God is Coming

Chapter 993 Black Cloud

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After inspecting the camp, Xu Hua walked to the camp wall, first raised his eyes to look far away, then looked at the terrain around the camp, and finally looked at the surrounding defensive positions, and said: "The defensive circle can be expanded a little bit."

In fact, Chu Jungui had this intention. The fourth machine crossbow will be installed on the wall soon. With the firepower of 4 machine crossbows covering it, the defensive circle can indeed be pushed out another 100 meters. Xu Hua saw the machine crossbow being assembled, tried firing it again, and immediately saw the problem of the defense system, his vision was really sharp.

Chu Jungui had already calculated the best position for the new defensive position and set it up. In the past two days, another five or six explorers have defected one after another, so the defense force has further grown.

While on patrol, the little princess returned, found Chu Jungui, sent him the coordinates, and then said: "The person who is coming from the Federation is here, and the reward is 5 billion in advance, which will become an order for the light-year starship." .He will come in three hours..."

When Mr. Chu returned to the command room, he opened the holographic projection map on the table, entered the coordinates brought by the little princess, and an optimal route was automatically generated on the map. The coordinate point is not far or near from the camp, about 200 kilometers, 3 hours is enough, but not enough.

Xu Hua stood by, silently looking at the holographic map. This thing is not uncommon in the real world, but it is rare in real dreams. This is equivalent to rebuilding an industrial system. His gaze scanned the projected map, paying attention to every detail.

There is still an unexplored area between the camp and the target site. According to previous standards, it should be a third-level area, which means that there is a fatal danger to ordinary explorers. Chu Jungui thought for a while, and asked Kaitian to prepare the 8-wheel drive off-road vehicle. This off-road vehicle is now surrounded by a layer of armor, with a machine crossbow and an electromagnetic rifle mounted on the roof, which can be said to be armed to the teeth.

Chu Jungui only brought Hathaway with him, leaving Lin Xi to guard the camp and protect Xu Hua.

The off-road vehicle drove out of the camp gate and drove away at high speed. Chu Jungui was driving, and Hathaway was controlling the weapon, her blonde hair fluttering in the wind.

After driving for nearly a hundred kilometers, we officially entered the third-level area, and the surrounding terrain began to become complicated. From time to time, various beasts rushed out of the forest and rushed towards the off-road vehicle. They are extremely ferocious, regardless of the huge gap in size between them and the 8-wheel drive off-road vehicles, they attack outrageously. However, they were still flesh and blood after all, and they had no choice but to hit the thickened armor plate of the off-road vehicle and bounce back after hitting the armor plate. Hathaway took the opportunity to kill them with a shot of a machine crossbow.

After rushing past the scattered beast herd, a huge mountain-like beast suddenly rushed out ahead, lowering its head and rushing towards the off-road vehicle. That gigantic body, which was ten meters high, carried a terrifying coercion, and every time it fell, the ground shook.

Chu Jungui made a sharp turn, and the whole car turned sideways. The little princess on the carriage does not need to aim, the muzzle of the electromagnetic rifle is naturally pointed at the giant beast. She slammed the trigger, the whole body of the electromagnetic rifle shone with blue light, and the entire body of the gun suddenly fell back, shaking even the heavy 8-wheel drive vehicle. With a faint blue and white flame erupting from the muzzle of the gun, a ball of dazzling light shot out, bombarding the giant beast at a speed exceeding the limit of human vision!

Chu Jungui had already stepped on the acceleration to the bottom, and the off-road vehicle accelerated with a roar, barely avoiding the impact of the giant beast when it was hit.

The giant beast did not stop, but moved forward all the way, rushed several hundred meters before crashing to the ground, twitched a few times and then stopped moving. A terrifying hole with a diameter of one meter appeared on its body, almost piercing through its entire body.

The 8-wheel drive off-road vehicle moved forward all the way, and after rushing through two waves of herd attacks, it finally passed through the third-level area and returned to the second-level area again. The level of danger in the third-level area is for ordinary explorers. Chu Jungui, who is driving an off-road vehicle with thick armor and wild horsepower, and carries an electromagnetic rifle, is simply devastated along the way. Push it across!

Entering the second-level area, the level of danger dropped significantly. Many beasts hid far away when they heard the roar of the off-road vehicle. Some of them quietly retreated behind the trees after comparing their size with the off-road vehicle.

At this time, the progress was much faster, and the off-road vehicle went all the way to the target area without hindrance.

On the grass by the forest, a bonfire was burning. The old man Hathaway had seen was sitting by the bonfire, roasting a wild bird with heart, and there were actually two explorers guarding him.

These two explorers are full-body leather armor, with steel plate protection on the chest, back and legs, steel helmets on their heads, and submachine guns in their hands. They are well-equipped. They stood ten meters away, chatting while guarding, but in a seemingly casual attitude, the topic of chatting was not easy.

"I heard that it was that guy who came to pick up the old man."

"It's the guy who killed many of us, surnamed Chu?"

"Keep down, it's him."

"Is there a high reward on his head?"

"I heard that someone put out a bounty of tens of billions just to kill him once here."


"Pretty believable. It is said that the second part of the dynasty has killed more than a dozen people."

"Then if we suddenly"

"It's almost time, he should be here. What's this sound??"

There was a roar in the distance, and it quickly approached from far away. The two explorers separated quickly as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and pointed their guns at the direction where the roar came from.

There was a dirt slope there, blocking the view. As the roar approached, the two became more and more nervous. The sound was too loud and too fast!

When the roar reached a critical point, a steel chariot suddenly jumped out from the top of the slope!

The two explorers were dumbfounded. They never expected to see such a thing in a real dream. Just looking at the huge body and mighty appearance is enough to make them dispel all the thoughts they shouldn't have. You can tell at a glance that the submachine guns in their hands can't do anything to the thick pieces of external armor, and although they don't know the machine crossbows and electromagnetic guns on the roof, they can tell from the shape that they are definitely not easy to mess with.

They stood blankly, the guns in their hands hanging down unconsciously.

The 8-wheel-drive armored off-road vehicle rushed straight, and drove close, before flicking its tail suddenly, and a wave of mud flowed down the sky and covered the two explorers!

Amid the violent coughing, the two explorers were ashamed, and they wiped their faces several times to remove the dust before they could barely see.

When they opened their eyes, they saw a metal monster lying in front of them. The machine crossbow on the chariot was aiming at them, and the arrows were thick enough to make people tremble.

The explorer who was pointed at by the machine crossbow subconsciously dropped his weapon and raised his hands. Another federal explorer hesitated for a moment, then put down his weapon and raised his hand.

They didn't know that at the moment just now, Chu Jungui already had the idea of ​​sending the two federal explorers back to their hometown, but after comprehensive consideration of all aspects, Chu Jungui felt that the Federation had already placed a big order worth 5 billion. Killing the Federal Explorers out again is a little unethical, at least I am ashamed to do so in front of big customers.

Chu Jungui parked the off-road vehicle, patted the shoulders of the two federal explorers, and showed the smile of an old man who saw the steak. After laughing so that the two of them felt chills all over, he walked towards the old man and asked: " Are you Sarah?"

The old man pointed to the half-cooked bird and said, "Wait for me for ten minutes. This is the first time in ten years that I can eat as much as I like. Just based on this, it's worth it this time."

Chu Jungui nodded, walked two steps away, and began to check the surrounding environment. Hathaway also came over to accompany the old man. After a while, the bird was cooked, and the old man finished eating at a leisurely pace. Then he sighed contentedly, stood up, and said, "Let's go."

He looks like an ordinary old man Longzhong, but there is an irresistible force in his speech and demeanor.

Chu Jungui led Sall to board the off-road vehicle and let him sit in the co-pilot's seat. The little princess still operated the weapon and drove back to the camp.

The return journey was much slower, and Sall's physical condition was even worse than Xu Hua's, and he couldn't stand the violent ups and downs at all. Fortunately, this route has been cleared once, and there are not too many beasts encountered along the way. A few hours later, the off-road vehicle passed the corpse of the giant beast again, but at this moment the corpse turned black and red. When the off-road vehicle approached, suddenly countless finger-sized black and red birds flew up from the corpse, rising into the sky like a black cloud. When the flock of birds flew away, the skeleton of the giant beast suddenly became smaller, and the surface was riddled with holes.

Not long after, a small half of this hill-like monster was eaten away, which shows the ferocity of these black and red birds. The black clouds formed by them lingered in the air, obviously obsessed with the corpse of the giant beast, and groups of black birds kept swooping towards the off-road vehicle, and then suddenly turned upwards, getting closer and closer. Obviously, they also began to covet several prey in the off-road vehicle.

The little princess who manipulated the weapon on the roof was a little uneasy. The weapon in her hand was powerful, but it had a slow rate of fire and no range of damage. It was obviously powerless to deal with these finger-sized blackbirds. The electromagnetic rifle can barely produce some area effect, but it can kill hundreds of thousands of blackbirds. For these hundreds of thousands of blackbirds, it will not hurt their bones, but may completely anger them. However, if they don't make a move, their temptations will become more and more exaggerated, and sooner or later they will launch an attack. The trouble is, you can't run away from this group of fierce beasts that can fly, and running away will definitely trigger their attack.

The danger in the third-level area is indeed well-deserved. Ordinary explorers will definitely die without a place to bury them when they encounter such a flock of black birds.

The raids of the flock of blackbirds are getting lower and closer, and their chirping sounds are getting sharper and harsher!

Chu Jungui was still driving, but put his hands on the roof of the cab.

The new attack of the flock of blackbirds was so low that it almost reached the roof of the car, and the little princess was forced to retract into the car and close the roof.

The temperature in the cab suddenly rose, as if it had been exposed to the sun for a whole day in the desert, and the part where Chu Jungui's palm was touching was even slightly reddened!

The raiding group of black birds suddenly screamed shrilly, and fell like rain, and the tips of the spears protruding from the black clouds were snapped off at the same time!

Heiyun was frightened, and jumped several hundred meters up, not daring to get close to the off-road vehicle. Watching it go all the way, he didn't dare to lower his altitude for a long time.

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