God is Coming

Chapter 978: Trading

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Dynasty explores a base.

Lin Xi sat in the room, looking calmly at the man opposite, but her fingers were subconsciously pressing the armrest, showing that her mood was not as calm as it appeared on the surface. . .

Sitting opposite her was a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance, and his brows were vaguely similar to Lin Xi, but there was a deliberate pride on his face, which ruined a lot of his demeanor.

He handed over a document and said: "This is the testimony I am going to submit to the court next week. If you are not going to do something, I will just submit it."

Lin Xi took it, looked at it carefully, with a little anger on his face, and said, "There are some gifts for New Years and festivals on these, right? There are also some gift money for juniors and old people."

The man said: "That's right, the only problem is that the sum of them has exceeded the legal limit, and it is Xuan Shang, my dear cousin who accepts them. As long as I am willing to submit a testimony, It will give me a good position over there, and I will be exempted from any legal responsibility."

Lin Xi threw the document directly into the virtual trash can and said, "Since you have already made up your mind, why come to me and talk about it?"

The man smiled and said, "We are still a family. My father and your grandfather are half-brothers. So I think, if there is a chance, we should consider the members of the family first, and then Outsider, right?"

Lin Xi said: "Lin Xuandao, I don't think the word family is very important to you. And that word Xuan is no longer suitable for you."

Lin Xuandao was not angry, and said: "Since this is the case, then I will submit the evidence."

He raised his hand, and there was another document in his hand.

Lin Xi looked at the document in his hand, his thoughts turned sharply, weighing the pros and cons of all aspects. While thinking, Lin Xuandao said: "So you see, you don't have to have such obvious hostility towards me. Even if you do, you shouldn't show it."

"What do you want, or rather, what do you want from me? I don't think I have any use value now." Lin Xi asked.

Lin Xuandao smiled and said: "If this sentence was placed a month ago, then I would have answered yes. But it is different now. First of all, Lu Shuai returned to the 4th Fleet unexpectedly, and immediately took the sword in Su Jian's hand. Most of the power has been regained, and this move is quite beautiful. Although I don't know how you did it, I really need to re-evaluate your ability. The second is the real dream. I got some news in advance, so I want to Do something. And you, become very critical."

"I have nothing to do with the 4th Fleet, and I don't know what happened there. As for the real dream, I'm just an ordinary explorer, and I can't even use my real name."

Lin Xuandao said: "I heard that time in real dreams is very precious, so I won't go around in circles. I want two places to enter, and one of them will go to Lin Ya. My request is that you protect yourself like you protect yourself. She, she must not be allowed to die until she has made enough achievements, at most once."

"Lin Ya..." Hearing this name, Lin Xi frowned.

Lin Ya is a girl of the same generation as her, one year older than Lin Xi, her own ability can only be said to be above average by the standards of the Lin family's children, but outside the family, she is quite outstanding. It wasn't her who disgusted Lin Xi, but her father, Lin Xuanjin. As the backbone of the Lin family, he and Lin Xuandao were the first to get rid of the blow in this turmoil, and they even went a step further in their official careers. And the way to get these is to betray the family. They were also one of the direct reasons why Lin Xuanshang was transferred from the Ninth Fleet and was investigated by the judiciary.

Lin Xi already has his own plan, using Li Xinyi to pry Lu Shuai is only the first step, and dealing with Lin Xuandao and Lin Xuanjin is after the middle of the plan. She also didn't expect that Lin Xuandao would come directly to the door and have the face to ask for conditions.

"I don't have the right to allocate the quota. In addition, after entering the real dream, the initial position is random. I can't guarantee that I can meet Lin Ya, so I can't talk about protection."

Facing Lin Xi's refusal, Lin Xuandao was not dissatisfied in the slightest, and said calmly: "I have already inquired, you and that Chu Jungui are now famous in the real dream, and the harvest is very rich, and the doctor also treats you differently. As long as If you make a request, then two places are not a problem at all. As for Ya'er, as long as you make it clear that this person is what you want to protect, then even if someone from the enemy side captures her, they will only use it to do something with you. Deal. I don't care how you negotiate the terms, anyway, my request is to find her, protect her, and take her through a complete real dream, it's that simple."

Lin Xi had to admit that Lin Xuandao had an unexpected understanding of real dreams, and according to him, this matter is really very likely to be done. After all, she and Chu Jungui have a very good reputation now. Although it is a negative reputation, I believe that no one in the community or the Federation wants to touch them. In this way, Lin Ya became very popular, at least she could be used as a good bargaining chip, or even a life-saving talisman.

What Lin Xi doesn't understand is that entering the real dreamland to explore doesn't seem to be of any benefit to the explorer. Is it just to earn bonuses and post-retirement allowances? This little money should not be put in the eyes of Lin Xuandao and Lin Xuanjin.

However, Lin Xi is no longer the vigorous and resolute girl she used to be. She still shook her head and said, "Chu Jungui earned his reputation, and the doctor is only interested in him."

"I've already investigated, and Chu Jungui is the one who took you away from the wedding scene. Aren't you already together? What's his is yours, and it doesn't matter whoever you do."

Lin Xi smiled helplessly, and said, "He's not interested in me. We've been working together for so long, and nothing happened."

Lin Xuandao seemed a little surprised. He stared at Lin Xi, and suddenly said: "Your acting skills have improved so much that you almost fooled me. But this matter cannot be solved by acting, and my request cannot be compromised. Otherwise, this evidence will be brought to court. You know very well what it does, maybe it’s not enough to put Xuan Shang in jail, but it can definitely make him not a marshal.”

Lin Xi finally nodded and said calmly, "I agree."

Lin Xuandao said: "That's right, Ya'er will arrive tomorrow. By the way, in order to prepare you for the difficulty of this task, here is something for you to see, anyway, you will know sooner or later."

Lin Xuandao handed over another document, and Lin Xi took a look at it. It was a news article with a very eye-catching title: The dark side of the God of War!

The protagonist of the news is Lin Zhen, and the content is some quite outrageous allegations, including nepotism, illegal arrangement of duties for relatives' offspring, and taking bribes and accepting lavish entertainment, etc.

Lin Zhen is the ancestor of the Lin family, 7 generations older than Lin Xi in the genealogy. He became famous in the Century War with the Community. In the war that lasted nearly 20 years, Lin Zhen was invincible and invincible. He rose from a cruiser fleet commander to a marshal of the Empire. The three famous generals of the Community were defeated by him one after another. , one of them even fell directly on the battlefield. With this feat, Lin Zhen became the head of all marshals, and the Lin family also established a detached position in the army in one fell swoop. It can be said that Lin Zhen is the spiritual totem of the Lin family.

As the undefeated god of war on the battlefield, the real Lin Zhen is actually informal and flamboyant. Lin Xi, as a core child of the Lin family, naturally knew about these unknown sides. On the public level, as a famous figure in the military history of the dynasty, Lin Zhen is naturally beautified, and some small character flaws make him more popular.

But the problem is that the facts listed in this report are not character flaws, but violations of the law. Although more than a hundred years have passed, many of those beneficiaries have passed away, and even those who are still alive are only seventy years old. These incidents have already passed the time limit for prosecution, and there will be no legal consequences for the Lin family, but the damage to their reputation is obvious.

Lin Xi's body trembled, anger spewed from his eyes, and he suppressed it forcefully, saying, "Is the material in this report provided by Lin Xuanjin?"

Lin Xuandao nodded, and said: "He provided most of it, and I added a little bit. So he will soon go to the Department of Interstellar Trade as the deputy minister, and I can only go to the Ministry of Justice as a small director."

Lin Xi tore up the document, and the fragments dissipated. She sneered and said, "You are really descendants of the Lin family!"

Lin Xuandao didn't take it seriously at all, and said, "You think it's a betrayal, but in our opinion, it's just an exchange. Exchange some past meaningless things for current interests."

Before Lin Xi could speak, Lin Xuandao had already stood up and said, "We've already discussed everything we need to talk about, so let's stop here. I'm waiting for good news from Ya'er."

His figure dissipated, and the room became empty again. Lin Xi sat quietly for a while before writing an email to the doctor, the content of which was to apply for two places from the doctor. Somewhat unexpectedly, as soon as the email was sent, the doctor replied agreeing, and attached two blank files of the explorer to the reply. This encrypted electronic document has legal effect, as long as you fill it out, you can become an explorer, regardless of whether you have qualifications or training.

Lin Xi didn't expect the doctor to be so straightforward, not only didn't ask the reason, but also threw two files over for her to fill out by herself.

She sighed, and transferred the two blank files to Lin Xuandao, then cut off the communication channel, returned to her room exhausted, lay down in the medical cabin, and started the program to enter the real dream.

In a real dream, outside the camp, Chu Jungui looked at the 8 explorers lined up in front of him, and said: "From now on, you will accept my command, even if I want you to die, you must do it immediately! Otherwise, I will let you die now! I think you have heard of the latest policy, that is, two places can be exchanged for one immunity from fratricide. You have 8 people now, and I have 40 places! That is to say, even if we kill all of you, I still have half of the places that I can't use up."

The eight explorers looked helpless, but what Chu Jungui said was the truth.

Chu Jungui looked at the three people on the far left, and said, "You three belong to the Wild Wolf Gang? Where is your boss? Didn't he want to kill me? Why are you all here, and the blood wolf hasn't come yet?"

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