God is Coming

Chapter 997

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Lin Xi returned first, and brought back a lot of news.

First of all, Xu Hua's physical recovery was very successful, which immediately made many wait-and-see bosses unable to sit still and flocked to him. Dr. Zero raised the price on the ground, and the highest price won. Two big bosses were delineated, and they were going to enter the real dream in the next round.

In fact, these two big brothers still have nearly ten years to live, unlike Xu Hua who is in danger. However, as long as there is a choice, no one will be so stupid as to really wait until the end of life to find a way to prolong life. Ten years later, who knows if the real dream is still there.

The scheduled arrival time of the two bosses is 36 hours later, and the middle period is the time for Chu Jungui to find a new flesh and blood totem. Lin Xi also brought back a blueprint, which is a simple device that can carry out the most basic cultivation and replication of biological genes, and belongs to the most basic equipment in genetic laboratories.

This equipment was designed by Dr. Ling. Chu Jungui has been trying to build a genetic laboratory for the past two days, but he is still stuck on the most basic equipment. . Even with the help of Kaitian, the technical difficulties cannot be overcome. There is a small difference between real dreams and reality, and it is this little difference that will be infinitely magnified at the micro level, and the entire basic theoretical system may be overthrown. Even if it is a test body, he is more strengthened in combat and data processing. In the field of real scientific research, Chu Jungui is more than one or two light years behind the doctor.

With the blueprint brought in by Lin Xi, building the first device is the first step in completely unveiling the veil of real dreams.

There are still small flaws in the blueprint. After all, many basic data have changed after the world has changed. Dr. Zero only has second-hand data. But with the basic design drawings, Chu Jungui and Kaitian can improve on this basis.

Outside the camp, explorers are sweating profusely, constantly digging fortifications. However, they were not purely manual labor. Most of the digging workload was done by two construction machines that could be operated by one person. What explorers need to do is to build living rooms, warehouses and other facilities in designated locations. Now there are more than 30 explorers gathered around the camp, most of them are explorers of the first one, and there are also a few who come here especially for the second and third ones.

After witnessing the camp's terrifying force and epoch-making technological level, all explorers stayed obediently and put away all evil intentions. Explorers are not stupid, and no one would want to use the old-fashioned rifle in their hands to fight the automatic walking, automatic aiming, and automatic firing machine crossbows on the wall of the camp.

When they saw that electromagnetic rifles were being attached to the off-road vehicles entering and leaving the camp, they all worked hard.

At this time, another day will be the time of natural disasters. Chu Jungui asked all the explorers to withdraw their positions, return to the vicinity of the camp, and dig new fortifications and public facilities. Now the outskirts of the camp have been built densely packed fortifications and ditches by the explorers, and all the positions are connected together. A communal area has also been built close to the campsite, with a living room, bathroom, dining room and entertainment room. With the use of single-person construction machinery, the progress of fortification construction is getting faster and faster, and it is becoming more and more exaggerated. Now just outside the defense system, there are more than 30 fortresses built of armor plates and composite materials, even more than the number of explorers.

In order to cope with the coming natural disasters, Chu Jungui started a series of projects, greatly increasing the defense of the position, storing a large amount of ammunition and materials, and at the same time, uniformly updating the equipment of the explorers.

At Dynasty Base, Dr. Zero returned to the office impatiently, and said to the two people who were already waiting: "Is there anything important that you have to bother me?"

"Doctor, we encountered obstacles when recruiting the latest batch of explorer candidates."

"Hinder?" Dr. Zero's face was a little gloomy. He is well aware of how rigorous his two capable men use words.

Another person said: "We originally planned to recruit 700 candidates, but yesterday most of them received invitations from the second and third departments, and the other party proposed more favorable conditions, so most of the candidates showed up Shaken, today's signing may not go well."

"The 2nd and 3rd movies dare to rob me, what conditions do they offer?"

The two subordinates looked at each other and said, "It's 50% higher than what we've given so far."

Dr. Ling frowned slightly, and said: "It's really beyond our control! Let's wait for the treatment first, and I will check the data."

In front of the two subordinates, Dr. Zero directly pulled out the light screen, connected it to the personal terminal, and then the data surged like flowing water, impressively attacking the core brains of the second and third parts!

In less than ten minutes, the two masterminds fell one after another, and all the secrets were revealed to the doctor. The doctor directly opened the financial data of the second and third departments and looked at it, then sneered: "It's only half of the year, and the budget has already been spent, so you dare to rob me!"

Dr. Zero grandiosely left the back door on the two masterminds, and then covered up the traces of his invasion, and said confidently: "From now on, the treatment of all active and reserve explorers will be tripled. For candidates who are ready to join, The one-time subsidy has also been increased by 3 times, and it will be paid on the spot when you report!"

The two men were taken aback, and one said: "Since we already know the opponent's hole cards, why spend so much money?"

Another person also said: "In my opinion, there is no need to increase the subsidy, as long as it is changed to be paid immediately when the report is published. They can't come up with this condition."

The doctor said: "Don't just stare at those candidates and reserve personnel. There are still many active-duty explorers in the second and third divisions. What will they do when they hear about our treatment?"

The two subordinates suddenly realized and left in a hurry.

After dealing with the matter here, the doctor walked towards the laboratory. On the way, an emergency communication with extremely high authority came in, the doctor connected, and the image of the current committee chairman of Dynasty Academy of Sciences appeared in front of him. Seeing the doctor was like seeing the sun that illuminates the future, and he smiled brilliantly.

"Chairman Zero, I heard that your recent research has made great progress?"

The doctor said: "I'm just an executive member of the committee, not even the vice chairman."

"There will be a by-election right away! You will definitely be able to occupy a place in the presidium, maybe it will be the first executive. You see, I am also old, and I won't be able to work for a few years. Who else can have this position in the future besides you?"

The doctor said calmly: "It's still early. Who wants to come here?"

The chairman said mysteriously: "He is a real big man, and I really want to get to know you well, and learn more about the progress of your research"

Before the chairman finished speaking, the doctor said, "50 billion."

"What 50 billion?"

"Give me another 50 billion special budget, and I will talk to that big shot about my research. Of course, this is the first step."

The smile on the chairman's face reappeared, as strong as a sea of ​​flowers, and said: "No problem! 50 billion is not enough, and I will give you another 500! It is easy to talk about funding! What about the others? Even if you want my position now, we It can also be discussed."

The doctor said: "That's 100 billion, but I'm not interested in your position. Let's talk about it when you don't want to sit or retire someday. Let that big man come over, and I will arrange for him to enter in the third round."

"Will there be a third round?" asked the chairman.

The doctor pondered for a while, and said: "Theoretically, there will be 5 rounds. But it's hard to say whether there will be a 5th round."

The smile on the chairman's face suddenly froze, and then he smiled wryly, and said, "If it weren't for the fact that I still have a lot of lives, I would have given myself a chance. Can I ask, how many positions are there?"

"There should be no more than 10."

"Is that so?" The chairman thought about it, and said slowly: "Then some positions cannot be given to those people."

"Which people?"

"Those old guys with little leftover heat."

The doctor said indifferently: "Do you want to arrange again?"

The chairman said: "Opportunities are so scarce, of course I have to arrange them. You are not very good at this, so leave it to me. You can account for 50% of the benefits afterwards."

"Is 50% a bit low?"

The chairman smiled wryly: "I want to unblock the management here, and I have to resist external pressure. The benefits cannot be monopolized by us. We must divide part of it to build a future alliance. All external pressures are for me to resist, and finally fall The benefit in my pocket is only 10%. You have to know that there will be a price for letting you take my place in the future."

The doctor didn't bother too much, but nodded directly and said: "Okay."

The chairman cheered up, cut off the communication in a hurry, and arranged to go.

The doctor had already reached the gate of the laboratory, stopped suddenly, and clicked on the communication channel a few times. A moment later, a majestic middle-aged general appeared in front of the doctor, with a hint of evil in his brows, he said upon meeting: "Doctor, is it not good for you to do this?"

"What did I do?"

The middle-aged general stared at the doctor for a few seconds, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "You suddenly came to me, what's the matter?"

"It's a bit of a problem. I want to inform you that from now on, all explorers, including active duty, reserve duty, and candidates, will receive a 5-fold increase in corresponding treatment."

"5" The middle-aged general stood up abruptly, then sat down slowly, and said, "Doctor, we don't have funds for the second part, so we can't compete with you. But it's hard to say about the third part."

The doctor smiled slightly and said, "They don't have any funds either."

"How do you know? The sponsorship money for the third part comes from all kinds of sources"

The doctor said: "Maybe they would have had additional funds, but now they don't."

The general frowned, pondered, and said after a few seconds: "It seems that we can no longer compete with you, but those few privileges we found ourselves, I hope we can use them on ourselves."

"Yes. Also, if you recruit candidates from the active forces, I will not interfere." After finishing speaking, the doctor cut off the communication, handed the personal terminal to the assistant, and walked into the laboratory.

The assistant followed the doctor into the laboratory, put away the doctor's personal belongings, and asked curiously: "You asked General Yu from the Second Department to inform you about this matter? We can do it for you!"

The doctor smiled slightly and said, "I just came to him to see if he would make a mistake. If he scolded me, the person in charge of the second department would change tomorrow. But he didn't."

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