God is Coming

Chapter 1005 Snow Mountain

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Chu Jungui was not in a hurry, and let the doctor study. Every time the doctor's research on the world breaks through, the combat power will soar. Although this is still a journey to death, it is always good to have more hope.

When the light in the doctor's hand went out, the two began to climb the snow mountain. The snow-capped mountains are very rugged and steep, and the wind carries a biting chill and heavy humidity. The extremely harsh weather had no effect on the two of them, and their figures slowly moved upwards, and they soon entered the snow line.

Seeing that he was about to reach the summit, Chu Jungui finally asked a question that had been on his mind for a long time: "You know you can't go back, why are you still here?"

"It's all here."

"But the dynasty cannot do without you, and human beings cannot do without you."

The doctor smiled and said: "The highest praise given to me so far is to advance the basic technology of mankind for 300 years. Does it seem like a lot? But in the dimension of the universe, 300 years is just a moment There is no difference whether it is 300 years faster or 300 years slower. With me or without me, it has no effect on the fate of the entire human race. But whether I come or not, it has a decisive impact on your boy's fate. "

Chu Jungui quickly found the inconsistency of logic: "Didn't you just say that the two of us can't beat that big guy? It doesn't affect my fate at all!"

The doctor glared at Chu Jungui, and said, "If you can't speak, then say less!"

The speed of the two was very fast, and they approached the peak of the snow mountain in a blink of an eye.

The two climbed to the top of the peak one after the other, and their eyes suddenly opened up. Behind the snow peak is a flat plateau stretching as far as the eye can see, covered with patches of white snow, and dotted with black jagged boulders on the snowfield.

There are countless ape monsters standing on the snow field, walking around in disorder, and they don't know what they are doing. In the distance, a small hill with a height of more than 100 meters stands, and the surrounding ground is steaming with steam.

The appearance of Chu Jungui and Dr. Ling touched a switch, and the whole plateau came alive in an instant, and all the ape monsters standing still or wandering turned their heads at the same moment, staring at the two of them!

The world on the plateau was quietly changing, and Chu Jungui suddenly found that his field of vision and perception had greatly expanded, covering a vast area of ​​hundreds of kilometers in an instant! Such a huge change means an unimaginable information shock. If it were an ordinary person, his brain would boil and die immediately. Even if the human brain is several times larger, it cannot withstand such a severe impact.

However, both the doctor and Chu Jungui accepted the information shock as if nothing had happened.

The ape monsters on the entire plateau were enraged and rushed towards Chu Jungui and the doctor. As far as the eye can see, there are millions of ape monsters wandering on the plateau, and they swarmed all together, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a landslide and tsunami.

Chu Jungui leaped tens of meters and passed over the heads of countless ape monsters. When he landed, the tip of the three-meter long spear in his hand suddenly spurted blood. A big hole was made, and he was shot in the head with a single shot.

With a bang, Chu Jun fell to the ground, and the earth shook suddenly. The spear in his hand is made of heavy alloy, weighing hundreds of kilograms, and only Chu Jungui, who has strengthened his body again, can use it freely.

Then Chu Jun bowed and rushed forward, the spear whizzed and whirled around his body, and the spear tip turned into two blue halos, any ape monster would be sliced ​​into several sections as long as it touched the edge, and the broken limbs and flesh would fly everywhere. Chu Jungui rushed forward for hundreds of meters, killing thousands of ape monsters, and then stopped to catch his breath.

Gu Yu

In the other direction, the doctor walked at a leisurely pace, with the long knife in his hand flickering, as if shuttling in and out of the dimensional space. Every time the knife light flickered, several ape monsters would suddenly freeze on the spot and never move again. In this way, the doctor also advanced hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, leaving hundreds of statues of ape monsters behind.

When the doctor's figure was gone, these ape monsters fell down one by one. There is only a little blood oozing from their bodies, and the wound looks like a shallow trace, and they don't understand how such a small wound can kill the ape monster. Creatures like ape monsters have always been known for their tenacious vitality.

Chu Jungui and the doctor rushed towards the hill at the same time. This hill is the most eye-catching on the entire plateau, so the movement track of the ape monster is faintly centered on it. It seems that this small hill is not a hub building, but also a holy mountain or something.

Although there are only two Chu Jungui and Dr. Zero, there are millions of ape monsters and tens of thousands of evolutionary fighters. But the gap between the combat power of the two and their opponents is too great, and it is not enough to describe it by cutting melons and vegetables. On the snowfield, two blood lines were rapidly extending, pointing directly at the central hill.

Just a few kilometers away from the hill, the ground suddenly shook, and the clouds in the sky churned violently. Countless waves of thunder and lightning descended from the clouds, waves rippling in the air.

A large amount of steam suddenly spewed out around the hill, covering the surrounding tens of kilometers in clouds and mist. These fogs have a strong effect of obstructing perception, and Chu Jungui's field of vision is actually compressed to less than 100 meters.

In the sky full of clouds and mist, there was a sudden howl of gusts of wind, and at the same time a large amount of heat flow continued to spread in all directions.

In the sky, several rounds of red light wheels suddenly appeared, and then other light wheels of different sizes lit up one after another. Dozens of large and small red light wheels hung high in the air and suddenly turned simultaneously. Chu Jungui immediately felt like he was being targeted by natural enemies!

Chu Jungui suddenly raised his head, and found that all the light wheels in the air were staring at him, and the light they emitted formed a large net, firmly locking Chu Jungui.

That day under the night, Chu Jungui also saw these eyes, and they locked Chu Jungui firmly as at this moment, and then killed him with a tentacle from a thousand meters away.

Now Chu Jun Guizi will not repeat the same mistakes. As soon as he feels locked, he immediately increases his speed to the extreme, and his figure flickers, constantly wandering. However, the blocking range of those eyes in the air is too large, covering a range of tens of thousands of meters. Even if Chu Jungui is a hundred meters away in a vertical leap, he cannot get rid of it.

The white mist suddenly surged, and a tentacle flew out of the sky, piercing Chu Jungui's chest!

However, Chu Jungui at this moment was different from that day, and was constantly moving at a high speed, narrowly dodging the blow, and then the spear whirled and made a few clicks, cutting the tip of the tentacle into seven or eight sections.

A thunderous roar resounded between heaven and earth, and the tentacle retracted like lightning.

Chu Jungui heaved a sigh of relief, then became worried about the doctor again, and looked in his direction. It doesn't matter if you look at it, you can see that there are several light mirrors floating around the doctor, refracting all the sights of the eyes in the sky to the side, and some of them are simply reflected on Chu Jungui. So in the eyes of those light wheels in the sky, the doctor is almost transparent and does not exist, but Chu Jungui is much more eye-catching than normal.

So the doctor is very calm and leisurely at the moment. The problem is that the light wheel eyes cannot see him, but Chu Jungui can.

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