God is Coming

Chapter 991 Can't say!

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At the federal base, Austin stood in front of the big screen, quietly looking at the topographic map of the real dream.

Most of the screen has been opened, and as the federal exploration team gradually deepens, the scope and scale of the map will be adjusted accordingly. There are dense data recorded on the map, and each death sign is hung on it, which is particularly eye-catching.

After the federal explorer died in battle, he would mark the location on the map based on the data extracted from his memory. Even if the range was unclear and vague at first, as the explorer's exploration range expanded and the terrain data was abundant, it would eventually become more accurate.

The hazard level is also clearly marked on the topographic map. The initial, second-level and third-level areas are clearly separated. There is only one area that is different. It is on the edge of the map, far away from the third-level area, and it is painted with dazzling red. Around this area, a dozen death marks lined up in an arc, faintly pointing to a certain spot in the center. Although this special area is small, with a radius of only over 100 kilometers, the death marks on the edge account for one-third of the total number of deaths in the Federation. .

Austin looked at the area calmly, not knowing what he was thinking. Most of the death marks indicate that the cause of death is unknown, that is to say, until the moment before death, these explorers did not know how they died. It's worth noting that several people have mentioned cacti.

At this time, an officer came in to announce: "My lord, Hathaway is back, and she wants to see you."

"Let her in."

A few minutes later, Hathaway walked into the room and stood behind Austin. Austin turned around, and with a rare smile, he asked, "You must have something to do when you come back this time."

"I found a way that has the potential to give back to the real world."

"Huh?" Austin stared at Hathaway, and said slowly, "Is it at Chu Jungui's place?"

Hathaway was flustered, but gritted her teeth and nodded.

There was a little smile on the corner of Austin's mouth, but he couldn't tell whether it was cold or warm. He just looked at it for a while, and Hathaway was sweating on her forehead and her face was pale, but she still met Austin's gaze without flinching.

The murderous intent in Austin's eyes gradually faded, and he said, "Aren't you going to say his location?"


"You should know what the consequences of this will be. Your great-grandfather can't protect you from this matter." Austin looked very gentle, but Hathaway's face became paler and her forehead was already wet with sweat. before her hair, but she still stood tenaciously.

Austin and her looked at each other for a full minute before saying, "This is also a battlefield, a battlefield no less important than the longitudinal line. Are you sure you want to stand on the Dynasty's side?"

At this moment, the pressure on Hathaway's body was as heavy as a mountain, and the piercing murderous aura pierced her body like steel needles. The severe pain and the instinctive fear made her dizzy, "I did not abandon the Federation, but this opportunity is I asked for it from Chu Jungui! I can't reveal his location! Even if it's the interests of the Federation, it's not a reason for me to give up my personal principles!"

Her voice was hoarse, hoarse under the pressure.

Austin looked at Hathaway quietly. After a long time, the mountain of pressure gradually subsided, and he looked like an ordinary man again.

He calmly said: "There are indeed a few old friends who are waiting for new opportunities. What kind of opportunities are you talking about? Do you have any data?"

"Yes, it is my body data."

Austin clicked on the screen beside him, and an officer sent in the data. Austin looked at each item, and the above is a data comparison before and after Hathaway entered the real dream. His eyes lingered on several of the data for a long time, especially the gene strength, and then he put the data down and fell silent.

After a while, Austin asked: "Tell me about the battle situation at that time."

"can not say."

Austin said: "Are you afraid of revealing his ability? Even if you don't say it, I can extract it from your memory."

"Then extract it!" The little princess was extremely stubborn.

Austin didn't exert pressure this time, and said lightly: "Even if you don't tell me, I will find him sooner or later."

The little princess said word by word: "The big deal is to fight!"

Austin finally laughed, shook his head and said, "Your great-grandfather doesn't dare to talk to me like that. But those old friends of mine really can't wait any longer, so let's take one home, and I'll send him here, remember this Location."

While talking, Austin randomly clicked on the map.

Hathaway took a look and found that this location was not too far from Chu Jungui's camp, and she was relieved. She was startled immediately, and immediately put away all the changes in her expression, not daring to show any emotion. Fortunately, Austin kept looking at the map and didn't look back at her, so she was relieved.

Austin shook his head suddenly, said, "This location is not very good", and then saw his finger move towards Chu Jungui's camp.

Hathaway's heartbeat was so fast, she immediately screamed that she couldn't do it, and desperately wanted to control it, but her heartbeat can't be controlled, the more she wants to control it, the faster it beats.

Austin suddenly turned around and said, "Is the air conditioner too cold?"

The little princess forced a smile and said, "A little bit."

Austin moved his fingers, raised the temperature of the room by two degrees, and said: "For the sake of old friends, I don't care about your behavior, but there are no rewards, understand?"

"Okay!" The little princess agreed.

"Then go to rest, there is still some time now, you can arrange your own affairs."

The little princess nodded, and left the room feeling uneasy and restless. She gritted her teeth fiercely, thinking that it would be a big fight, but immediately remembered Austin's terrifying strength like a god and demon, and her body began to tremble unconsciously. This is life's instinctive fear of superior natural enemies.

She suddenly screamed, startling everyone around her.

Hathaway acted as if nothing had happened. Not only was she not embarrassed, but her blond hair was flying and her momentum was rising. With the scream just now, she has successfully dispelled the fear in her heart.

In the command room, Austin was still standing in front of the big map. Several officers in the room were busy silently and nervously, wiping the floor repeatedly to wipe off the few drops of sweat from the little princess.

At this time, a general walked in quickly and said, "My lord, the preparations for entering the real dream are complete, and you can leave at any time!"

Austin stood still, and said after a while: "Forget it, I won't go in for now, I'm going to cancel it."

The general was a little surprised, but he didn't dare to question it, and went down to carry it out.

Austin's eyes fell on the center of the abrupt and dangerous area, a rare smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he shook his head.

That was the camp of Chu Jungui.

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