God is Coming

Chapter 1004

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Standing in the ruins, Chu Jungui felt dazed and dazed for a moment. All cutting-edge technology disappeared overnight, and he was like going back to the stone age, relying on his body to fight against beasts with fangs and claws.

In the north, there are millions of ape monsters, the terrifying monster that never showed its full face in the dark, and the existence that has always been hidden on the other side of the snow-capped mountains and has only been seen once in consciousness.

Now there are no weapons of mass destruction, no industrial production, no means of transportation, nothing, only flesh and blood, and only the most primitive power can be relied on.

Chu Jungui stretched out his hand and slowly clenched his fist. There were continuous soft sounds inside his body, and his body was slowly growing taller and stronger. It has been pulled up to more than 1.9 meters before stopping. The increase in his size is not particularly obvious, but the actual physical data has exploded. However, this growth is not without cost, Chu Jungui clearly felt that something very important seemed to have disappeared somewhere. The feeling was indescribable, but his intuition told him that what disappeared was life.

There was nothing left of the former camp. Chu Jungui leaned over and picked up a three-meter-long heavy alloy rod, covered the end of the rod with his hand, and wiped it slowly. The round end of the rod turned into a sharp edge. Sharp point. Chu Jungui did the same to the other end, picked up a file knife and fumbled it a few times, and sharpened the tip of the spear. This three-meter long gun will be the weapon accompanying this trip.

Chu Jungui tilted his spear and strode northward. . No matter how many obstacles lie ahead, as long as this body is still there, it will eventually be stepped down one by one until the body is smashed to pieces.

After a while, the camp was far behind Chu Jungui. A stretch of forest began to appear ahead, the clouds in the sky gradually thickened, and the light gradually dimmed.

The wind is bitter, and the surrounding fields are lonely.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse, no animals, no birds in the sky, only trees and grass are growing desperately, rising steadily. Along the way, Chu Jungui didn't even see a single ape monster. The million ape monsters that flooded the camp that day didn't know where they went. Only traces left showed that they all returned to the north.

While walking, Chu Jungui suddenly heard footsteps behind him!

The footsteps are very stable, the rhythm is clear, neither fast nor slow, but what is amazing is that the beat of each beat is exactly the same, without the slightest difference! If there is an error, it is also measured in milliseconds. This kind of pace has always been the patent of the test subject, and has never been seen on the second person.

The cold hairs on Chu Jungui's back instantly stood up, and then slowly fell down. This is the only enemy I have seen in my life, and the level of threat is comparable to that of Austin back then!

The footsteps were not in a hurry, but the distance between Chu Jungui and Chu Jungui was quickly shortened. The person took a step of more than ten meters, and he was close in a blink of an eye.

Chu Jungui decided to stay the same and respond to all changes, and wait for the enemy to attack the moment he succeeds in counterattacking. First, he will hurt both sides, and then see if he can turn the tables with his strong recovery ability.

In an instant, that person was behind him!

All the cells of Chu Jungui have entered the battle state, just waiting for the fatal blow to come.

The man lightly patted Chu Jungui's shoulder, soft and flat, without a trace of fireworks, Chu Jungui's long-awaited counterattack was unable to be released. Then a familiar voice sounded next to his ear: "What are you doing there?"

Chu Jungui was taken aback, and when he looked back, Dr. Ling was standing behind him!

The doctor was wearing simple clothes, without any armor plate to strengthen the defense. The style of the clothes is very familiar, it is the combat uniform that Chu Jungui made in batches back then.

Gu Xun

The doctor who put on the military uniform looked thinner, and there was a gentle smile on his meticulous face. He also carried a heavy alloy rod in his hand, about two meters long, and one end had turned into a blade.

"Doctor, why are you here?" Chu Jungui clearly remembered that Dynasty imposed strict foot restraint on the doctor, preventing him from entering the real dream. And for people like Dr. Zero, even if they lose 0.1% of their intelligence, it is the loss of the entire human race.

The doctor said with a relaxed face: "There seems to be something wrong with the return mechanism, that is to say, if you die in a real dream now, you may be really dead. I looked at your memory image again and found that the big guy only relied on You can't win at all, so you come in."

Chu Jungui finally saw a glimmer of hope in the darkness, and asked, "Then the two of us can win?"

The doctor shook his head: "It doesn't work either."

Chu Jungui was stunned, the doctor didn't look like he was joking, and the doctor never joked.

The doctor patted Chu Jungui on the shoulder and said, "If you can't fight, why don't you stop fighting? Let's go, there is still a long way to go."

At this moment, Chu Jungui didn't know what to say, so he walked silently beside Dr. Ling.

The doctor was not idle, he grabbed a handful of stones, and let them roll out of his hands one by one, and fell to the ground. Seeing Chu Jungui's puzzled gaze, the doctor said, "It's nothing, I'm just measuring gravity."

He picked up another fist-sized rock, cut it in half with a knife, and looked at the section carefully before throwing the rock on the ground. After entering the forest, the doctor will take a look at each new plant, and sometimes cut down a few trees to check the section and root system.

Looking at it all the way, the speed has slowed down greatly, but Chu Jungui found that the doctor's movements are becoming more and more precise, and the knife is like flowing water, and he can easily cut off a big tree that embraces the thickness of the tree , the power greatly increased.

Chu Jungui looked more and more curious, the doctor threw down a leaf in his hand, and said: "I am measuring some constants to see how far the basic principles of this world have changed. Now that I understand a little bit, I have to say that this is really true. A magical world that looks highly similar to our world, but the underlying rules are so different, I even doubt whether the real dream is in the same universe as ours."

Passing through the forest, the doctor swung the long knife a few times, and the blade unexpectedly emitted billowing heat waves. Wherever the blade passed, some blades of grass on the ground began to burn.

The doctor flicked the hot blade and said: "You can do these things naturally, but I can't do it. You have to understand the principle to use it. Let's go, that's the only way. If you want to go further, you have to put me The laboratory moved in, and the research must start from the bottom material structure."

Chu Jungui nodded. The two figures gradually drifted away and reached the foot of the snow mountain.

The snow-capped mountains are like prehistoric monsters, stretching across the land. It was dusk now, the clouds in the sky almost pressed down on the main peak of the snow-capped mountain, and a faint dark red glow appeared in the dense lead clouds, but there was light seeping out from the clouds, floating like snow. fall. The surrounding trees and grass also began to glow faintly, illuminating this dim world together with the skylight.

The doctor caught a piece of light that fell down, and the light really melted when it touched his palm like snow, turning into a small ball of soft light, which lit up in the palm of his hand for a while before gradually going out.

"This should be light." The doctor used an uncertain tone for the first time.

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