God is Coming

Chapter 992 Take Your Time

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Hathaway walked into the lounge, only to suddenly lose all her strength and collapsed on the sofa.

She hugged the pillow and gasped for a while before recovering a little strength. Just standing in front of Austin for a while, she inexplicably exhausted all her strength, which was even more strenuous than a battle. And the final blow to expel fear and increase momentum, the consumption is even more terrifying.

After recovering a bit, Hathaway turned on the communication channel, and Serena appeared in front of her after a while.

Hathaway was lying on the back of the sofa, thinking about something, until Serena called her several times before she came back to her senses and greeted lazily.

"You're back?"

"Yes... Now I have a little time, you can help me deal with some light-year stocks, it is best to sell them to you. Quota"

Hathaway hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's start with 5 billion, maybe a little more."

Serena was taken aback and said, "Of course I would, but what happened to you? Why do you need to spend so much money all of a sudden?"

"It's just that some ideas require money."

Serena stared at her, her bright eyes showed that she didn't believe Hathaway's words at all. Hathaway grabbed a cushion, lay down on it, her chin rested on the back of her hand, and just looked at Serena, but her eyes wandered to other places. After a while, she said, "I saw him inside."

Serena said: "That's a good thing! How about it, is it fun? If it weren't for my lack of strength, I would like to come in and try."

Hathaway just lay there, and said after a while: "It's dangerous inside, and I was lucky enough to meet him. It's easy to die alone. Although it's not really dead inside, it's more or less There will be damage."

Serena observed her expression, and suddenly asked: "Did you quarrel?"

"No." Hathaway sighed. She is the kind of person who can do whatever she wants, and she feels that there is nothing to hide in front of Serena, so she said: "In fact, I have made progress with him. But I don't know what happened in that kind of place. True or false. And I think, I stole other people's things."

"Stealing other people's things? Does he have a girlfriend? It doesn't look like it!"

"Do you still remember the incident where the Dynasty snatched the marriage?"

"I have a little impression."

"I met the person who ran away from marriage back then. Her name is Lin Xi."

Serena was taken aback, sat up straight, and quickly entered a fighting state, searching and reading what happened that year in a few seconds. Human beings now have footprints all over the universe thousands of light years away, and countless major events happen every moment. That event back then has long been forgotten by people, and there is no further splash.

After reading it, Selena's eyes lit up, she was gearing up, and said, "This woman is not easy to deal with! I think I'd better come in, let's work together! Look at me, I've made great progress recently!"

Hathaway said angrily: "You can't beat her with three more, so save yourself!"

"It's not about fighting. I can help you with ideas, distract him, and restrain your opponent! There are so many things I can do!"

The little princess didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Don't make any trouble, it's really, really dangerous inside, if something happens when you go, how can I explain to my uncle and aunt?"

Serena struggled for a while, and seeing that she refused to agree, she had no choice but to let it go and talk about business: "Cousin, why did you spend so much money this time? Is there something wrong that makes it inconvenient for the Winton family to come forward?" ? I don’t have that much myself, so I need to apply for a family fund, why don’t I apply for more?”

Hathaway sighed softly, briefly explained the cause and effect, and finally said: "Although he didn't say it at the time, I knew he must have chosen the Lin family. How can I say this at a time like this? I need to ask him to make one for me. Only when things are equal, he will feel comfortable. Otherwise, he will feel that he owes me because of this matter, and he will unconsciously lean towards me, which is unfair to Lin Xi."

Serena jumped up and shouted: "It's not fair!? You are all like that, what's so unfair!"

Hathaway smiled wryly.

Serena made up her mind in an instant, and suddenly said: "Yes, they have known each other for so long. So, you are..." She suddenly woke up and covered her mouth.

Hathaway said frankly, "I took the initiative."

Serena sighed and said, "What do I need to do?"

"Help me prepare 5 billion, and then turn it into an order for Light Years. This is the reward I will pay him for bringing people from the Federation."

Serena was a little confused again, "Is there no reward on the Federation side?"

"I refused to disclose the location of Chu Jungui's camp, so the reward was cancelled. But I promised to give him half of the benefits, and this is 5 billion."

Serena raised her forehead, and said helplessly: "Cousin, what are you thinking! Your reward was already deducted, but now you have to pay for it yourself?"

Hathaway said: "I don't want him to be in trouble, so we have to make a clear distinction and keep a distance. One day in the future, when he thinks clearly, he will naturally make his own decision."

"This has to wait until the future?!"

Hathaway sighed softly, unable to tell whether it was longing or worry, and said: "Waiting is also a very interesting thing, isn't it? Take your time, I am very patient."

"You ah!" Serena also sighed, not knowing what to say.

After discussing the details of the transaction for a while, the time was almost up. A colonel took Hathaway to another room, and an old man was already sitting in it. He had obviously reached the end of his natural lifespan, and the wrinkles on his face were like ravine. But at this moment, his face was glowing sickly red, and he was as vigorous as a teenager.

Seeing Hathaway, he stood up, stretched out his hand full of age spots, held Hathaway, and said: "I am very happy to have this opportunity, Austin told me that there may be new opportunities in a few days , but the probability is not as great as this time. Then please this time.”

"I'll try."

"Austin said that there will be no error in the landing location, and there will be no danger, so I will wait for you to pick me up."

Hathaway nodded, and left with the colonel, returning to the real dream.

In the real dream, Chu Jungui accompanied Xu Hua to visit inside and outside the camp. He didn't mean to hide anything, and allowed Xu Hua to visit all the places. Xu Hua was full of praise while watching, his eyes were shining, and he didn't miss any details.

However, when he came to the console of the manufacturing machine, he was a little puzzled, so he wiped the console casually, leaving a clear fingerprint immediately. Xu Hua frowned, rubbed a little dirt on his fingers, bounced it to the ground calmly, and went to the next device.

After he left, the dirt on the ground suddenly turned into a group of worms, quickly crawled back to the console, perfectly covered the fingerprints, and returned to the original dirt-covered appearance.

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