God is Coming

Chapter 995 How to Repair

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After observing quietly for a while, and reconfirming that the totem pole was a totem of flesh and blood, Chu Jungui was about to leave. At this moment, there was another change in the camp. Hundreds of ape monsters were pushed under the totem pole and killed on the spot! Their corpses were piled under the totem pole, mixed with the flesh and blood of wild beasts, and turned into a corpse pile. The pile of corpses was slowly rising and falling, as if something was hiding underneath, breathing.

The scene similar to the blood sacrifice made Chu Jungui a little uncomfortable. After experiencing a civilized society, it is always uncomfortable to look back and see this kind of primitive and crazy blood sacrifice.

He backed away quietly, returned to where the locomotive was, and killed another patrol on the way before heading home.

When we returned to the camp, it was not yet full light. On the small square in the camp, Xu Hua and Sale were sitting opposite each other, as if they were playing chess. Lin Xi, Lin Ya and Hathaway sat beside and watched. Lin Xi and Hathaway were engrossed in watching, while Lin Ya kept yawning, trying to read, but couldn't understand anything.

Between the two old men is a 2-meter-square information board, which is not a chess board, but a holographic map. Xu Hua and Sall mobilized their troops and were fighting on the map.

The chess pieces of both sides are equal in strength, and they are fighting inextricably at the moment. Xu Hua concentrated his troops in the middle, firmly occupying the high point in the center of the battlefield, and kept rushing forward. Sall took advantage of natural dangers and struggled to resist with a small number of troops. At the same time, the main force penetrated from the side and outflanked Xu Hua's rear. Once encircled, Xu Hua's heavy army group is bound to be wiped out, but if Xu Hua breaks through first, then Sall's main force will go deep alone and will be wiped out.

The situation is at a critical moment, and the two sides may collapse at any time, but the two old men are like brilliant dancers dancing on a tightrope, they will not fall despite the urgency of the wind.

Both Lin Xi and Hathaway were fascinated by watching it. This is a duel between two famous generals in the world, which can be met but not sought after. Although they are girls, they have all been immersed in the battlefield for many years, and they all have considerable achievements in military command. At this moment, I feel that every second I watch, I benefit a lot.

Lin Ya also restrained her temper in a rare way, and sat aside trying to see something, but there was really nothing to gain except that the more she looked, the more sleepy she became.

Chu Jungui looked at the holographic sandboard that was used as a chessboard, and then glanced at the console. The oil stain on the console was reduced by half in an instant, and then spread back.

Chu Jungui shook his head secretly. Although the battle map he used was treated as a chessboard, it was a good thing that two old people who were incompatible with each other could get along peacefully in this way. In the memory database, there are only a few records about the series of battles in the River Valley galaxy. After all, this happened more than a hundred years ago. At that time, the Dynasty and the Federation fought a total of five wars on the resource star of the River Valley galaxy, known as the River Valley War in history.

In the first three battles, Xu Hua relied on his superior force and the dominant position of the outer space fleet to push the Federation back steadily. But just when everyone thought that the Federation's situation was over, the Federation suddenly launched an ambush and wiped out the overly prominent vanguard of the Dynasty. Although in the end the dynasty won the River Valley galaxy by virtue of its strategic advantage, Sall also relied on that wonderful ambush to preserve his reputation.

During the River Valley War, the dynasty and the Federation never declared war, so the war was handled in a low-key manner afterwards. When Chu Jungui established the memory database, there were only a few dozens of pages of records about this war.

Now the two old men are fighting inextricably in a fair duel, and when the outcome is about to be decided, the holographic map suddenly loses power, and the map and wargames on it flicker a few times before disappearing.

The two old men were about to have a seizure when they heard Chu Jungui say: "The target has been determined, now prepare for battle and set off in an hour."

Sall and Xu Hua immediately took back all their anger. This is a big matter, so they must be serious. When they are relaxed, they can do whatever they want. However, when facing the business, they put away all their personal emotions.

After a night of rest, everyone was full of energy, and the manufacturing machines in the camp were not idle for a moment. Chu Jungui took out two sets of battle armor just made, and put them on for Xu Hua and Sall. The battle armors are all tailor-made for them. They have excellent defense and are light and warm. Unlike the previous generation of battle armor that Chu Jungui still wears, the alloy armor plate is the main means of defense.

The off-road vehicle is equipped with an energy module and a weight reduction module, and a vehicle-mounted electromagnetic rifle can be added to the roof. The three vehicle-mounted weapons are now operated by people, Lin Xi, Hathaway and Lin Yage hold one, and the two old people are assigned individual weapons. After adding more power and reducing weight, the mobility of the off-road vehicle was greatly increased. Chu Jungui added a protective armor plate to the roof, armed to the teeth in one go, and then set off.

In order to ensure success, Chu Jungui went out in full force this time. The off-road vehicle carried thousands of ammunition, enough to distribute seven or eight ammunition to each ape monster's head.

Chu Jungui had found out the route and went straight to the camp of the ape monster. The speed of the modified off-road vehicle is greatly increased, and the degree of bumps is smaller than before. The armored off-road vehicle drove swiftly all the way, broke through several patrols in a row, and rushed to the outside of the ape monster camp.

The armored off-road vehicle whizzed across, facing the ape camp from the side. Before the car came to a complete stop, two blue rays of light shot out from the roof of the carriage, smashing into the densely populated area of ​​the camp, tearing two evolutionary warriors and a dozen ape monsters to pieces.

Then the crossbow machine also began to buzz continuously, and a crossbow arrow almost shot into the camp in a single line, and wherever it passed, no matter whether it was ape monster or evolutionary warrior, it would be pierced.

Chu Jungui jumped out of the off-road vehicle, picked up the light bow and shot quickly. His shooting speed was unbelievably fast. A box of arrows was shot empty in a blink of an eye, and then he pulled out a new arrow box from the driver's cab and continued shooting.

A large group of ape monsters poured out from the gate of the camp, and then fell down in pieces as if hitting a lawn mower head-on. The arrows in Chu Jungui's hands were like a storm, firmly blocking the ape monster at the gate of the camp.

The two old men were not idle either, each shooting from the car window. Although they spent most of their lives in command and combat, they did not abandon their basic shooting skills. Each of them carried a light crossbow, and they shot fast and hard.

Chu Jungui shot 500 arrows crazily, and the arrows were all shot, and most of the ape monsters were harvested in one fell swoop. Such a killing, even the ferocious ape monster was afraid for a while, and dared not rush out from the camp gate, leaving only a pile of corpses.

However, if they don’t come out, it doesn’t mean it’s safe. The vehicle-mounted weapons on the roof of the off-road vehicle are condescending, especially the electromagnetic rifle. The ballistic is ruthless and floating. Wherever it hits, it will be a big hole or deep pit. When the ape monster hits it, it will be directly dismembered. Evolution fighter It will also suddenly lose a large part of the body if it is touched.

Under the terrible firepower, the ape monsters finally collapsed and fled from the other side of the camp. Their sporadic counterattacks can't help the heavy armor of the off-road vehicle at all.

Seeing that the ape monster's resistance had been shattered, Chu Jungui boarded the car again and drove slowly into the camp. In the process of entering the camp, the on-board weapons were not idle at all. Lin Xi manipulated the machine crossbow and called the ape monsters and evolution fighters one by one. The little princess controlled the electromagnetic rifle and blasted the ape monsters hiding in the dark corners into rubbish. Lin Ya reacted a little slower, she couldn't hit the ape monster, so she simply started to demolish the house.

Chu Jungui drove all the way to the center of the camp before stopping the car. He jumped out of the driver's cab and looked around. The entire camp was quiet, with no ape monster activity or special sounds.

Chu Jungui's ears moved suddenly, and he caught a faint sob. The sound came from a house next to the totem pole, and Chu Junhui faintly felt a faint vibration.

He signaled the vehicle-mounted weapon to stop firing, guarded the surroundings, and walked towards the house.

The house is tall and square, it looks like a warehouse. Chu Jungui gently pushed the door open, and a strong smell of blood rushed to his face immediately.

Chu Jungui's pupils shrank slightly, and the warehouse was crowded with all kinds of cubs, many of which hadn't opened their eyes yet. The ground of the warehouse was covered with blood, some cubs jumped up suddenly, but were still caught by the dark thorn branches, and then were entangled and strangled. The thorns of the thorns pierced their bodies deeply, and the blood gushed out, most of which were absorbed by the branches, and a little fell on the ground, and it was already rippling into a pool.

There are circles of thorny branches coiled on the ground, slowly wriggling like snakes, crawling through the herd of young beasts. Sometimes they turn a blind eye to the cubs, and sometimes they suddenly attack, strangling and sucking several cubs dry.

Chu Jungui did not expect to see such a picture. Those thorny branches should be plants in his perception, but they are somewhat different from ordinary plants. And there are thousands of young beasts in this warehouse, it seems that all the herds in the vicinity must have suffered.

A branch was crawling towards Chu Jungui's feet, but Chu Jungui was not polite, and with a short bow in his hand, he cut off the branch directly with the bowstring.

The branches in the whole warehouse seemed to be stimulated, waving desperately, and making strange calls. But this couldn't scare Chu Jungui, swung his bow like lightning, and cut off all the branches several meters around in an instant. The surviving branches no longer dared to approach, and all retracted into the ground.

Chu Jungui walked out of the warehouse and came under the totem pole. There were still mottled blood stains on the totem pole, but the pile of corpses that had been piled up under the pole had disappeared, not even a single bone remained.

He squatted down, picked up a little dirt and looked at it. The soil is very fresh, the smell is also very fresh, rich in nutrients and water, and there are no traces of blood and bone meal.

Chu Jungui stood up, patted the totem pole, felt the sound of blood flowing inside, and confirmed that it was a totem of flesh and blood.

So he didn't study anymore, and immediately called Xu Hua and Sall to get off the car, asked them to take off their battle armor, then cut open the totem pole, put the blood that flowed out in a basin, and let the two old people smear on their bodies. Chu Jungui carefully controlled the amount used, only applied a small amount of blood at a time, and applied it again after it was absorbed.

After applying it several times, both Xu Hua and Sall were red all over, had shortness of breath, and their body temperature rose sharply. Chu Jungui had been prepared for a long time, and while they were still sane, he immediately used a regression for each of them. After the light passed, the two old men had disappeared.

There was still a lot of blood on the totem pole, so Chu Jungui let the three women use it, then drove away and returned to the camp.

Chu Jungui did not completely cut off the totem pole, nor did he pay attention to the cubs in a warehouse. The branches in the warehouse are actually the roots of the flesh totem. Chu Jungui wanted to see if the ape monster would restore the flesh and blood totem that had been chopped off in half. If so, how will they be fixed.

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