God is Coming

Chapter 980 Perseverance always pays off

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After throwing Lin Ya into the pit, Chu Jungui seemed to forget that there was such a person, and what to do when he returned to the camp.

At this time, the two young explorers woke up like a dream, and hurried over to see if something happened to Lin Ya. . . When they arrived, they saw Lin Ya was still lying in the pit with a dull expression. Seeing them, she became angry, jumped out of the pit, and scolded: "It's really rude to treat a girl like this! When I go out, he must know how serious the consequences are!"

She cursed and cursed, but her voice was not loud, and she couldn't hear clearly a few meters away.

At this time, the night was getting darker, and the two young explorers were a little worried, saying: "We have been on the road all day today, and we haven't prepared a place to stay overnight, what should we do?"

Lin Ya stepped on the pit under her feet and said, "Isn't this the place to spend the night?"


"What are you afraid of? This place is only 100 meters away from the camp, and there are such powerful weapons on it. How dare he watch me die?" Lin Ya sneered.

That being said, the two explorers ventured to the edge of the woods to gather some sticks and build a campfire. At this time, a tall explorer came over and said: "The ape monster will probably come tomorrow, you can't do this. Here is a blueprint, you should follow it first. If you don't have materials, you can dig a hole first." gone."

As he spoke, he threw over a shovel, pickaxe, and a few small tools. The two explorers quickly took it and thanked them non-stop. They are still using stone knives and axes.

The tall explorer glanced at them and said, "Are you new here? Why don't you seem to have no common sense?"

The young explorers looked at each other and said in shame, "Our training is only two-thirds completed, so we threw it in."

The tall explorer shrugged and said: "The quota is so worthless now? Well, my name is Fang Ren, and the position is over there, not far from you. If your position is not repaired when the ape monster comes, then go to I'll go there. I can hold two or three people there. Finally, as someone who has experienced it, I will give you a piece of advice, don't mess with the person inside."

The young explorers were a little curious and asked, "We've heard that he's scary, but what exactly is it?"

Fang Ren recalled the past, his eyes were deep, and he said: "When 80% of the people you have met died at the hands of that person, and most of them died inexplicably, you will understand."

Lin Ya asked curiously: "Since the death is unclear, how can it be said that he did it?"

Fang Ren's deepness broke his skills in an instant, he glared at her, and said, "Well...except for him, who else has this ability?"

"Not always……"

Fang Ren snorted, turned and left.

The tall explorer couldn't help complaining: "He came to help us with good intentions, and he looks very experienced. We have many places where we can use him in the future, and now it's all over."

Lin Ya said disdainfully: "What kindness is it? Don't you want to build a relationship so that you can borrow our light in the future?"

"He just wanted to help..." The two young people obviously disagreed.

Lin Ya said: "He must have seen that our relationship with Chu Jungui is not simple, so he came to invest in advance."

The taller young man sighed, pointed to the pit and said, "This is not easy? What did you say when I met you yesterday?" Don’t worry about anything’. So the greeting from above is to give a hole, and we have to dig it ourselves?”

Lin Yali was confident: "This pit is much closer than theirs, okay?"

Another young man raised his hand helplessly and said, "Okay, you look good, and what you said is right. Work on it brother!"

The young man in front glanced at Lin Ya and saw that she had no intention of doing anything, so he said, "Just the two of us?"

"Just two handy tools, stop talking nonsense, dig a hole!"

The two young men began to dig the soil, and the taller man said while working: "Hey, man, why do you say we are doing this! I know you are interested in her, and I actually am. But I know, She and us are completely impossible, why are you working so hard?"

Another stronger young man said while digging hard: "Giving is happiness. Since you are already happy, you don't need other rewards."

The young man in front gave a thumbs up: "You are really... high-spirited." He still swallowed those two words.

The healthy young man smiled and said, "As long as you persevere, there will always be rewards."

"That's not necessarily true." The tall young man put down the shovel, turned to Lin Ya and said, "Xiaoya, brother Ji Nuo said he likes you!"

Lin Ya turned her head and smiled, and said, "Thank you." Then she turned back, and there was no more text.

The tall young man shrugged and said, "Look, she didn't even remember your name. Of course, she probably didn't remember mine either. Why do we people who don't even deserve a name work so hard? "

The robust young man wiped the sweat from his brow, showed a sunny smile, and said: "Giving is happiness. I didn't say that I only give to her. It's just that she is the only one who is suitable here. I can give to many people at the same time." , For example, 100, there will always be a time to succeed."

The tall young man suddenly realized: "That's what it means to persevere and you will gain! You have been taught!"

"You're welcome!" The robust young man continued digging.

At this moment, Lin Xi walked out of the camp with a material box in his hand. Lin Ya immediately jumped up and went to meet her.

Lin Xi threw the box on the ground and said: "It contains building materials, tools and weapons, and some food. It should get you through tonight. Before noon yesterday, the fortifications must be repaired. The fire support of the camp has its own judgment." Logic will not prioritize you."

Lin Ya didn't look at the box, but stared at Lin Xi, and said, "Uncle Xuandao said that you will take care of me and protect me."

Lin Xi frowned slightly: "Don't mention this name in front of me!"

"Well, let me put it in another way. He made a deal with you, and I don't think the current situation is part of the deal. Lin Xi, it's not your style to fail to do what you promised. You are also well aware of the consequences of completing this transaction."

Lin Xi said coldly, "What do you want?"

Lin Ya said: "I don't ask too much, just let me stay by Chu Jungui's side. If I die like that, I don't blame you, just treat myself as incapable."

Lin Xi didn't speak.

"Why, don't you agree to such a trivial matter? He took you away from the big wedding scene with hundreds of fighter planes chasing you. As long as you open your mouth, I don't believe he will not agree."

"Then take care of yourself." Lin Xi finally nodded.

Lin Ya smiled, "That's right."

Lin Xi said lightly: "You're right, this is indeed a deal. Besides, my patience with that uncle of yours has reached its limit. If he doesn't keep his promise, it won't end well. "

Lin Ya looked indifferent: "I will pass this on to him when I go out."

A moment later, Lin Ya stood in front of Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui was rubbing the parts with his hands, without raising his head, he said: "I have already heard about you from Lin Xi. Since she promised, it is equivalent to my promise. What she promised is to protect you and let you Live on. Now you have two choices, one is that I will give you a separate bedroom of 2 cubic meters in the base, and you will eat, drink and scatter in it until the end of this exploration.”

Before Chu Jungui finished speaking, Lin Ya exclaimed: "2 cubic meters? Did I hear correctly?"

"I never make a mistake with numbers."

"On one square meter of land, you can't even lie down!"

"The area will not be one square meter, because this bedroom is 4 meters high." Chu Jungui corrected.

Lin Ya said angrily, "Why don't you build an 8-meter-high one?"

Chu Jungui looked at the height of the camp wall and said, "It will have to be dug down 3 meters. But it's fine if you ask."

Lin Ya lost her temper completely, and gritted her teeth: "0.25 square meters? You can figure it out! Don't say that Lin Xi can't fit it in, and neither can I!"

As she spoke, she raised her chest in a demonstrative way.

Chu Jungui glanced at it, and immediately got the data, which was indeed a bit overwhelming.

Lin Ya was complacent, but she didn't expect Chu Jun to return: "It's not a rigid object, and it can be squeezed in after moderate deformation."

Lin Ya was dumbfounded.

Chu Jungui lowered his head and continued rubbing the parts, and said, "The second choice is to follow me, but I have any orders, even if I ask you to die, you must obey. There is no room for bargaining."

Lin Ya said angrily: "Do I have a choice? Of course it's the second one."

"Well, good. There is a pillar over there, you hit it for 10 minutes first, with all your strength. I want to see your level."

Lin Ya widened her eyes and said loudly: "My martial arts teacher is a first-class powerhouse in the dynasty! I admit that I am not as good as Lin Xi in other places, but I am no worse than her in fighting!"

"Not worse than her? What year did it happen? Were you five or six?" Chu Jungui sneered.

Lin Ya was stunned again, and looked at Lin Xi. Lin Xi turned to look at the sky, saying that everything had nothing to do with him.

Lin Ya suppressed her anger, gritted her teeth and said, "My fighting coach is Tian..."

Chu Jungui interrupted her: "Don't tell me their names, I don't care about their fame and level, they can't beat me anyway."

Lin Ya finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Mr. Chu! You won't be able to find a girlfriend like this!"

Suddenly an erratic voice sounded in the camp: "What is a girlfriend? Can it be eaten? It's not as good as a cactus!"

This sudden sound startled Lin Ya, she looked left and right, but she couldn't see the third person at all, and after thinking about it, she couldn't find the source of the sound, as if it was circling back and forth, The little face immediately turned pale.

Chu Jungui remained calm, and flicked on the workbench next to him, killing dozens of cells in Kaitian. Only then did the camp return to calm, the whistling wind disappeared, the flickering flames disappeared, the lights stopped flickering, and even the temperature returned to normal, with no more 5-degree cold air rising from the feet.

Chu Jungui pointed to a wooden pillar and said, "Go, practice a set."

With a puffed face, Lin Ya walked over in big strides, gathered all her strength, and swept up with a whip! She put all her anger on this wooden pillar, intending to break it with one kick, making Chu Jungui look ashamed!

This leg swept the pillar, and there was a sound, it was actually a metal echo!

Lin Ya's face turned pale in an instant, and then turned from white to blue. She could hardly lift it up in one breath, and hissed, "Why is it made of iron?"

"Manganese steel alloy." Chu Jungui corrected the details.

"Then why... painted wood?" Lin Ya couldn't even speak smoothly.

"Fufu." Chu Jungui raised his head and asked, "Have you broken your leg?"

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