God is Coming

Chapter 982 Always Hit Something

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Chu Jungui finally discovered the alienated warriors, they were hidden in the edge of the forest, they were numerous and ready to move. Chu Jungui saw fifty or sixty of them at a glance, and he didn't know how many were hidden deeper. .

The ape monsters in front were still fighting frantically. Before more than half of them died, they didn't know what fear was at all. Alien fighters are more bloodthirsty, more brutal, and more cunning, but restraint has never been their character. It is completely unreasonable for dozens of alienated fighters to gather together like this, but sit back and watch the battle proceed.

The Alienated Warriors were visibly restless, but none of them rushed out. Seeing this scene, Chu Jungui came to a not-so-good conclusion: there were obviously higher-level creatures restraining the alienated warriors, forcing them to obey orders.

Alienated fighters who fight by instinct are already a headache, and when they are organized, they become an army, and it is a terrifying army.

Chu Jungui remained calm, acting as if he didn't notice the gathered alienated warriors, still slaughtering the surrounding ape monsters at high speed. Since they are not moving, then take the opportunity to kill more ape monsters.

While fighting, Kaitian scanned the entire field, summarized all the data in real time, and transmitted it to Chu Jungui. Up to now, the battle has taken a total of 15 minutes. A total of 2,023 ape monsters have been killed in battle. Among them, Chu Jungui killed 700 by himself, Lin Xi 210, Little Princess 165, Lin Ya 12, and the remaining 10 explorers combined. It is 510. The rest are the achievements of Kaitian.

Everyone of the explorers was wounded. Fortunately, the ape monster concentrated its main force at the base, and Kaitian also gave fire support to the critical explorers at all times, so no one died in battle.

The explorers are all human beings who have undergone advanced genetic modification, and their physical strength is much stronger than that of the humans in the era of the parent star. If they were placed in the parent star era, all of them would be at the level of world champions, and they would be far behind the second place. But in the real dream, there are no mechanical limbs, no biochemical organs, and relying on physical strength to support the high-intensity battle for more than ten minutes has reached their limit.

Ape monsters seem to never know what fatigue is, and it is true. They can run at high speed for several hours continuously, and can maintain high-intensity fighting for more than an hour. Fortunately, although they are fast, their strength and physical strength are average, and a senior explorer can easily kill them. Among the original attack methods of the ape monster, the only long-range attack is the bow and arrow, and the kinetic energy and penetrating power of the arrow are very ordinary. Moreover, after the fiasco of the first shot against Chu Jungui who was covered by the camp wall, the commander of the ape monster obviously learned the wrong lesson, so that the ape monsters almost didn't use bows and arrows in the next two attacks.

Of course, Chu Jungui couldn't welcome this more than welcome. Now Lin Xi and the little princess are wearing composite battle armors, not afraid of the bows and arrows of alienated warriors, let alone ape monsters. But the ordinary explorers under him haven't got the same set of people. Fang Ren has a set of composite armor with reduced performance, which can withstand the bow and arrow of the ape monster. The others are still wearing homemade leather armor, and their defense is terrible.

The battle is coming to an end, and the ape monster is on the verge of fleeing. Chu Jungui also slightly increased the pace of killing, wanting to kill as many as possible before the ape monster retreated. Although in the eyes of the opponent, the ape monster is obviously cannon fodder that can be consumed at will, and its growth and reproduction must be fast, but it is always good to kill more.

However, at this moment, Chu Jungui suddenly caught a silent long-wave signal!

All the ape monsters besieging the camp suddenly stopped moving at the same time, turned around and rushed towards the explorers on the periphery!

Chu Jungui was taken aback, and the movements of his hands suddenly accelerated, but how can hundreds of ape monsters be killed in a short while? They moved like lightning, but the explorers were exhausted. In the blink of an eye, an explorer who was in charge of close combat was shot with spears and disappeared instantly. As soon as he died, his partner immediately lost cover, and it was too late when he wanted to change the knife. In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by apes and monsters, and he was hacked into dozens of pieces before disappearing.

Chu Jungui gave the order to open the world in an instant, and the two machine crossbows began to bombard the edge of the explorer's position directly!

A series of explosions directly blasted the gathered ape monsters away, but the explorers were much heavier, and the angle of opening the sky was found extremely well.

Within the killing range of the explosive arrow, the explorers will also be injured, but it is better to survive the injury than to be cut to pieces by the ape monster.

The last wave of the ape monster's offensive was resolved, and the surviving hundreds of ape monsters gave up the attack and fled to the forest. When Chu Jun returned, arrows rained down, causing the ape monsters to drop dozens of corpses on the way to escape. And those gathered alienated fighters have disappeared at this moment.

"Rescue the wounded and clean up the battlefield." After Chu Jungui gave the order, he jumped off the camp wall and walked around several positions to check everyone's injuries. Of the 8 survivors, 3 were seriously injured and 5 were slightly injured. In a real dream, the activity of biological tissues is much higher than in reality, and now Chu Jungui also has powerful drugs in his hand, so as long as he didn't die on the spot, most of them could be saved.

After seeing everyone's injuries, Chu Jungui began to patrol the battlefield. All kinds of lights are scattered on the battlefield, all of which are quotas and return qualifications. At a glance, there are at least 30 places and 20 comebacks. These are all wealth. In the past few decades, if an explorer finds one quota throughout his entire career, it is considered a return of capital, two can be promoted and a salary increase, and three are considered meritorious service.

In the past, quotas and returns were priceless, and the three exploration departments held these in their own hands, and there was nothing that could be traded, and there was no need to trade. After all, exploration is a matter with great risks but uncertain returns, or even no benefits. Only the three major forces have the ability to support continuous exploration.

But now that the number of real dream output places has increased significantly, the training of reserve explorers has obviously been unable to keep up with the pace. And as the real dream began to feed back to the real body of the explorer, many rich and important people are already ready to move. The Son of Hell of the Federation is a test product, already on the verge of success. Therefore, Chu Jungui reckons that the quota will soon have a price, and it will be quite high.

Lin Ya is a ready-made example. She has not received any training, and she doesn't even know common sense, so she just stumbled into the real dream. This is actually quite risky, in case she fails to find Chu Jungui, in case of some natural disaster, it will be the first time to confess. It is also impossible for her to be treated like Chu Jungui, and Dr. Ling will perform the operation himself. But she still came, although she probably didn't know why she came.

Chu Jungui took back the quota and return qualifications one by one. The quota is easy to handle, it is a string of encrypted numbers, which Chu Jungui can remember at a glance. The return qualification is different, it is a group of restrained energy, after being activated, it will send people back to reality and form a return coordinate, and it will appear near the coordinate when re-entering. Chu Jungui returned carefully and put them all in a special storage box, locked them in the camp, and took them out when needed.

Although there were a lot of ape monsters who attacked, they were all low-level troops. I was already very satisfied with leaving so many places and returning to Chu Jungui. There was no need for Chu Jungui to recover and dispose of the remaining corpses and equipment. The five slightly injured explorers could work immediately, and those who had recovered from serious injuries could join the ranks of labor after half a day.

When Chu Jungui collected the quota, some explorers quietly raised their heads, took a silent look, and then continued to work, the greed and ambition in their eyes gradually dissipated. The remaining explorers are all smart people, and those who are really greedy and daring have already confessed in the first two nights. They don't expect to be able to get a quota now, as long as they can live long enough, survive one more catastrophe, and get more bonuses.

After assigning tasks to the explorers and leaving enough food and medicine for the seriously injured, Chu Jungui called Lin Xi and Hathaway to chase down the alienated warriors who had fled.

Chu Jungui deliberately let the alienated fighters escape for half an hour, just to find out their stronghold and lair. After half an hour, the traces they left will not dissipate, and their vigilance will also be lowered. As long as they find their stronghold, Mr. Chu will let them experience the power of industry.

Naturally, Lin Xi and the little princess would not object, but Lin Ya also strongly requested to go together, the reason being that she had participated in battles and was considered experienced. In addition, is it true that Chu Jungui can rest assured to let her alone in the base?

Chu Jungui thought about it, and felt that this operation was mainly for tracking, and if there were battles, it was also a small-scale one. In addition, this girl was very brave and needed to sharpen her edges, so she agreed.

The four armed men left the camp and went to the forest. The two young explorers looked at Lin Ya's figure with different expressions. The tall young man looked complicated, and sighed: "She really fell in love with that person. I knew it earlier"

After treating the wound, the healthy young man opened the material box that had just been allocated, and said while setting up his position: "There are so many people in the world who knew it earlier. You think too much, so you can't match a girl like her. "

"Didn't you also catch up?" The tall young man was a little unconvinced.

The robust young man said, "At least I have a little chance, but you have no chance at all."

"I don't think so!"

The robust young man smiled and said, "We are all ordinary people. A girl from a big family like her has never seen or experienced anything? When we were still fighting foolishly on the street, there were already a lot of people around her." There are a lot of boys around her. The tricks we can think of, others must have used it long ago. I can see your thoughts, but she can't? Why don't you just give like me and think about nothing , Maybe there will be results. There are many girls in this kind of big family who like to be independent and insist on looking for some excitement. There will be pies in the sky, and since they are dropped, they will always hit something. "

The tall young man sighed, picked up the prefabricated panels and started working. No matter whether he agrees with the strong young man's words or not, the position must always be repaired, and this is related to his own life.

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