Yu really overestimates himself if he wants to compete with you on the battlefield. Fortunately, There will be no such opportunity”

Chu Jungui just smiled and didn't speak.

Mr. Ji is so keen, he immediately noticed what Chu Jungui meant, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared. He collected himself, re-examined Chu Jungui, and then turned to the doctor and asked, "Doctor, your behavior in the real dream seems to be different from the past, why?"

"It's very simple. The real dream has gradually revealed its value and danger. Maybe it won't be long before it will become a battlefield that is more important than the vertical line."

Mr. Ji was taken aback, and immediately understood something: "I understand. The last question, are you going to take it all for yourself, or will you share some of the benefits?"

The doctor said: "The importance of this battlefield may far exceed our expectations. At that time, it is not a matter of profit, but to ensure that the battle is won. Of course, I have no interest in monopolizing it, but I don't want to fight with idiots." deal."

"Understood, understood! Then, maybe we can have a chance to continue to cooperate?"

"Of course, as long as the price is right."

Mr. Ji smiled wryly and said: "Sometimes I really can't tell if you are a scientist or a businessman. Fortunately, you are not in business, otherwise I really have nothing to do."

Next, Mr. Ji and the doctor reached a series of agreements quite efficiently, agreeing on the amount and quantity of molecular knife purchases, as well as the transfer method of reserve explorers. At the same time, Mr. Ji also purchased 50 sets of training devices from the doctor on behalf of a private company. These devices will be placed in an independent company that provides explorer training services to the outside world, but most of them will meet the needs of the third department.

In terms of the price of the molecular knife, Dr. Zero finally made a concession and sold it at a price of 12 million.

Mr. Ji was very grateful.

Chu Jungui watched coldly, admiring the doctor's methods. The price of the Molecular Knife has tripled, and the opponent has to express his gratitude in return. Maybe Mr. Ji didn't know how many times he scolded the doctor in his stomach, but he dared not say it.

The agreement was reached, and the doctor received a few more messages. He just glanced at them and forwarded them to Chu Jungui.

These messages were all sent from a certain unit of the military, and the content was similar. They all said that they could not fulfill the promise of providing alternative fighters. These people would be transferred away by their superiors and had other tasks.

"Draw the bottom of the pot." Chu Jungui commented.

"The counterattack is quick, and the moves are accurate and ruthless. This Yu Zhongshun still has a few neurons in his head. It's just that his IQ is still a little lower than that of chimpanzees." The doctor said.

"Why do you say that?" From Chu Jungui's point of view, the lieutenant general's counterattack is fast and ruthless, and he is indeed a powerful person. I don't know why the doctor has such a low opinion of him.

The doctor smiled and said, "Because he still chose to fight against me."

The doctor threw a batch of lists to Chu Jungui, and said: "This is the explorer information of the second part. If you are free in it, please clear it up. Do you have anything else to do?"

Chu Jungui said: "I want to find a starship design team."

"What's the focus?"

"Appearance and reliability."

The doctor nodded and said, "We should have a similar team under our banner. When you come back next time, the materials should be ready."

"As for the design team, I am going to entrust Li Ruobai to do it."

"That little guy has grown up very fast recently."

Now Chu Jungui has finished all the things to be done this time, and it is time to return to the real dream.

But before leaving, the doctor stopped him, and there was a rare hesitation and hesitation. After several minutes, the doctor said: "Your father, Ying Yang, is my half student and half assistant. What I want to say is that he is one of my two best students."

Chu Jungui suddenly had a strong, inexplicable emotion welling up in his chest, and the edge of his vision was somewhat blurred.

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