God is Coming

Chapter 985 It's Not Fun

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Seeing Chu Jungui approaching, the Alienated Commander looked angry and a little scared, such a complex expression had never appeared on the face of the ape monster.

Chu Jungui slowed down his movements, trying to make himself as gentle as possible, and wanted to see if he could communicate with it. Although there is little hope, even if only a little bit of information is revealed, Chu Jungui can learn a lot about this weird world.

"Can you understand our language? Let's talk?" Although Chu Jungui said so, he didn't have any hope.

The commander ignored Chu Jungui, but stared at his electromagnetic rifle. Chu Jungui took off the electromagnetic rifle, sent it forward, and asked, "Are you interested in this?"

The commander's expression became more complex and changeable, with grief, anger, fear, and madness intertwined. It was really hard to imagine that these expressions could appear on races other than humans.

Chu Jungui was thinking about how to get him to speak, when the Alienated Commander suddenly roared at Chu Jungui: "Liar!!"

No matter how terrifying and loud it roared, it would not shock Chu Jungui as much as this sentence!

The Alienated Commander's hand suddenly exploded, turning into a ribbon with mucus, which instantly entangled Lin Ya, and then its body swelled rapidly, as if it was about to explode itself. .

Chu Jungui recalled the body structure of the ape monster and the alienated warrior in his mind like lightning, but he didn't find any organs related to self-explosion. Self-explosion is not something that can explode if you want to. Those creatures that are capable of self-explosion probably have a hard time surviving in nature. But everything in the real dream is very weird. For example, although the alienated warrior is transformed from the ape monster, its internal structure is fundamentally different from the ape monster. From a biological point of view, they are completely two species. By analogy, it is also possible that the body structure of this alienated commander is different from that of the alienated warrior.

These thoughts flashed by in an instant, and Chu Jungui's movements were not slow at all. He grabbed Lin Ya and lifted her back, and at the same time swung his bow to cut the mucous ligament that was entangled with her. However, the viscous ligament was unexpectedly strong, and Chu Jungui pulled the commander together, but the bowstring could not be cut.

Chu Jungui was also taken aback. With his bow swing, he could cut even steel bars directly. How could he not cut a ligament?

The commander's body swelled extremely fast, almost turning into a spherical shape at this time, the armor, weapons, various parts and even the scaly bone spurs on his body would all become deadly weapons in the explosion. The length of the ligament was only ten meters, and after entanglement with Lin Ya, the distance between the two sides was only seven or eight meters. This explosion may directly kill Lin Ya.

Lin Ya also realized that she neither screamed nor panicked, closed her eyes, and accepted death calmly.

At this moment, Chu Jungui threw her down and covered her with his body!

The explosion was earth-shattering. The diameter of the fireball at the center of the explosion was tens of meters. A small mushroom cloud rose in the forest. Countless big trees in the center of the explosion were blown upside down, and many of them were uprooted.

Chu Jungui and Lin Ya were thrown into the air by the shock wave, and they flew tens of meters before falling. The moment Chu Jungui stepped on the tree trunk, his body turned from flat to upright, and stood firmly.

Lin Ya hugged Chu Jungui tightly, resting her head on his shoulder, her breathing was short, and her whole body was trembling slightly. After Chu Jungui stood still, he patted her on the back lightly. Unexpectedly, Lin Ya screamed at this moment, she immediately reacted, and tightly covered her mouth.

She said she was not afraid of anything, but she had never really experienced life and death, so how could she have seen such a life-and-death situation? It was only when she faced her that she realized that she was also terribly afraid.

Chu Jungui's hand stopped for a few seconds before he patted Lin Ya again and said, "There are no enemies anymore."

"Ah, that's great." Lin Ya quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and took a step back. She was about to say something to cover up her embarrassment when Chu Jungui suddenly fell down straight.

Lin Ya was so frightened that she took another step back. Seeing that Chu Jungui was directly planted on the ground like a log, she realized that something was wrong and rushed forward.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Ya shook Chu Jungui, even asked a few words, but Chu Jungui didn't respond at all. She stretched out her hand to test Chu Jungui's nose, and found that her breathing was extremely weak, so she panicked and shouted: "You, don't scare me!"

She wanted to hug Chu Jungui, but when she hugged him, she realized that he was unexpectedly heavy. Even with her easy deadlift of 300 kilograms, she couldn't lift him up. Lin Ya struggled to help Chu Jungui's upper body up, and put his head on her lap.

She suddenly felt that the feeling on her hand was not right, it was slippery and a little hot, she took her hand out from under Chu Jungui's body, and found that the palm of her hand was full of blood!

She couldn't help but exclaim!

At this moment, Chu Jungui's consciousness is in another place, he can't feel his body at all, as if this world without borders and sky is the whole reality. The surrounding visibility is only a few dozen steps, and there is diffuse darkness any further. The black seemed to have life and warmth, constantly wriggling.

Chu Jungui looked at his feet again. He was standing in a piece of water. The water was very shallow, but just below his ankles, but he could only see the waves, but not the water. He tried to take a step forward, and it really felt like wading through water. The temperature of the water is extremely low, and the touch is roughly minus sixty or seventy degrees.

He touched himself and felt nothing unusual. However, as a test subject, Chu Jungui knew how to break the subconscious confinement. He adjusted his emotions, without presupposing any assumptions, casually probed, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw that his hand had been inserted into his body, but he didn't feel anything in his hand, nor in his body.

Illusion, or another level of reality.

Chu Jungui looked around again, this time trying to take a few more steps, and faintly felt something calling him in front of him. He didn't resist the call, and walked forward. Not far away, the darkness in front of him suddenly broke open, and a huge totem pole towering up to the sky and tens of thousands of meters appeared!

At this moment, Chu Jungui was also deeply shocked by this incredible scene, and could hardly breathe!

It was pure emptiness and hugeness, and it was an unbearable space. Chu Jungui's eyesight far surpassed that of human beings, and it was just like this that he was overwhelmed when his brain couldn't accommodate such a magnificent space for a while.

As a test subject, there is no man-made disaster that can make Chu Jungui lose his composure, only natural disasters!

This totem pole is like a mountain that does not exist in the world, standing between the sky and the earth, with no top to see and no bottom to see.

The whole body of the totem pole is scarlet red, and an unknown number of humanoid creatures are crawling densely on it, and they are constantly digging and carving, endlessly.

Mr. Chu was about to concentrate and take a closer look, when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his head, his whole body trembled, and the scene in front of him faded like water.

He felt that consciousness returned to his body, but it was accompanied by deep fatigue, which made it difficult for him to even open his eyes.

Chu Jungui tried his best to open his eyelids, and the first thing he saw was Lin Ya's face. This girl who is actually both sweet and pure is crying, crying and saying: "Wake up, this kind of drama of being a hero first and then dying is not fun."

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