God is Coming

Chapter 996 Too Easy

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In the dynasty base, the lights in the medical area were flickering, and countless doctors and nurses rang clear instructions in their earphones, rushing to their assigned positions.

Hundreds of medical staff ran wildly, busy but not chaotic. In a ward of the highest standard in the center of the medical area, the lights have been switched to the shadowless mode of the operating room, and a dozen doctors with peak medical skills in the surrounding operating rooms are already in place, and behind each of them is a person counting to ten. A team of varying numbers is responsible for data analysis and processing and immediate feedback of surgical results.

Many top leaders in the medical field gathered just for the patient in the VIP ward.

In the center of the ward is the most advanced medical cabin in the entire dynasty and even in the entire human race, which can support the simultaneous operation of 30 nano-scale surgical instruments.

At this moment, the patient was floating in the nutrient solution, his whole body was flushed, his body temperature was constantly rising, and various data in his body were undergoing drastic changes.

All the big names in the medical field looked serious. In their many years of practicing medicine, it can be said that they have never encountered such a situation. The patient's body tissue activities are extremely active, and the changes that usually take months to complete are condensed in a few hours. This makes them also subconsciously nervous that an operation that would normally take hours to complete must now be completed in minutes.

Fortunately, these medical masters are all talented and learned. The next nano-scale scalpel fell first, accurately pierced the patient's heart, removed a small blood clot, and supplemented nutrition for the overworked myocardium by the way. In an instant, this nano-knife was operated hundreds of times on an area of ​​less than 0.1 square centimeters, almost as if it was directly supplementing nutrients into the thin breasts.

Starting with this nanoknife, other surgical instruments moved in an instant, and 4 scalpels were operating at the same time on the heart alone. Physically, several scalpels are continuously laying tiny tubes in the patient's body to replace blood vessels and deliver nutrients and medicines. Some scalpels are for fine-tuning and maintenance of the nervous system.

In a few minutes, the patient underwent 20 operations at the same time, and the micro-pipelines laid in the body exceeded 300 meters. His vital signs finally stabilized, and although his body tissues were still in a highly active state, they were already under control.

A doctor let out a sigh of relief as he put down the control device of the nanoknife. In just a few minutes, he was already sweating profusely and his face was pale, as if he had climbed a thousand-meter peak.

At this time, the system voice sounded in the channel: "Physiological function has been stabilized, and the patient's actual age is 169.1 years old, biological age is 167.1 years old, and the life expectancy is 24 months."

As soon as the result came out, there was no cheering in the hall, but silence. People with relatively advanced medical attainments all looked incredible, while several top figures picked up the data and began to study one by one. According to common sense, it is a miracle that the patient can live for another month, but now it seems that the part of the gene that had serious defects has been initially repaired. Although the repair is very fragile, it is already a medical miracle.

After the operation is over, the patient begins to be transferred to the repair cabin, and numerous medical devices begin to automatically repair and maintain the body, remove dead or over-aged parts, and replenish nutrients for the body.

An hour later, Xu Hua slowly opened his eyes and saw Dr. Zero.

"Zero I'm back? Did it succeed?"

The doctor nodded and said, "Congratulations, you now have an extra 2 years of life."

"Two years!" Xu Hua's spirit was lifted, he was about to sit up, and he said boldly: "With so many lives, why don't I visit the Milky Way?!"

The same situation is also happening in the Commonwealth. When Sall wakes up, the new life is 26 months.

Austin stood outside the ward and looked at the data, but couldn't see any change in expression. A doctor came over and said, "My lord, Lord Sall is awake, and he wants to talk to you."

Austin walked into the ward and stood by the medical cabin. Sall turned his head in the cabin and said, "I feel better than ever. What's the result? How long can I live?"

"26 months."

Surprise flashed in Sall's eyes, and he said, "The original estimate was 4 months."

"Yes. But Chu Jungui seems to have found a more powerful and efficient method, and his feedback to reality is much stronger than that of the son of hell."

"If I had smeared more blood"

"No, this is already your limit. Chu Jungui has very precise control over the amount, any more will exceed our ability, and you will not be able to save him."

Sall sighed and said, "Life feels so good, but greed is always with us. After this time, is there another chance?"

Austin pondered for a moment and said, "There should be."

Sall nodded and said, "Then I'm waiting for your good news. I heard that this time, the girl from the Winton family paid for it herself, and I will pay for it. In addition, I hope you can give Chu Jungui supports a batch of materials, and it is better to have people. With our current way of fighting each other, it is impossible to explore deeper secrets."

Austin thought for a while and said, "This needs to extract some of your memories, can you?"

"no problem."

Austin waved his hand, and a team of medical staff connected to the memory reader, and Sall began to recall his life experience in the Chu Jungui camp.

After a while, after reading the memory, Sall's physical strength also recovered a lot. He sat up, and immediately a nurse wiped off the nutrient solution on his body and put on clothes for him. After changing his clothes, Sall saw Austin staring at the screen with a different expression.

"What's wrong, Austin, is there something wrong?"

Austin smiled bitterly, pointed to the camp wall in the memory image, and said, "You asked me to give him support supplies? Do you think he is short of supplies? This kind of luster, at first glance, is a high-grade alloy. Our people It’s all used to make gun barrels, what about him? Use it to build walls! Just this one wall uses more alloy than all our explorers put together, so what should I support him?”

Sall did not think of this level. When he saw the layout of the camp, he didn't think there was anything unusual. Any self-developed base in the Federation is much more advanced than it. He didn't expect Austin to have such a high evaluation.

But Sall is also an old man, countless thoughts flashed through his mind in a blink of an eye, and he said immediately: "Austin, you can't think of anything else! I will count on him next time!"

Austin smiled and said: "Don't worry, since he did a good job this time, then I won't touch him. It's fine with material support, he doesn't need it. Personnel, he doesn't actually need it. Maybe it will be good for him." He was beaten to death by that little guy. Don’t think he is a good person, in fact, that little guy has a dark heart, except for Hathaway, I don’t dare to hand anyone else into his hands.”

"Are you going to do it yourself?"

Austin smiled and said: "I won't touch him until I get a second chance. I didn't expect him to build the camp to such a degree. It seems that the third-level area can't help him at all. Maybe the hope of breaking through level 4 lies on him."

Sale looked at Austin's face for a few seconds, then Fang said, "There are a few old guys who are in the same situation as me. I believe you won't do unnecessary things until their problems are resolved."

Austin didn't answer, and Sale didn't continue the conversation. He tidied up his clothes and left with the people from his family who came to pick him up.

Austin did not leave immediately, but looked at the extracted memory data again. At this moment, he suddenly received a message from Sall.

"Dear Austin, I thought that if I was lucky, I would have an extra three months of life. I carefully prepared the plan for these three months. But what I didn't expect was that I had 26 months. But just now Take some time, I have filled these 26 months, but I still feel that there are many things I haven’t had time to do, and there are many places I want to see. You see, life is such greed. Now I am already looking forward to the second This is my second chance. I think there will be many old guys like me who yearn for a little extra life. As for the hatred of the country and the family, it doesn’t seem to matter in front of these.”

The corner of Austin's mouth moved slightly, and he deleted the message. Sale's message is a reminder and a warning.

In a real dream, Chu Jungui drove back to the camp and began to arrange for the return of Lin Xi, Lin Ya and Hathaway. He himself was sitting in the camp, waiting for Lin Xi and Hathaway to return.

The manufacturing machines in the camp did not stop for a moment, devouring raw materials and spitting out finished products. Chu Jungui stood on the camp wall, looking into the distance, not knowing what to think.

Everything here gave him an indescribably weird feeling. It's not because of anything else, but because everything is too real. If it weren't for the quota and return, it would be impossible to judge whether this world is real or not.

Chu Jungui raised his left hand again, and suddenly a ray of flame burst out from above his palm, and the fireworks quickly turned from red to blue.

Chu Jungui clenched his fist and extinguished the flame. This ability seems incredible, but Chu Jungui is at least 60% sure that he can replicate it in the real world. Correspondingly, the organs that can stimulate radiation, since they can be used in real dreams, they should also be usable in the real world.

Chu Jungui spread his palms again and looked at his index finger. Under his gaze, the index finger stretched at a speed visible to the naked eye, and an obvious metallic luster appeared at the tip. After a while, the index finger shortened again and returned to normal.

He has long discovered that the activity of the body in real dreams is several times or even ten times higher than that in reality. The growth and evolution that takes months to complete in reality can be completed in only a few days here. As for Chu Jungui, a test body that can almost achieve cell-level control, it is like just now that the change in body shape can be completed within ten minutes.

But precisely because it was too easy to change, Chu Jungui didn't dare to try it indiscriminately, especially after it was confirmed that real dreams would have feedback to the real world.

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