God is Coming

Chapter 994 Mars Hit Earth

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The cab was like a steamer. It wasn't until Chu Jungui turned on the exhaust steam to let the steam out of the car, and then turned on the air conditioner to cool down, that the temperature gradually returned to normal.

Sall wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked up at the place where Chu Jungui's hand had just been pressed on the roof of the car. It has returned to normal there, nothing unusual, not even the slightest trace left. The old man withdrew his gaze, looked ahead, thoughtful.

This route has already been cleared once, and the return journey is much easier. The corpse of the giant beast is a warning, and the blackbirds are the overlords of this area. They fled once they died, and the other ferocious beasts naturally avoided this area far away.

The time for the return trip was reduced by half, and when the off-road vehicle approached the camp, it was still not dusk. Seeing the steel fortress standing on the high ground from a distance, Sall's pupils shrank slightly, and then returned to normal.

The off-road vehicle slowly drove into the gate of the camp and stopped in the small square.

Hathaway got out of the car early, opened the car door for Sall, and helped him out of the car. Although he had been injected with booster injections before his arrival, Sall was already near the end of his life, and he was very weak after the long journey, and he staggered a little when he got out of the car.

Just as the old man got out of the car, he suddenly froze in place like a stone statue, staring straight ahead.

Hathaway followed his gaze, and saw Xu Hua was standing at the door of the warehouse, about to move the boxes, but also froze there, his gaze as sharp as a knife!

Sall suddenly reached out, and lightly took off the hand crossbow from the little princess' waist. He frowned, dropped his crossbow, and reached out to take off the little princess' saber. His movements seemed slow but fast, and the frequency of his movements fluctuated. Just as the little princess's physical instinct judged that the old man's hand would be in place in half a second, who knew that the crossbow and knife were gone.

This is an extremely brilliant fighting art. With the fighting power of the little princess, if she is caught off guard, she will be killed by the old man with one move.

Sall has a knife in his hand, and his aura rises and falls suddenly. At first, he is like a wolf howling at the moon and an eagle soaring into the sky, and then he calms down in an instant.

Xu Hua put down the cargo box, picked up an iron rod, weighed it in his hand, and walked over.

Lin Xi hurried over and grabbed Xu Hua's arm, trying to stop him. Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched his arm, his hands bounced off automatically as if they had been electrocuted by an electric current, and the person involuntarily took a step back. And Xu Hua stepped forward, suddenly appeared in front of Sall, and hit his heart with a stick!

Sall didn't dodge or evade, and directly blocked his throat with a knife!

Seeing that they were about to die together, a figure suddenly appeared between the two of them. Xu Hua's stick was on Chu Jungui's chest, and Sall's knife was on Chu Jungui's shoulder. Although the attacks of the two old men are extremely fierce, the lethality is flawed, and Chu Jungui has always been afraid of death. Relying on his strength, his armor is much thicker than others, and he always walks with a tortoise shell of several hundred kilograms Go, so the attack of the two old men can't break through the defense at all.

Chu Jungui smiled as if nothing had happened, and said, "Both are our distinguished guests. During the real dream, we are responsible for the safety of the two of you. It has been stated in our contract that this is The overriding terms include the wishes of the two of you. So if the two of you want to do it, you can't do it, and you can do anything else."

Xu Hua glared at Chu Jungui, and said angrily: "You haven't picked it out yourself, you are quite courageous! Aren't you afraid that I will stand idly by on your matter?"

Sall snorted and said grimly: "But it's just a crime of treason. Who doesn't know how it came about? It's a joke. If you really dare to commit this crime, I will dare to send a fleet to bring him to the Federation. Come on! Are you old fellows willing to give up?"

Xu Huaxu said: "The dynasty is very big, good and bad are mixed, many things are not black and white, I can't tell you clearly."

Sale said coldly: "You can't tell? Let's figure it out on the battlefield."

Xu Hua let out a long laugh, and said, "Three River Valley battles, and I don't know who lost the most!"

Sall sneered: "The last battle, does it hurt?"

Xu Hua took a deep breath, his chest heaved, and he said calmly, "My two grandsons died in that battle. I have never forgotten this."

Sall said: "What about my eleven juniors?"

Xu Hua threw the iron bar aside, stretched his hands and feet, and said calmly: "At this age, it is a surprise to be able to kill you with my own hands. Let's not use weapons!"

Sall handed back the dagger to the little princess, and said with a sneer, "I heard that you claimed to be invincible in single combat, and I didn't know how thick-skinned you were, so you dared to accept such a title. Well, I'll expose your shame today!"

The little princess and Lin Xi on both sides are trying to fight each other, but the two old people are like red-eyed bulls. The hatred accumulated for hundreds of years and the blood of countless relatives and clansmen are more important than any grand plans and plans for a century at this moment.

Chu Jungui also felt a deep headache, and suddenly called out: "You two! Don't delay my money, okay?"

Both Xu Hua and Sall were startled. If there are other reasons, they will definitely ignore them, but this reason has never been heard of. The two have high status and power throughout their lives, who dares to bother them with money in front of them?

Seeing the two people stunned, Chu Jungui hurriedly said: "These two contracts are related to my wealth and life. I have never made so much money in my life. Please cooperate with me, okay?!"

The two old men were furious at the same time.

Xu Hua said: "The favor I owe is actually compared with money! Good, very good! How much do you want, tell me, and I will give it to you when I go out!"

Sall coughed and said to Hathaway: "Girl, didn't you post 5 billion for him? Triple it! I'll make it up for you later."

Chu Jungui glanced at Hathaway, and she suddenly panicked.

Chu Jungui knew that the two old men were not talking harshly in empty space. Their lives were counted by the sky, and they were used to saying one thing. At this time, they would no longer weigh anything, and they could do whatever they wanted. But when Chu Jungui said that, he was prepared. He stretched out his hands and said, "Where's the money?"

The two old men were taken aback again. This kid doesn't follow the routine at all. What they say can be measured by money, isn't it money? Besides, if you really want to move out tens of billions of money, maybe you can crush this brat to death?

However, Chu Jungui is a person who accepts death, and he spread his hands in front of the two little old men, and refused to take it back.

The two old men couldn't get off the tiger, and then became angry from embarrassment. Xu Huahan said to Lin Xi with a straight face: "Girl of the Lin family, tell him how I taught my grandpa a lesson, of course!"

Sall snorted, and said to Hathaway: "Little guy from the Winton family, you don't need to mention those things on the battlefield back then, tell him about my property! If the old guy surnamed Xu can have me For a fraction of that, I commit suicide on the spot!"

Xu Hua said coldly: "Why don't you mention the things on the battlefield? Mention! Didn't all my battles of fame come from fighting with you?"

Seeing the two old men start to collide with the earth again, Chu Jun said, "You guys are so powerful, where is the money?"

Where is the money?

The two old men looked at each other, who would bring money into the real dream? What is the use of carrying money? Even if it is useful, it cannot be brought in!

"Since everyone has no money, then follow the contract." Chu Jungui clapped his hands and began to assign tasks.

The whole program takes three days, including today. After receiving the person, he had to rest for the night first, and then Chu Jungui had to go out to explore alone before dawn, looking for the camp of the ape monster and the flesh and blood totem. After successfully locating, carry out a heavy firepower assault, destroy the defensive power of the Flesh Totem in one fell swoop, complete the transformation of Xu Hua and Sall, wait for half a day or a day before sending them back to reality, and the order will be considered as successfully completed.

The plan is clear and clear, except for Lin Ya, everyone has military experience, so there is no doubt about it. It's just that Chu Jungui put a little more thought into the room arrangement and separated the two old people far away to prevent accidents. In fact, after the initial shock out of control, they have gradually accepted the reality, and nothing will happen.

In the dead of night, when everyone was resting, Chu Jungui got on the two-wheel off-road motorcycle and headed towards the planned area.

According to the time and frequency of the attack by the ape monsters, it is possible for soldiers to attack the city in a few days, so now is the time for them to gather. Flesh totems will only appear in camps where a large number of evolutionary fighters gather, and areas where evolutionary fighters haunt will inevitably have traces of a large number of ape monster activities.

Therefore, the area Chu Jungui needs to explore is not very vast, and the movement of the off-road motorcycle is quite large, so he can fish out the ape monster hidden in the dark.

Sure enough, in the northwest area about 200 kilometers away from the camp, Chu Jungui was attacked by ape monsters. When the first arrow was shot, Chu Jungui immediately fought back, and after a few arrows, he killed all the ape monsters hiding in the dark. Chu Jungui picked up the arrow on the ground and looked at it. The tip of the arrow was metal. Look at the leather armor on the ape monster again, it is well-crafted and uniform in style. Obviously, this team is not the hunting team of the village, but the reconnaissance team of the ape monster army.

Chu Jungui inspected the traces left by the ape monster team, confirmed where they came from, then rode on the off-road vehicle and drove towards the direction where the reconnaissance team came.

During the next few tens of kilometers, Chu Jungui was attacked several times in a row. The number of apes and monsters increased each time, and their equipment changed. They were already patrolling troops.

After annihilating a patrol led by evolutionary warriors, Chu Jungui put away the locomotive, hid it in a tree, and proceeded alone. After going deeper for more than ten kilometers, he finally confirmed the camp of the ape monster.

This is a fairly large-scale camp. There are ape monsters and evolution fighters. It is a regular camp. There are roughly a dozen evolution fighters and seven to eight hundred ape monsters. Chu Jungui boarded a commanding height nearby and looked towards the camp. The field of vision here is wide and clear. You can see a tall totem pole erected in the center of the camp. Although it is not as big as the flesh and blood totem last time, it can be seen from the surface pattern and color that it is also a flesh and blood totem.

In the corner of the camp, there are several extraordinarily huge tents, which I have never seen before, and I don't know what is hidden inside.

Chu Jungui observed for a while, reconfirmed the existence of the flesh and blood totem, and the mission was completed. He was about to leave when he suddenly saw a commotion in the camp, and a wave of ape monsters returned to the camp. This team of ape monsters carried and dragged dozens of wild animals back to the camp.

Unlike ordinary hunting, the beasts they bring back are all alive.

This team of ape monsters directly carried the prey under the totem, and several people in sacrificial attire commanded the evolutionary warriors to slaughter the beasts on the spot. The slaughter process was extremely bloody. The ape monster seemed to deliberately increase the pain of the beast, cutting dozens of large and small wounds, but refused to kill it with a single blow. Priests soaked totem poles with towels soaked in the blood of beasts, and the corpses of dead beasts were piled under the totem poles.

Although the distance is far away, Chu Jungui's eyesight is far beyond that of human beings, and he can clearly see that the blood smeared on the surface of the totem pole is being absorbed rapidly, just like the totem pole is not a wooden stone, but a sponge, actively absorbing the smeared blood flesh.

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