God is Coming

Chapter 981 Spraying

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The only bedroom in the camp was temporarily turned into a ward. Lin Ya sat on the bed, rolled up her pants, looking at her swollen calves, wanting to cry.

Lin Xi walked into the room, closed the door, put a plate of food cubes and a tube of spray beside Lin Ya, and asked, "How is it?"

"The bones are not broken, and I can still walk." Lin Ya also hadn't eaten for a day. When she saw a piece of food, she was not polite. She just picked up a piece and stuffed it into her mouth. After taking a bite, she jumped off the bed and ran to the corner Spit in the trash.

She retched a few times, but couldn't vomit anything, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Is this food for people to eat?"

"Of course, it's extremely high in calories, easy to digest, and can release energy slowly. It's a standard battlefield ration. It's just that the taste is a bit off."

Lin Ya said: "Is this a bit worse? I have also eaten field rations, and there is no comparison at all, right? This thing is simply dried and moldy raw lard with a little salt on it! It will move in the stomach!"

Lin Xi said lightly: "When we were fighting, it would be nice to have this kind of ration. Except for the bad taste, there is nothing else to choose. Stretch out your legs!"

"What are you doing?"


Lin Ya snorted, and put her injured leg directly on the table. Her legs are long and straight, round and powerful, and her skin is delicate. She has completely inherited the excellent genes of the Lin family. The soft and glutinous meat feet are in stark contrast.

Lin Xi picked up the spray and sprayed it on, Lin Ya immediately let out a scream!

Lin Xi had expected it a long time ago, and grabbed Lin Ya's ankle with one hand, immobilizing her until she sprayed her entire calf, and the screams in the room stopped.

"You, what kind of medicine are you taking, why is it so painful?" Lin Ya kept gasping for breath.

"Trauma spray, the fastest-acting one, just stimulates the nervous system, which can be regarded as a side effect. Oh, by the way, I forgot to add anesthetic ingredients in it, and we haven't used it anyway."

Lin Ya retracted her legs, jumped to the side of the bed, fell on her back, and moaned, "Why do you have everything here? It's just that it's all unreliable."

Lin Xi put the medicine on the table and said, "Spray it again in an hour, this time you do it yourself. As long as you spray enough, you will be able to move freely after 3 hours."

"Spray it again, I know." Lin Ya sighed, turned over on the bed, suddenly remembered something, and said, "Is there only one bed in the camp?"

Lin Xi was expressionless: "One sheet is enough. When your legs recover, go out and sleep on the wall."

Chu Jungui has already rubbed the last part, and is concentrating on putting together a dozen parts that are much thinner than a hair, and then packaging them. After the packaging is completed, put this core component into an instrument to complete the work. This is a high-precision measuring instrument, which is used to measure various physical constants. It cannot be manufactured with a manufacturing machine, so Chu Jungui can only do it himself.

Chu Jungui carefully placed the instrument on an absolutely level table, and then connected it to a power supply with a voltage stabilizer and backup power. Then he turned on the measuring instrument and began to measure and record various parameters.

Then the little princess walked into the workshop and said, "I'm back! What are you doing?"

"Measuring instrument, for measuring physical constants."

"What's the use of making this?"

"Physical constants often change in real dreams, so I want to measure them to see if there are any laws. In addition, I have some conjectures that need to be verified."

"Since when did you become a scientist?"

Chu Jungui said: "A qualified fighter must understand science."

"Okay! By the way, why is there an extra woman in the camp?"

Chu Jungui told her about Lin Ya's background, then looked at the time and said, "I'll go and see her legs."

"What happened to her legs?"

Chu Jungui patted the steel pillar next to him, and said, "I asked her to practice against the pillar to see how good she is in fighting, and then she wanted to give me a blow. She kicked a little harder, but the pillar didn't break."

"Kick the steel pillar hard?"

"It was the painted log steel post that I made her kick."

The little princess covered her face, while Chu Jungui walked into the bedroom, and saw Lin Ya holding spray medicine in her hand, and wanted to spray it on her legs, but couldn't do it several times.

Chu Jungui looked at her wound and said, "Why haven't you applied the medicine yet?"

Lin Ya gritted her teeth: "Are you interested? Why is this drug not anesthetized?"

"Because there is no need, and there is no anesthetic ingredient here. Why, afraid of pain?"

Lin Ya pointed to her nose and shouted, "Am I afraid of pain?"

"If you're not afraid, just take the medicine. After a while, it will affect the recovery effect."

Lin Ya gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and pressed the spray button hard! There was a muffled groan in her chest, but she finally suppressed it and didn't cry out.

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "Wipe it evenly." He walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as Chu Jungui left, Lin Ya collapsed on the bed, sweating profusely for a while. She didn't expect that the various feelings of this hellish real dream were so real that she couldn't tell whether it was reality or fantasy.

Chu Jungui had just left the bedroom when he suddenly raised his head.

At this time, Kaitian's voice also rang in his ears: "Master, there are many long-wave signals suddenly appearing, and this kind of signal also appeared before the ape monster attacked last time!"

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "Sound the alarm, let people outside enter the position, and prepare to fight!"

A second later, a harsh siren rang through the sky, and a conspicuous yellow column of smoke rose into the sky. The explorers in the outer positions immediately rushed into the position, grabbed their weapons, and many people began to pray.

The forest was suddenly silent, there were no birdsong, and no insects could be heard. There seems to be something coming and going at high speed in the forest, but it can't be seen clearly.

The two young explorers were lying in the pit, clutching the newly issued rifles, both of them seemed a little nervous. Fortunately, thanks to the vigorous digging of the strong young people, the depth of their positions is still acceptable, and there are two positions of senior explorers ahead. The three positions together form an inverted triangle, with the camp behind them, and the defense system is fairly qualified.

A few minutes later, the first ape monster walked out of the forest, followed by another. Then more ape monsters came out one by one, slowly approaching the camp. The ape monster walking in the front has already left dozens of meters away, and there are still ape monsters emerging from the forest behind. In the blink of an eye, the ape monster turned into a sea of ​​darkness!

The four of Chu Jungui had already climbed to the camp wall. Lin Xi and the little princess had serious expressions on their faces. There were too many ape monsters, far more than before. Looking at the black ape monster, Lin Ya's face was a little pale, and she subconsciously said, "Is this a catastrophe?"

Hathaway said: "I haven't arrived yet, there are still 3 days before the catastrophe."

Chu Jungui glanced back and forth across the woods, looking for traces of alienated warriors. Lin Xi counted the number of ape monsters and said, "2800, exactly 200 per person."

Chu Jungui said: "Originally there were only two of us here. It seems that the ape monster is planning to pile up 1,500 heads for each of us. He really thinks highly of us."

Lin Xi nodded and said, "Let the cannon fodder go first, and the alienated fighters hide behind. It seems that they are a little smarter, but their smartness is limited."

Chu Jungui set up a heavy arrow and shot it out, which opened the prelude to the war.

The arrow flew straight into the forest and passed through the three-headed ape monster. Alloy heavy arrows are extremely powerful, and it is a bit of a disadvantage if they are only used to shoot ape monsters.

Chu Jungui took the lead, and there was a lot of gunshots on the entire battlefield, and all the explorers fired desperately, trying to kill as many as possible when the ape monster rushed in front of him.

The explorers are seasoned fighters, and even the two young rookies are good at marksmanship. Ten rifles fired continuously, and the firepower was still quite impressive, knocking down ape monsters.

The two machine crossbows had already moved to the front wall, and they started firing explosive arrows continuously. Each arrow would leave a shallow and wide crater on the ground, and send all the ape monsters around ten meters into the sky.

Chu Jungui originally didn't plan to develop gunpowder technology. If it was only him and Kaitian, it would be a strong bow to play to death. After Lin Xi, he would add a spear at most. But with the addition of the little princess and more and more ordinary explorers under him, Chu Jungui also had to make a compromise. After all, gunpowder has a natural advantage in area killing.

Although the individual combat strength of the ape monsters is not very good, they are very fast and there are a lot of them. They rushed through the open area of ​​a thousand meters in a blink of an eye and approached the front position. During the charge, the ape monsters left more than 300 corpses in total. Their ability to achieve such a record in their high-speed and irregular movements shows that the explorers have outstanding fighting qualities. But the number of ape monsters is really too much, one-tenth less will not have any effect at all, just like a black tide rushing towards us!

The two machine crossbows on the camp wall began to fire at full speed, and the explosive arrows formed a wall of death at the front of the position. A large number of ape monsters fell into the shrapnel and shock waves. Many ape monsters had to avoid the explosion area, and their charging speed suddenly slowed down. However, there are still a large number of ape monsters who are not afraid of death, directly rushing across the explosion zone and rushing towards the position.

Most of the explorers are very experienced, they don't panic, one person continues to shoot, causing maximum damage to the ape monsters, while the other holds a gun in one hand and a knife in the other hand, using both knives and guns to kill the ape monsters rushing into the position one by one .

A large number of ape monsters quickly overwhelmed the forward position and rushed towards the camp. On the city wall, Chu Jungui, Lin Xi and the little princess shot like rain of arrows, turning the ape monsters into corpses. The 5-meter-high camp wall required the ape monsters to jump up with all their strength. As long as they took off, with the archery skills of Chu Jungui and others, shooting such a moving target with a fixed trajectory was absolutely flawless.

The three used bows, and only Lin Ya used a gun. Although her marksmanship was good, every time she aimed at the target, the ape monster would be pierced by an arrow, and she had to find another target.

After a short while, the ape monsters had already surrounded the small camp, and many ape monsters successfully charged up the city wall. The little princess dropped her bow, and took out a bulky electromagnetic rifle from the box at her feet, aiming at the group of ape monsters and blasting out hundreds of high-speed fragments instantly from the muzzle, directly killing half of the battalion. Wall cleared!

This shotgun transformed from an electromagnetic rifle is powerful and can clean up the city walls. The ape monster couldn't gain a foothold on the camp wall at all.

The battle was fierce and stalemate, but the alienated fighters never appeared.

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