God is Coming

Chapter 984: Many Stories

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Surrounded by countless alienated warriors, Chu Jungui and Lin Ya went forward step by step, but Lin Ya's experience was not very good, being pushed back and forth by Chu Jungui, as if swaying in the wind and rain, each weapon kept rubbing against each other. Some of them even cut off a few strands of her hair. Countless alienated warriors attacked Lin Ya with their knives, but none of them could hit Lin Ya.

Although the body was unharmed by the addition of thousands of blades, the fright involved was no small matter.

The two finally broke through the siege, and another open space appeared in front of them. A camp was built in the open space, and a scarlet totem pole in the center was particularly eye-catching.

In the center of the camp, there was a giant beast crawling, and piles of wooden bombs were piled up next to it. The monster has a huge mouth like a nozzle, sucks in a wooden bullet, and then sprays it out. The wooden bomb flew to a height of 200 meters, and then fell, hitting Lin Xi and Hathaway's direction accurately. .

The giant beast is seven or eight meters high, and it feels full of oppression. Around it, there are several ape monsters in strange costumes with countless bright feathers on their heads. Many wooden bombs. There is also a special guy standing in the camp. It looks like an alienated warrior who is two sizes bigger. He is more than 2.5 meters tall. He is extremely muscular. His long tail is covered with a layer of shiny metal scales, and he has Dozens of bone spurs like blades.

When this guy saw Chu Jungui, not only was he furious and bloodthirsty in his eyes, but he even had a trace of panic!

It seems that this guy is the commander of this operation. The world of ape monsters is simple and straightforward. Bigger ones are more powerful and have higher status, except for the guy squatting and spraying cannonballs.

Chu Jungui glanced over and saw everything in his eyes. He had marked all the targets in his consciousness and assigned priorities. He directly opened his bow and set his arrows, locking the head of the Alienated Warrior Commander.

The commander seemed to be hiding, but his movements were slower than ordinary alienated fighters. In fact, Chu Jungui has long known that the head is not the key point of alienated fighters. Their skulls are extraordinarily hard and thick. Judging by the size of the commander, Lin Xi's 200kg bow and heavy arrows can penetrate it. Hathaway probably can't shoot it. Thoroughly. Even if shot through, the brain volume in their skulls is very small, and there are still a few similar brains on them.

The reaction of alienated fighters in the past also proved this point. When Chu Jungui pointed to the center of their chest and abdomen, he would subconsciously dodge, and if he pointed his finger, he would kill them regardless. And this commander actually made fearful and evasive movements, and it was very slow, obviously to lure Chu Jungui to attack its head.

There is a lot of information here, Chu Jungui sneered in his heart, the tip of the arrow moved down, and the locking point instantly moved from the forehead to the chest and abdomen. The commander was really taken aback and covered his vitals with his arms. Although it moved quickly, Chu Jungui was even faster. The moment it raised its arms to protect its body, the arrow pointed at the giant beast next to it, and when it shot out, the entire arrow sank into the neck of that giant beast!

Just as the giant beast was about to spit out wooden bullets, Chu Jungui shot three arrows in a row, almost touching head to tail, and all of them sank into its neck, which was equivalent to installing an alloy fence around its neck, just in front of the wooden bullets.

As soon as the giant beast breathed out, the wooden bullet was directly stuck on the fence without being sprayed out, and then the wooden bomb exploded, the terrifying power tore apart the flesh and blood of the giant beast, and the entire head was blown away.

After the giant beast was eliminated, Chu Jungui re-locked the commander. The commander was finally furious, his whole body turned red, and even the scales began to turn red. It grabbed two shields and threw them down on Chu Jungui!

The commander's strength and speed far surpassed that of ordinary alienated fighters, and even Chu Jungui had a bit of difficulty coping with it, not to mention that there were many alienated fighters around him, and beside him was Lin Ya who was holding back.

For a while Chu Jungui was entangled by the commander, and the ape monsters with feathered heads in the camp poured buckets of milky white liquid on the wound of the giant beast. This viscous liquid like milk Going up, the wound stopped bleeding immediately, and the giant beast screamed loudly, wriggling, and fled to the depths of the forest.

The giant beast looks like a shellless snail magnified countless times, because of its huge size and fast speed. The big trees that blocked the way were directly pushed down by it.

How could Chu Jungui let this unprecedented thing escape? But the Alienated Commander is also really difficult to deal with, with two heavy shields that can be attacked and defended, and his strength is so great that even Chu Jungui can't gain the upper hand. If it were an ordinary explorer, such as Fang Ren and his like, they would be smashed into meatloaf with a shield.

The commander's fighting skills are also quite terrifying. To be precise, it is not a skill acquired through training, but an innate instinct, and the reaction speed far exceeds the limit of human beings. Human beings need to move from the senses to the brain, and then from the brain to the body, while the brains of all parts of the alienated fighter's body have the same function, and offense and defense are instinctive.

Chu Jungui tricked it into not being fooled, attacked it to defend, and retreated when it couldn't stop it, and if it couldn't do it, it used the scales on its body to hard-block it. After fighting for a few rounds, it developed a new trick: attacking Lin Ya. Even with the ability of a test body, there is nothing he can do to meet such a talented opponent for a while.

Seeing that the giant beast was gradually fleeing away, the commander became more cautious and focused on procrastinating. Even if Chu Jungui deliberately gave it a few loopholes, he turned a blind eye and attacked Lin Ya whenever he had the opportunity. After coming down a few times, even Lin Ya noticed something was wrong, her face was flushed, and she yelled, "I'm fighting with you!" She was about to charge up while waving her thorn, but Chu Jungui stretched out her hand and carried her behind her, Lin Ya didn't even know why she changed her position again.

The heavy bow in the hands of Chu Jungui is really a sharp weapon. The bow is heavy and extremely strong. The cutting power of the 900-kilogram bowstring is more powerful than that of the battle axe. With the bow in hand, Chu Jungui does not need other weapons. Alienation fighters are chopping melons and vegetables. It's just that the commander is too difficult to deal with, and the heavy shields on both sides almost completely protect the whole body.

Chu Jungui suddenly kicked the heavy shield with all his strength, and the commander only took three or four steps back, and then the long tail braced himself on the ground to stabilize his body. Taking advantage of this time, Lord Chu returned to draw his bow and set up an arrow, and shot at the fleeing giant beast. This arrow bow was only half opened, but the long arrow almost completely sank into the giant beast's body. But the giant beast was not affected at all, and the speed was not much slower!

It seems that this kind of giant soft-bodied beast has extremely tenacious vitality, and it can move freely even when its head is blown off. Even the heavy arrow in Chu Jungui's hand can hardly cause fatal damage.

Chu Jungui had already made up his mind, he hugged Lin Ya's waist, led her into the air, and chased the giant beast at full speed. The Alienated Commander was taken aback and immediately chased after him. Even with the heavy shield on both sides, it was faster than ordinary alienated fighters, and Chu Jungui was holding Lin Ya again, unable to shake it off.

The two sides caught up with the giant beast in a blink of an eye, and the ape monsters with feathered heads wanted to stop them, but they were overwhelmed. Chu Jungui swept them with a heavy bow and cut them into two pieces.

Seeing that the giant beast was only ten meters away, Chu Jungui suddenly accelerated and threw Lin Yagao into the sky at the same time!

The commander pursued closely and accelerated at the same time, but it only took a step, and saw Chu Jungui standing still, the acceleration just now was just a fake move!

The distance between the two sides was shortened to ten meters in an instant. At this moment, the commander saw Chu Jungui put his heavy bow on the ground beside him, and took off a huge electromagnetic rifle from his back with his backhand.

Doubt appeared in the commander's eyes, and the two shields were closed to protect him. However, it immediately seemed to be hit head-on by a train, and the heavy shield in its hand was directly blown away by irresistible force!

Looking at the flashing lightning on the body of the electromagnetic rifle, the commander showed shock and fear, but before it stabilized its body, the electromagnetic rifle sprayed out another mass of terrifying high-speed fragments, twisting one of its left legs at the root. broken!

After two shots, the current of the electromagnetic rifle body completely dimmed. Many crafts of this gun are not up to standard, and it can take a while to charge after two shots. But that was enough, Chu Jungui shattered the commander's defense with one shot, and disabled the difficult opponent with the second shot.

After all, the power of the electromagnetic rifle cannot be resisted by flesh and blood. The alienated commander's body is like iron, but it's not really iron. Even if it was made of iron, it would not be able to block a single shot equivalent to a flat fire from a medium-caliber machine gun.

Chu Jungui retracted the electromagnetic rifle behind his back, stretched out his right hand, caught Lin Ya who fell from the sky, and gently put her on the ground.

The commander was disabled, and the surrounding alienated fighters were wiped out in sevens and eights, leaving only giant beasts. Chu Jungui jumped up, landed on the giant beast's back, and stretched out his hand to press on its thick skin. The skin of the giant beast was more than ten centimeters thick, and under the skin were extremely tough muscles, fibrous tissues, and mucus. If you can't hit the vital point directly, even if you chop it seventy or eighty times, it will only be a minor injury. This big guy has interpreted rough skin and thick flesh to the extreme.

But Chu Jungui didn't plan to use cold weapons this time, he held down the giant beast and started to heat it up!

The giant beast suddenly stopped, obviously in extreme pain, and then began to roll violently, knocking down countless trees in a short time! But Chu Jungui clings tightly, as if growing on it, no matter how much it rolls, it can't shake Chu Jungui off. Chu Jungui's body is also extremely strong, even if a giant beast is pressing on him, he is not afraid at all, he keeps sending heat energy, and in the blink of an eye, the mucus within a few meters starts to boil!

Boiling is just the beginning, the hot mucus is constantly flowing, bringing heat to the surrounding area, but the body and fibrous tissue cannot flow, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and it is about to burn.

The area Chu Jungui was pressing turned red quickly, and then continued to bulge. In the end, Chu Jungui himself felt bad, let go and jumped off the back of the giant beast. As soon as he jumped off, the giant beast's back exploded, and a high-temperature gushing spring spewed out. This time the giant beast let out a mournful cry and finally stopped moving.

Chu Jungui heaved a sigh of relief, but fortunately, his thermal energy components are particularly effective against giant beasts, otherwise he would really have no way to deal with them. Even the electromagnetic rifle is not powerful enough in front of this tens of meters long soft monster.

Chu Jungui walked towards the alienated commander. He had a feeling that there seemed to be many stories about this commander.

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