God is Coming

Chapter 983 Fierce Fight

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The forest was dark and humid as before, and the dense canopy almost blocked all sunlight.

Although the forest is the home field of the alienated fighters, the evacuation of a large number of alienated fighters and their high-speed actions will inevitably leave many traces, such as broken branches, scratches on the trees, and fallen grass leaves on the ground. . These tiny traces will emit a faint red light in Chu Jungui's adjusted vision, which is particularly eye-catching even in a dim environment.

The only strange thing is that these alienated fighters hardly emit a smell, and it is impossible to track them by smell.

Chu Jungui moved quickly, and only after running a few hundred meters did he take a look around, and then determined the direction to continue the pursuit. Lin Xi and the little princess followed closely, they were already used to the rhythm of Chu Jun's return. Only Lin Ya is struggling, with one deep foot and one shallow foot. Although her fighting skills are not weak, she suffers from the fact that she has no training in moving in the forest environment. A few minutes after entering the forest, Lin Ya had completely lost her direction. She only felt that the scenery in every place was exactly the same. Coupled with the dark environment, the sudden wind that appeared from time to time, and the stern screams in the distance, her heart was overwhelmed. It's getting tighter.

Although Lin Ya is not afraid of anything, but looking around now, she always feels that there are many things hidden in the dark. She also heard that ape monsters can hide in trees, so she felt very suspicious when she looked at any tree, and there was always something blowing on the back of her neck, which scared her so much that she didn't even dare to turn her head. Fortunately, the character of wanting face and suffering came into play at this time, no matter how frightened she was, she refused to cry out, so she was not too embarrassed.

At this moment, Lin Ya didn't dare to run around, she could only follow Chu Jungui stubbornly, for fear of missing the next step.

After tracking for an entire hour, and 30 kilometers away from the camp, Chu Jungui signaled for a rest. He briefly exchanged opinions with Lin Xi and the little princess, and decided to continue tracking. The brigade of alienated fighters all headed in one direction, which was different from the ape monster's attack route, which showed that their commanders were quite cunning and had prevented Chu Jungui from tracking back through the traces of the brigade of ape monsters.

The 4 people ate and drank water, rested for 3 minutes and then continued to set off. Lin Ya had a bitter face, there was no pain in her whole body, and the three short spears on her back were as heavy as three logs, making her unable to straighten her waist. The rest of the bits and pieces began to keep reminding her muscles of their own existence.

At this moment, Chu Jungui asked, "Can I still go?"

Lin Ya's heart skipped a beat.

Ever since Chu Jungui tricked her into kicking the steel pillar, Lin Ya's Chu Jungui has been equated with liars, perverts and scumbags. And this guy has never had the word "pity the fragrance and cherish the jade" in his dictionary. After running for so long, he didn't even say to help her get the equipment. But it seems that he didn't help Lin Xi and the little princess get the equipment, so it can be seen that this person is really a hopeless scum.

But now what Lin Ya is afraid of is what if Chu Jungui asks her to go back by herself if she says she can't leave? How does she know where the camp is now? What's more terrible is that there seem to be many things floating around in this forest.

In an instant, many thoughts turned in Lin Ya's mind, and she raised her head and said proudly: "Of course I can go! It's not a problem to go another day!"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Jungui said: "Very well, we will spend the night in the forest tonight."

Hearing this, Lin Ya really wanted to slap herself.

Chu Jungui stood up and continued to follow him. He didn't go very far when suddenly an open space appeared in front of him.

Clearings in the woods are usually a bad thing in the hell of the world. The last time he encountered an open space, Chu Jungui harvested cactus. But the problem is that now Lin Xi has the ability to resist radiation, and the little princess is even worse. Lin Ya is completely brittle.

Chu Jungui made a tactical gesture, signaling the three women to look for a big tree to hide, while he walked into the open space.

As soon as he stepped onto the open space, the ground suddenly swelled up, and then there was a violent explosion, and the shock wave directly sent Chu Jungui flying!

The sudden change happened, and Chu Jungui's response was as quick as lightning. He grabbed the branch next to him and tore off the thick branch directly. With the help of a pull, Chu Jungui drew an arc in the air and fell to the ground. At this moment, he was in mid-air, and saw countless soil flying up into the air, which was being scattered one after another. Dozens of big trees around the open space were toppled, and some were even uprooted.

Fortunately, the three women hid relatively far away, and most of the shock waves were blocked by the tree.

With just one glance and personal experience, Chu Jungui estimated the power of the explosion, at least equivalent to a heavy aerial bomb!

The earth from the explosion was still falling, and there were ear-piercing battle cries around, and countless alienated fighters appeared, killing from all directions.

Chu Jungui didn't panic. To him, opponents like alienated warriors were just a matter of time. Lin Xi and Hathaway were also capable enough to protect themselves and didn't need him to take care of them.

Just as Chu Jungui was about to join them, suddenly there was a strange roar in the air, and a wooden ball fell from the air, aiming at the midpoint of the three of them and smashing it down!

A sense of danger flashed across his mind in an instant, Chu Jungui yelled "disperse", and went around behind the tree.

The wooden ball fell to the ground like a cannonball, and exploded with a bang. The wooden thorns flew around and were deeply nailed into the tree trunk. The power was comparable to the fragments of a cannonball. Fortunately, everyone found cover in time and was unscathed. On the contrary, the alienated soldiers who rushed up injured several of them.

There was a sound from a distance, and then there was another whistling in the air, and another wooden ball fell on the head.

Looking at the alienated fighters everywhere, Chu Jungui shouted: "Scatter, fight each other!"

The enemy's wooden spike shells do not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. If they are scattered, they can cause the greatest damage to the opponent. If Chu Jun is alone, he can give full play to his combat power. He let Lin Xi and the little princess fight on their own, while he prepared to go straight to the direction of the wooden bullet and kill the guy who fired it.

Chu Jungui's eyes are comparable to artillery radar. As long as he sees it, as long as the shell has a slight arc, he can immediately know where the shell came from.

Just as he was about to attack, he suddenly caught a strange cry in his ears, and he yelled inwardly, Oops, he actually forgot about Lin Ya! This girl is not Lin Xi. Although she has a few fighting skills, she has never been on the battlefield, and has never experienced life and death.

With a flash of Chu Jungui's figure, he passed between the two alienated warriors, and killed them smoothly. After walking around behind the tree, he saw Lin Ya fighting fiercely with an alienated warrior.

The alienated warrior slashed at Lin Ya's shoulder, and Lin Ya's expression changed immediately. Although this knife did not cut through the shoulder armor, it was powerful, and it was not easy to be hit. However, Lin Ya didn't retreat but advanced, she fit into the alienated warrior's arms, and pressed her knee hard between the alienated warrior's legs!

This knee is so heavy and hard that any man who sees it will leave a psychological shadow. Lin Ya succeeded in one blow, hooked the alienated warrior's neck with her left hand, and smashed her elbow on the alienated warrior's ribs with her right hand. The alienated warrior roared in pain, and opened his mouth wide to bite it. Lin Ya grabbed its throat tightly with her elbow to prevent it from biting her, and then slammed her knees between its legs a few more times.

Chu Jungui really couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and took Lin Ya off the alienated warrior, and slapped the alienated warrior's head with his left hand, shaking the brain under the skull into a paste.

"The lower abdomen is not its key point." Before Chu Jungui finished speaking, he saw a bloody mess between the legs of the fallen alienated warrior.

He looked at Lin Ya's knee again, and there was actually a dagger edge embedded in it. This knee was like stabbing hard with a dagger. Not only her knees, but Lin Ya's elbow armor was also inlaid with blades. No wonder the alienated warrior reacted so strangely when she hit her ribs with an elbow. It seems that when Chu Jun was preparing for the battle, Lin Ya was not idle, and found something for herself.

Looking at the blood-stained edge, Chu Jungui said helplessly: "When I don't say anything, follow me closely, try not to make a move on the way, and protect yourself."

Chu Jungui bowed slightly, and rushed directly to the place where the wooden bullet was fired. This direction is undoubtedly the one with the most alienated fighters. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen alienated fighters appeared, surrounding the two of them.

Lin Ya pulled out the spines, jumped up like a cheetah, and rushed towards a alienated warrior in front of her. However, at the moment when she exerted her strength, one foot was suddenly hooked by Chu Jungui, and she made a half-circle, and immediately lay face down on the ground. There was only a whistling sound, and a wheel blade flew out, passing Lin Ya in front. If Lin Ya continued to rush forward, she would just be cut in half by this round blade.

Lin Ya was dizzy and furious from the fall, and was about to stand up when Chu Jungui had landed on top of her, with one knee on her back, pressing her firmly to the ground. Lin Ya only felt as if there was a mountain pressing on her body, and when she barely raised her head, she saw a sharp arrow flying around, and all the alienated warriors around were hit in the chest by the arrow. The whistling sound brought by the sharp arrows was continuous, coupled with the desperate roar of the alienated soldier before he died, and even the blood splashed on his face, Lin Ya didn't know if he was in hell for a moment.

After killing a wave of alienated warriors, Chu Jungui stood up, grabbed Lin Ya's belt, and rushed a hundred meters with her, crashing into another group of alienated warriors, straightened Lin Ya with one hand, put her on the ground, and waved her bow with the other Sweeping, directly cut off the head of an alienated warrior with the bowstring.

Only then did the alienated fighters react, and they drew their swords and came to kill them one after another.

A alienated warrior stabbed Lin Ya in the head, Lin Ya roared to embolden her, and tried to block with a horizontal thorn. However, as soon as she blocked it, her body moved half a circle inexplicably, and changed positions with Chu Jungui. There was a alienated warrior in front of her, and the alienated warrior was also taken aback. He was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and stabbed him. Before Lin Ya could figure out how to dodge, Chu Jungui pushed her lightly again, staggered, and just avoided the knife. But this time she finally saw Chu Jungui pull out an alloy arrow and casually insert it into the alienated warrior's chest, and then he was already behind it. When Chu Jungui turned around and came back, the alienated warrior in front of Lin Ya was still struggling to stay alive, but the four or five alienated warriors behind him had all fallen to the ground.

Just as Lin Ya wanted to thank her, Chu Jungui stretched out her hand to touch her head, suddenly pressed her down, and immediately knelt on the ground involuntarily. With a whirring sound, a long knife passed by where her neck was originally, and the tip of the knife even touched a bit of Chu Jungui's breastplate, sparking a little spark with the metal parts on it. With a backhand bow, Chu Jungui cut the alienated warrior into two pieces.

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