God is Coming

Chapter 977 Defense

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At the edge of a forest, several explorers established a simple camp, the leader of whom had a short beard and a fierce expression. A light flashed not far from the camp, and a figure appeared out of thin air and landed on the ground. The leader seemed a little dissatisfied, and said: "Why did you come back? You won't take the opportunity to vent your anger?"

The one who returned was a young explorer with a childish face. He took the equipment thrown by his companion and said while dressing: "Boss Blood Wolf, I was going to come back, but I was suddenly called to pick up a mission. This mission is interesting. Guess what? Get closer to Chu Jungui, and send us the location of his camp!"

The blood wolf's eyes flashed murderously, and said: "Is there such a good thing?"

The young explorer said: "It's absolutely true! This is a task directly ordered by the doctor's deputy."

He picked up the map and pointed on it: "This snow mountain is a reference point. We are now in the south of the snow mountain. Chu Jungui's camp is at an angle of 11 degrees to the southwest. It should be here. We are only 110 kilometers away from him in a straight line."

The blood wolf immediately stood up and said: "Very good! Let's all set off, and after confirming the location of his camp, we will launch a surprise attack tonight!"

A member hesitated and said: "Boss, this is not a small matter, what if the doctor pursues it?"

The blood wolf sneered and said: "What are you afraid of? I just died in a real dream, not outside. Besides, we explorers are directly managed by the dynasty. The doctor only has command over us, but he has no right to fire us. .At that time, everyone will get one point of the bounty, which will be enough to eat and drink for a lifetime. At worst, we can go to the second department and the third department, or even go to the federal community."

As long as there is money, where is life not life? Thinking of the huge bounty on Chu Jungui's head, several people's hearts were thumped.

In the dead of night.

In the night, the flames of the large smelting furnaces in Chu Jungui's base were particularly eye-catching. Rows of torches hung on the outer wall of the camp, illuminating the surroundings of the camp like daytime.

Under the cover of night, several figures quietly sneaked to a place less than 500 meters away from the camp, hiding in the shadow of a bush, observing the camp.

One person sneered and said, "The light from the torch can only illuminate a few tens of meters, but it will affect the sight of people on the city wall. It seems that this guy's level is not very good, and he just illuminates the target for us."

Another person said: "Don't be careless! The target is said to be very good at fighting, and we will sneak into the camp later. If you are careless, you will die."

At this time, the explorer in charge of observation suddenly said pleasantly: "Look! It seems that we don't need to enter the camp."

I saw a person walking up the wall leisurely in the camp far away, who is it if it is not Chu Jungui? He walked back and forth on the city wall a few times, as if he was thinking about some problem, and then he actually sat on a box, with most of his body exposed outside the wall, looking into the distance like that, wondering what he was thinking.

Several stalkers were surprised and delighted, and one asked: "Old five, are you sure?"

The fifth child has already taken out a special sniper rifle with a barrel that is 1.5 meters long. He set up the gun and locked the target through the self-made scope. For his companion's question, he just gave an OK gesture, and his breathing suddenly slowed down.

Several explorers knew how good Lao Wu's sniper ability was. He spent three whole days manufacturing this sniper rifle, part by part. At a distance of 500 meters, he should not miss.

They stopped talking, and the leader took out his binoculars and looked at Chu Jungui on the camp wall.

"He probably never thought he would be attacked by surprise," the leader thought with a sneer.

In the lens of the telescope, Chu Jungui sat quietly, with fingers resting on his forehead constantly rising and falling, looking a little restless.


There was a roar in the night sky, and the scorching air wave pushed the bushes to one side, and caused the clothes of several explorers to heave.

In the case of insufficient processing accuracy, increasing the amount of gunpowder loading is the only option to achieve higher muzzle velocity and better accuracy.

Carrying huge kinetic energy, the bullet directly passed through Chu Jungui's head!

However, Chu Jungui was still sitting, thinking, and the movements of his hands were the same as before. There is no scar on his head, nothing, just distorted for a moment when the bullet passed through.

Optical bait! ! The leader and the sniper immediately thought of this word.

Optical decoys are very popular equipment for mercenaries, special forces, etc. It can create a variety of optical false targets, which can completely deceive the naked eye.

But this is a real dream! Although optical bait is now a popular product, it is also a technology that humans could not initially perfect until the 23rd century. In this back-to-primitive real dream, optical bait is simply a fantasy. But Chu Jungui on the camp wall is obviously an optical image.

The explorers were still in shock when they saw a huge light wall on the camp wall suddenly light up, and the dazzling beam of light directly illuminated the entire area, instantly revealing all the explorers. This light wall is composed of nine high-power square searchlights, and the beams of light easily pass through a distance of hundreds of meters and illuminate a huge area.

For those who already have a manufacturing machine, building a high-power searchlight array is just a trivial matter.

The few explorers turned pale with fright, lying on the ground and not daring to move, betting that Lord Chu hadn't seen him yet. However, at this moment of luck, two machine crossbows had circled around the camp walls on both sides, and the green light spot representing death hit the two explorers directly!

Before the two men could react, the crossbow arrow pierced through their bodies in an instant with a speed and power far beyond imagination! The pierced human body exploded immediately, and the two explorers disappeared without even making a sound. The surviving explorers immediately jumped up and ran away desperately, but where did they escape so fast that they were almost bullets?

After several crossbow arrows, the 3 surviving explorers also disappeared.

The searchlights on the walls of the camp went out, and the interior of the camp fell into absolute darkness again. If you look from the outside, your line of sight will be disturbed by the light of the torch, and you will not be able to find the erected light wall at all.

Everything returned to silence again, and Chu Jungui slowly walked up to the wall, walked back and forth a few times, and then sat down in the corner, meditating. He pondered for a while, then walked to another corner and sat down, continuing to meditate. After a few minutes, he went to the third corner to meditate.

Only when you look down from above the camp, can you see three faint red dots emitting thin beams of light, and then there is a Chu Jungui who has been meditating all night.

In the hidden position several hundred meters away from the camp, Fang Ren rubbed his eyes and yawned. Just now, the other direction of the camp suddenly lit up, and he knew that someone was in trouble again. How many waves is this tonight? 3 or 4?

Fang Ren cheered up and focused on the direction he was in charge of. He knew that no matter who came, as long as he could withstand it for a minute, the two machine crossbows would turn in his direction and tear apart all enemies.

However, since all the work is done by the automatic defense system, what are Chu Jungui and Hathaway doing in the camp? Will it be boring?

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