God is Coming

Chapter 1003 Bad News

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When he woke up again, what Chu Jungui felt were hundreds of molecular knives that penetrated into his body. Each molecular knife has its own goal and its own task, which is extremely precise to remove necrotic tissue, repair wounds, inject drugs and growth hormones, and then some detach the knife head as part of the wound healing material, while others return the same way .

Hundreds of molecular knives move at the same time without interfering with each other, like a large-scale dance with tacit cooperation. In just a few minutes, the operation was all over. Chu Jungui asked himself that even if he replaced himself, it would be impossible to do better. What's more, apart from his understanding of his own body, he actually has no attainments in medicine. So don't ask, this must be Dr. Zero's handwriting.

Chu Jungui opened his eyes and saw the doctor walk into the ward. He observed Chu Jungui's data for a while, then shook his head.

Chu Jungui fumbled for the button at hand, and with a light press, the cover of the medical cabin rose, the nutrient solution descended step by step, and then the bottom plate rose, supporting Chu Jungui to sit up.

Holding the data pad, Dr. Zero frowned and said, "1.4% permanent damage, what did you go through before you came back, why are you so emotionally unstable?"

"Something happened, but it's not a big deal, I can handle it."

The doctor nodded, and said: "You don't want to say, it's the same when you retrieve other people's memories later. But there is one thing I want to know, what is Lin Xi's state before you return?"

"She used the blood of the totem, and I was still in a coma when I died in battle. Under normal circumstances, she will die at the hands of the ape monster for a few minutes at most."

The doctor frowned slightly and said, "A few minutes? It's been 2 hours now, and she hasn't come back yet."

Chu Jungui's heart skipped a beat.

He jumped out of the medical cabin directly, and the doctor beside him turned pale with fright and shouted, "Wait! You just finished the operation, you can't move!"

The doctor looked Chu Jungui up and down, and said: "Okay, don't pretend, just show what you have! There will be bad news waiting for you in a while."

Chu Jungui took a bottle of high-energy nutrient from the medicine shelf next to him and drank it down. The heat of this stuff is comparable to napalm, and usually one bottle needs to be converted into a nutrient solution that can be used by the entire medical cabin, but Chu Jungui drank three bottles in a row. After replenishing enough energy, Chu Jungui's body resounded faintly, and a few minutes later he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of thick black water, which was considered to have cleaned up all the necrotic tissue and useless waste in his body.

On the data board in the doctor's hand, Chu Jungui's physical data in all aspects has been rising linearly, not only making up for the permanent damage, but also increasing by nearly 15%.

The doctor's eyes flickered, and he said: "It seems that you are the one who benefits the most from the real dream. Come with me, there is still a bad news waiting for you."

Chu Jungui followed Dr. Ling back to the office. The doctor closed the door, and said with a rare seriousness: "I just got the news from the Federation, and the little guy from the Winton family has no sign of returning. What happened this time It may be more troublesome than I expected, both of them should be trapped in a real dream."

The doctor stretched out his hand, and Lin Xi's image appeared on the desktop. She fell asleep quietly, and she didn't see anything unusual on the surface, but the data area showing thinking activities was silent, without the slightest sign of activity. In other words, Lin Xi is now a vegetable, and even a vegetable is better than her. Now she is just a skin without the slightest consciousness.

"If she doesn't come back, she will remain like this until the end of her natural life." The doctor turned off the video, but called out a set of extremely complicated data. The data is three-dimensional and multi-dimensional. Chu Jungui couldn't figure out the meaning of the data at all, but his intuition seemed to be related to the number of places in the real dream.

The doctor said: "This is the interface data of the real dream, which is completely beyond our understanding. Until now, I only know how to use it, and I don't know how it works. So we need someone to re-enter the real dream, see See what happened there."

Chu Jun returned, "I'll go."

"This time it's going to be very dangerous."

"I know."

The doctor nodded and said: "You are the most suitable candidate, and even if I stop you, you will go back. There are still 15 minutes, you can make some preparations."

"What preparation?"

"Leave something to say, for example, if you have anything to explain, you can write it down."

Chu Jungui was taken aback, this was similar to a suicide note. It was the first time the Doctor had said such a thing, and he never joked.


Chu Jungui thought about it seriously for a minute, and said, "I have nothing to confess in this world, so let it be."


A moment later, Chu Jungui was lying in the medical cabin again, all the preparations were in place, and then with the roaring beeping, his consciousness began to drift and blur, becoming an independent individual, pulling away from the body.

In the past, Chu Jungui couldn't see this process. He just felt that his eyes went dark, and then he appeared in a real dream. But this time, his control over his body was more delicate, and his body functions were more powerful, and he finally captured this moment.

Chu Jungui's consciousness gradually rose, getting farther and farther away from his body, and an invisible channel seemed to appear above, sucking his consciousness in.

The passage seems to be very long, but it also seems to be very short, and the concept of space and time is completely lost here, but Chu Jungui has a strange intuition, knowing that he is constantly moving. This movement seems to be multi-dimensional, spanning different spaces.

While drifting, Chu Jungui suddenly heard bursts of singing, just like what he heard when he was traveling through the wormhole!

Chu Jungui tried to focus on the singing, but couldn't. There was like a transparent wall between the singing voice and him, it seemed close at hand, but he couldn't get close no matter what.

As he was trying, his consciousness suddenly fell, falling towards the exit like a meteor, and then appeared in a real dream in the next second.

The way of landing is the same as in the past, they all appear in the air a few meters above the ground, and then land gently. Chu Jungui looked around and saw the camp not far away.

At this time, the camp has become ruins, and several sections of the camp wall are still standing, but only a few sections of the camp wall are left in the huge camp, and the rest are all in ruins. All the houses were demolished, and parts of various equipment were thrown everywhere.

Chu Jungui walked towards the camp when he suddenly stepped on something. He leaned over to pick it up, and saw that it was an energy storage part of the electromagnetic booster. All the parts were designed by Chu Jungui himself. He skillfully found a small switch on it and pressed it. Normally the part should light up the indicator light and start releasing energy. But now it is completely unresponsive.

Another half of the bullet was exposed in the soil not far away. Chu Jungui picked it up and looked at it. This is a hand-crafted bullet, made with care, it should be made by some explorer before taking refuge. Later, Chu Jungui issued a booster bow in unison, and this bullet was no longer useful and became a souvenir.

With a little force, Chu Jungui pulled out the bullet, and then poured the gunpowder inside into his hand. The charge of the bullet is black powder, which is primitive and insufficient in power, which can only be made up by increasing the charge. However, black powder is also good. It is very easy to find raw materials in real dreams, and it can be mass-produced quickly, allowing explorers to get rid of the era of cold weapons and enter the stage of firearms.

The small pile of black powder in Chu Jungui's hand suddenly twisted, and as the temperature rose rapidly, it finally began to burn. Looking at the red flame like a candle, Chu Jungui remained silent. A flame of this size is equivalent to burning wood chips of the same volume, and the energy release is slow and insufficient. In other words, these black powders have completely failed. It was the recipe that failed, not just the gunpowder.

Chu Jungui slapped the gray ashes off his heart and walked into the camp.

The camp that was once impregnable has now become a pile of ruins. Only the skeleton of the eight-wheel drive wild vehicle remains, and everything that can be dismantled has been smashed and disassembled, and the parts are scattered everywhere. Chu Jungui picked up a car battery, took out a unit, and tried it on his hand. As expected, there was no power at all in the unit. According to the original design, the armored vehicle will be fully charged after returning to the camp, and a fully charged unit can last for at least a month. Even if the power is exhausted, there should be some remnants inside. But now the battery unit in Chu Jungui's hand has no electricity at all, and all the storage materials are in a frozen state.

There was no electricity either.

Chu Jungui dropped the battery unit and walked into the camp. All the buildings in the camp were destroyed, the warehouse was empty, and a large number of unused building materials and alloy plates disappeared, obviously moved by the ape monster.

The room where Lin Xi and Hathaway were located was completely dismantled, the alloy baffle and the door were thrown dozens of meters away, and twisted into a ball. There were obvious signs of a fight in the room.

Chu Jungui squatted in the room, all the traces were collected in his mind and synthesized into images.

When the ape monster broke into the door, both Lin Xi and Hathaway were awakened. They resisted, but were quickly subdued by the endless evolutionary fighters. These evolutionary fighters were quite measured in their actions. Judging from the traces left at the scene, Lin Xi and Hathaway should not have been seriously injured.

In the corner of the ruins, there is an inconspicuous square brick. Chu Jungui pressed lightly on it, and the brick split into two halves. This is a secret small organ, which is mainly used to place regression. But now the inside is empty, and the dozens of returns collected by Chu Jungui have all disappeared. Obviously, neither Hathaway nor Lin Xi could use it, and they didn't even have a chance to open the box.

Since they are useless and the secret box has never been opened, where have all those returns gone?

Chu Jungui vaguely had a guess. Since the gunpowder failed and the electricity was gone, the return and the quota might also disappear.

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