God is Coming

Chapter 1002 Never ending

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The dark red in the sky became more and more eye-catching, and the light beams of the high-power searchlights in the camp were obviously distorted. The light was flowing, and when it was a few hundred meters away, it obviously bent to the ground, like glowing rivers.

That indescribable feeling filled everyone's body and mind, filling every corner from the inside to the outside.

Chu Jungui stood on the wall, stopped shooting, and looked around slowly. He could feel that the whole world had changed, and his body was also changing slightly. The changes in the body are not obvious, but they are changed from the most basic place, every cell is changing inside.

At this time, Lin Ya had an extraordinary will. She gritted her teeth and picked up the fully charged electromagnetic rifle, aiming at the place where the ape monsters were most densely populated.

The familiar streamer lights up on the body of the electromagnetic rifle, but like an old-fashioned record player with unstable voltage, it suddenly flickers on and off, shakes and then goes dark. The supposedly powerful electromagnetic bomb slowly flew out of the muzzle of the gun, without even a little light, and it was weak to move forward after only two ape monsters were blown away. But the last shot cleared all the ape monsters on the wall tens of meters away.

Lin Ya was startled, grabbed another rifle and squeezed the trigger desperately, but this time the light on the gun only flashed, and then burst like soap bubbles floating in the wind.

The electromagnetic bomb slowly slipped out of the muzzle and fell to the ground.

The light in the camp flickered on and off, and the searchlights gradually dimmed and went out. The light is like a faucet that is gradually tightened, getting smaller and flowing on the ground. .

The roar of the manufacturing machine is disappearing, and the power furnaces are also extinguished one by one. The biological master brain has stopped functioning, and Kai Tian's panic thoughts continue to flow into Chu Jungui's mind. control!

The bow in Chu Jungui's hand also lost its radiance, and the electromagnetic power assist system had completely failed, so it had to be drawn completely by manpower.

The walls of the camp were covered with apes and monsters again, and the screams of the explorers kept coming and going. They were already exhausted from fighting, and without the support of the electromagnetic booster, all the weapons in their hands had become cold weapons. How many arrows can be shot with such a heavy bow?

The explorers desperately tried weapons one by one, but whether it was the gunpowder weapons that came with them, or the electric and electromagnetic booster weapons issued by the camp, they all failed, and they could only be used and waved by manpower.

After a while, the energy supply was also cut off, and all the fortification doors locked by electromagnetic adsorption could no longer be maintained, and were finally pulled open by the ape monsters. Countless ape monsters swarmed in, tearing the explorers in the fortification to pieces.

Lin Ya pulled the trigger in vain, but the electromagnetic rifle did not respond at all. She watched in despair as an ape monster rushed in front of her and slashed at her face with a knife.

With a soft chirp, a gray shadow passed by, the head of the ape monster shot up into the sky, and the headless corpse flew past Lin Ya and fell to the ground.

Chu Jungui swung his light bow, using the bowstring as a blade, instantly disintegrated the surrounding apes and monsters, and then pulled Lin Ya up. Lin Ya's whole body was limp, and she hardly had the strength to stand up, so she could only hang on Chu Jungui's arm.

Chu Jungui held the bow behind his back, and drew out a heavy alloy arrow for a heavy bow. The arrows were shot like the wind, and any ape monster within three meters would have holes in its neck. Although the vitality of the ape monsters is tenacious, Chu Jungui has long been aware of their weaknesses, directly cutting off the connection between the head sense organs and the body, even if they survive for a while, their combat effectiveness will be crippled.

There are more and more ape monsters on the camp wall, and the screams of the explorers can no longer be heard in the camp. Under the blood-colored sky, there are densely packed ape monsters all around, probably hundreds of thousands. In the darkness, ape monsters are still pouring out continuously, and no one knows how many more there will be.

Mr. Chu held heavy alloy arrows and shot from one end of the camp wall to the other. His movements were constant and precise. No matter whether it was an ape monster or an evolutionary warrior, he shot one arrow at a time, neither fast nor slow, just like a walking body. meat grinder. Arriving at the other end of the camp, Kai Tian flew up from the ground and attached himself to Chu Jungui. Only then did it regain its normal mobility, and a circle of light green light waves shot out from its eyes, marking all the terrain, important locations, weapons and ammunition within a hundred meters around it.

Gu Wei

Chu Jungui walked around on the wall of the camp. There was already a thick layer of corpses of ape monsters piled up under the wall, and the accumulation was getting higher and higher.

The entire battlefield was densely packed with ape monsters, like a moving storm. There is a small eye in the center of the storm, which is constantly moving, but it cannot be crushed.

After piercing through countless ape monsters, the metal heavy arrow finally became blunt. Kai Tian immediately rolled up a new one and sent it to Chu Jungui.

Lin Ya was like catkins floating in the wind, she could only hang on Chu Jungui's arm. She also wanted to lighten Chu Jungui's burden, but she was weak all over. She knew very well that as long as she left, she would be torn to pieces by the ape monster immediately.

After struggling twice, Chu Jungui also noticed her abnormality, and said in a deep voice, "Relax, don't struggle."

"I don't want to be a burden to you!!" Lin Ya shouted.

"It's over." Chu Jungui's voice was very calm, which also made Lin Ya calm down.

The camp was already packed with ape monsters like canned food, but they were all focused on Chu Jungui, not paying any attention to the two sleeping people behind the thick armor plate.

Chu Jungui carefully allocated every ounce of physical strength, like the most stingy miser. He didn't know how many ape monsters were left, he only knew that he couldn't fall down, otherwise the ape monster would find Hathaway and Lin Xi who were still sleeping.

Chu Jungui didn't know how long he could last, but he only hoped that he could survive until the moment when they woke up and returned on their own.

The battle seems endless.

The ground began to tremble again, and in the darkness, a huge black shadow like a hill was approaching! Every time it falls, all the apes on the ground will jump up.

In the deep darkness, dozens of lights of different sizes lit up, which were eyes. All eyes were on Chu Jungui.

"Leave me alone! Run away!!" Lin Ya desperately tried to break free.

Chu Jungui stopped suddenly and looked to the north. Under the sky there, dozens of eyes stared at him together, and each eye shot out a thin light, weaving into a net, and locked on Chu Jungui firmly.

Chu Jungui seemed to have heard a piercing scream, and his ears told him that the sound had not yet arrived, but his intuition had already heard it.

In the darkness, a streak of black color struck at an unresponsive speed, stabbing straight at Chu Jungui!

Chu Jungui turned half a circle with difficulty, blocking himself in front of Kai Tian and Lin Ya, and the ink color pierced through his body. The moment his consciousness dissipated, Chu Jungui saw clearly that the ink color was actually a tentacle, extending into the darkness, at least hundreds of meters.

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