God is Coming

Chapter 979 You will sleep there tonight

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Now that Mr. Chu is under his command, besides Fang Ren, there are 7 explorers, 5 men and 2 women. Chu Jungui drew 4 frontier defensive positions for them, two by two groups, and they usually lived and boarded in the positions, and it was strictly forbidden to step into the base. But even if they had the guts to trespass, they wouldn't dare to trespass on the base. After all, the two mobile crossbows on the city wall had harvested at least 30 lives in these two nights.

After allocating the positions, Chu Jungui sent each of them a blueprint, which showed in detail how to build a security position. Except for Fang Ren, the rest of the explorers were a little dumbfounded when they saw the beautifully printed blueprint. Industrial printing seems simple, but it actually involves a huge industrial chain. If you don't want to build an industrial base, you must at least have a full-featured manufacturing machine.

In the process of getting familiar with the blueprint, Chu Jungui and Hathaway brought out 4 more large boxes, each assigned a box. Inside the box are basic tools like shovels, picks, axes, etc., and a fine tool box, and the rest is modular building materials and fasteners. . Everyone was a little numb, and silently received the equipment.

Fang Ren had long been familiar with Chu Jungui's style, so he didn't say much, and put the material box behind his back. He was assigned with a female explorer, who was rather petite, so he did the rough work without hesitation.

Chu Jungui gave everyone a rifle and 200 rounds of ammunition. Now that biomass gunpowder can be mass-produced, rifles and bullets are easy. Originally, the explorers had a variety of weapons in their hands, and they could use anything, but now they were given a unified rifle, which seemed to be the case.

After distributing the supplies, Chu Jungui said: "There is only one discipline tonight. No matter what happens, no matter how many enemies appear in front of you, you are not allowed to leave the position! Even if you die, you must die on the position! Anyone who leaves the position by 30 meters will be responsible for the consequences. .”

With that said, Chu Jungui pointed to the two machine crossbows on the camp wall. This thing has a range of up to 2,000 meters, and explorers can't escape its pursuit.

After assigning the task, Chu Jungui waved his hand and let these explorers go to work in the formation.

Fang Ren returned to the position with the box on his back, and the female explorer consciously helped him carry it along the way to lighten the burden. Back on the ground, Fang Ren started to dig the ground after checking the blueprint. First, he had to dig the trenches to a depth of two meters, then add backing plates to the bottom, and set up fenders on both sides. Water-permeable and heat-retaining backing boards should be laid on the shooting positions, and armor plates with protective functions should be placed on both sides. In addition to the battle position, a 1.5-meter-high lounge and warehouse with an area of ​​4 square meters must be dug and fixed with building materials.

The whole project took about 4 hours. While Fang Ren was working, the female explorer was checking the rifle that was issued, and then aimed at the direction of the base.

Seeing her action, Fang Ren immediately said, "What do you want to do?"

She said indifferently: "Just to try the gun. This gun is not bad!"

She put down her rifle, picked up the prefab, and started working with Fang Ren. She asked while she was working: "You arrived earlier than us, and you should know him better. Do you think he is stupid to give us such a good gun? If we have other ideas, give him a shot , isn’t he seeking his own death?”

Fang Ren pointed to his head, and said: "The brain is a good thing, you deserve it. I don't even think about it, if this thing can kill him, then he will give us one? Besides, how many people are there after the world changes? People died at his hands, have you seen him die before?"

"Didn't it mean that the first time he went in, he died within 3 minutes?"

Fang Ren coughed a few times, and said: "That was an accident, an accident! Besides, even if you succeed in the sneak attack, so what, can you still gain a foothold in a movie in the future? It would be strange if the doctor didn't throw you into prison immediately."

The woman shrugged and said, "You can get 10 billion in prison for a few years, and it's worth it."

Fang Ren said: "The bounty is just a talk, it is not certain whether it is true. The probability of killing that person is so small that it can be completely ignored. Instead of taking a huge risk to win such a slim chance, it is better to follow him steadily , Isn’t it good to get salary funds, and there will be a lot of allowances when you retire.”

"How much can that be?"

"How much?" Fang Ren smashed the prefabricated boards beside him with his fist, and said, "Aside from other things, have you seen this thing here before? I don't know what else is in that base! I have a hunch that this man It's going to take us to incredible new heights. You know, it's money."

The female explorer stopped talking and began to concentrate on her work.

The interior of the base is not as high-end as the explorers imagined, but crowded to the extreme, with massive materials filling every inch of space, and the passages are so narrow that only one person can pass sideways, not fat or strong. Hathaway was a bit reluctant to pass through. Originally, Chu Jungui couldn't get through no matter what, but he breathed out, his body became 20 centimeters thinner, and he easily followed Hathaway through the passage.

Unexpectedly, at the exit of the passage, the little princess stopped suddenly, and Chu Jungui almost bumped into her. He was about to retreat, but was grabbed by the little princess, then tiptoed, and pecked him on the lips.

The strong attack was successful, the little princess smiled lightly, and went out of the passage, and then a light flashed in front of her eyes, and she saw Lin Xi descending from the sky!

The little princess was so frightened that she backed away subconsciously, and bumped into Chu Jungui's arms firmly.

Lin Xi protected the important parts with his hands, gritted his teeth and gave the little princess a look, and said, "Why is it like this inside? Where are my clothes?"

"I'll get it." As soon as the little princess spoke, she was interrupted by Lin Xi: "You stay, the king returns!"

Chu Jungui sneaked into the room according to his words, and went to get Lin Xi's armor. The little princess was in shock, so she looked at Lin Xi's figure with a smile. Lin Xi gritted her teeth angrily, and said, "I'll give you a few returns! Go back quickly, and come back later!"

The little princess smiled and said, "I don't have the ability to shine like you, so wouldn't it be all cheaper for Chu Jungui?"

Lin Xi was right after thinking about it, and had nothing to say for a while. At this time, a large group of armors fell from the sky, and it turned out that Chu Jungui threw the object from the air, and threw it over a high wall of building materials.

Lin Xi quickly put on her clothes, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. She walked up to Chu Jungui and said softly, "I have something to tell you."

After entering the room, Lin Xi closed the door and told the whole story about the deal with Lin Xuandao, then smiled wryly and said, "I'm sorry."

Chu Jungui laughed and said, "It's just two quotas, what's the big deal."

"And Lin Ya"

"Let's talk about it when she can be found. It's not difficult to protect a person."

"I'm a little worried about her character"

Chu Jungui said: "Aren't people like Hathaway subdued by you? What else is there to be afraid of?"

"Her?? Forget it, it's no wonder she would give in to me. She's just being honest on the surface, and she may not be doing anything behind my back!"

Chu Jungui's heart trembled suddenly, and he changed the subject calmly: "It doesn't matter whether the quota or Lin Ya is a trivial matter, we even dealt with 500,000 federal troops, and we still can't deal with a family chick? Let's go, work, We have to expand the base today, and it is too crowded here now."

Lin Xi nodded, and followed Chu Jungui out of the room.

Taking advantage of dawn, Chu Jungui's plan is to double the size of the camp. For the convenience of construction, a new type of self-fixing foundation module is specially manufactured.

Chu Jungui came outside the camp with a standard one-square-meter foundation module in one hand and a 100kg hammer in the other, and put down the foundation module next to the wall. After placing it, he knocked on the module, and there was a muffled sound, and then white smoke came out around the foundation module. Under the power of gunpowder, the pile foundation below the foundation module has been deeply driven into the soil.

Chu Jungui nailed down the spikes at the four corners with a heavy hammer, and a foundation was fixed. It took a total of 15 seconds. Chu Jungui put down the second foundation and did the same thing, but this time there was an extra process, which was to use fasteners to firmly fix the two foundations together. The fasteners are already installed in the foundation modules, just align the two modules and tighten in their respective bolt holes.

Originally, tightening the fasteners was also a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, but in Chu Jungui's hands, the rocker wrench is like a windmill, and a foundation can be reinforced in a few seconds.

The little princess and Lin Xi worked tirelessly, both saying the same thing. The three of them moved like flying, and each module flew to the designated position at a speed that could be seen by breathing. A new camp area rose from the ground, and the camp wall was also five meters high, and a track for the crossbow to move was laid.

At nightfall, the new camp had been built, and the materials that had piled up like a mountain were almost consumed. At this time, two of the four forward positions have not yet been built. Chu Jungui didn't urge him either, the explorers were not children, they knew very well what a perfect position meant.

At this moment, a few lights appeared on the distant horizon, and a small group of explorers appeared on the high slope in the distance. They saw the camp from a distance, and immediately walked straight towards the base.

Seeing that these three people walked into the range of the machine crossbow, and they didn't seem to be crawling or maneuvering tactically, Kai Tian muttered: "He's here to take refuge again." Then the two machine crossbows moved away and returned to to the north.

The three explorers went straight to the camp, and Chu Jungui went up to meet them and stopped them outside the camp. At this time, night had just fallen, and under the light of the torches on the camp wall, the surroundings of the camp were illuminated like daylight.

Among the three explorers is a beautiful girl full of heroism, with picturesque features and undisguised rebelliousness. The explorers on her left and right seem quite young, and they don't have much experience at first glance.

With a straw in her mouth, the girl first looked at Chu Jungui, then at the camp, spat out the straw, and said, "You are Chu Jungui, right? I'm Lin Ya, someone should have followed you I've said hello, and I'll hang out with you in the next few days. Where is my room, show me there. Also prepare me something to eat, and I'll be hungry here, it's a hell."

As she spoke, she walked straight to the camp. Chu Jungui stopped her, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Are you looking for a place to live?"

"if not?"

Chu Jungui made a gesture towards the camp wall and pointed to the outside. A crossbow arrow was shot out from the camp wall immediately, and it exploded violently after landing, directly blasting a big hole in the ground.

Just as Lin Ya was taken aback, Chu Jungui grabbed the back of her neck and threw it lightly for a hundred meters, landing right in the pit where the gunpowder smoke was still lingering.

"You sleep there tonight!" Chu Jun returned.

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