God is Coming

Chapter 1006 Climbing

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In the white cloud, a tentacle stabbed at Chu Jungui again, but he avoided it by a tiny bit, and then stabbed into the middle. The tentacles seemed to be in pain, and immediately retracted. Chu Jungui immediately felt that something was wrong. The force of the pull back was too great, and the initial judgment was hundreds of thousands of tons! This was not a force that Chu Jungui could resist. He retracted his spear in lightning, so he was not dragged into the depths of the clouds by the tentacles.

The two attacks and defenses made Chu Jungui discover many properties of the tentacles. It stands to reason that with such a huge volume and weight, and the speed of coming and going like electricity, it should have been torn apart by itself. After all, its strength is not outstanding, and it can be easily cut off by Chu Jungui with a spear.

However, the rules of this world are completely different from reality, and Chu Jungui is not surprised by any strange phenomena. Just as he kept moving at a high speed and was about to face the third attack of the tentacles, he suddenly saw a flash of light out of the corner of his eye.

The flash was not bright, but it was inexplicably eye-catching, and it immediately caught Chu Jungui's attention. He looked at where the light came from, and was speechless.

It was the doctor's left eye that emitted light. Moreover, the light is not actually emitted from his eyes, but the locked beams of the refracted sky eyes. There are two rounds of eyes in the air staring at the doctor eagerly, but the light beam emitted by one of the eyes will always shine on the left eye of the doctor, and then be reflected to other directions.

Only one round of eyes seems to be unable to meet the locking conditions, so the attack on the doctor has not been launched for a long time. Many attacks can only be concentrated on Chu Jungui, and the ejection of round after round of tentacles makes him jump.

At a glance, Chu Jungui had already noticed the strangeness in the doctor's eyes. At this time, the doctor's pupils were pale gold, with extremely complicated patterns on them. There are more than one layer of patterns, but more than 30 layers, and they are still changing. When Chu Junguiyi saw these lines, he immediately created an extremely complex model in his consciousness and received a large amount of information.

The doctor has analyzed part of the principle of the wheel eye tracking beam in the air, and formed a countermeasure. These models are the structural constructs that make up the Doctor's left eye. The sight of the wheel eye in the sky not only has the function of tracking and positioning, but also slightly delays the action of the target, and the beam can be turned and the speed can be adjusted. Judging from the parameters given by the doctor, these lines of sight don't look like light, but instead have many physical characteristics of liquid, but it has no entity.

The specific principle, the doctor has no equipment and no time, so he has no way of knowing. But he doesn't need to know, as long as he knows how to resist.

The final result is that most of the wheel eyes that were originally staring at the doctor were transferred to Chu Jungui, and the attacks that should have been aimed at the doctor were also borne by Chu Jungui.

The doctor is like a looming fish, swimming easily, quickly approaching the bottom of those round eyes.

At this time, there were as many as three tentacles attacking Chu Jungui at the same time, and Yunwu had more tentacles eager to try. Chu Jungui's speed slowed down slightly, his body temperature rose rapidly, and his skin had a faint golden layer. If you look carefully, you will find that it is a piece of hexagonal metal texture. These microchips successfully refracted most of the Wheel Eye's line of sight, and the tentacles' attack immediately lagged behind.

However, after the eyes of these round eyes were refracted, most of them turned to the side of the doctor. Only the left eye of the doctor is golden, and it was instantly locked by several lines of sight, and two tentacles that were about to move appeared around him.

With a thought in Chu Jungui's mind, most of the golden color on his skin faded away. This ability to instantly adjust the body structure is unique to him, and it is greatly strengthened in real dreams, and the speed of body structure change is even hundreds of times faster than in reality. After the pale golden part faded, most of the eyes of the wheel eyes returned to Chu Jungui. But it was still a little better than before, and the pressure he was under was greatly reduced.

Gu Xie

Chu Jungui was free, and his left eye turned golden. This is another piece of information given by the doctor. When the structure of the eyes changed, Chu Jungui's field of vision expanded rapidly, and the ability of the clouds and fog in the sky to obstruct his vision was greatly weakened. Chu Jungui's field of vision re-expanded to dozens of kilometers, covering the area where the round eyes were located.

For the first time, Chu Jungui saw the enemy who had killed him clearly.

Dozens of eyes of different sizes in the air are all attached to a huge shadow. It is unclear whether this shadow is real or just a distorted light. Below the huge shadow was the small white hill. It's just that at this moment, the hill has stretched out and stood up, and it has suddenly turned into a terrifying monster with a length of several kilometers and a height of a thousand meters.

On the chest of this giant beast, there is a huge mouth with a diameter of hundreds of meters, from which dozens of tentacles spit out. These tentacles are tens of meters in diameter at their bases, and can extend up to several thousand meters away. It was these tongues or tentacles that pierced Chu Jungui and Lin Ya's blow that day.

The huge hills have been fully alive, and those gray-white rocks have all been transformed into horny skin, wriggling like molluscs.

When the hill monster started to move, it revealed a building that was originally hidden by its huge body. It was a huge altar with twelve flesh and blood totems erected on it. Under five of the flesh and blood totems, there was a stone platform with a person lying on each of them. Hathaway and Lin Xi were among them!

Chu Jungui's pupils narrowed slightly, and then he acted as if he didn't see anything, still struggling to avoid the stabbing attacks of the tentacles. He has already seen that the doctor has arrived under the huge hill monster like a ghost. Then the Doctor rose lightly and climbed on top of the hill monster. Maybe the doctor was too small, or maybe he was all focused on Chu Jungui, and the hill monster didn't respond to the doctor at all, just stared at Chu Jungui and stabbed him round and round.

While dodging, Chu Jungui suddenly erupted, and the spear whirled, cutting off the tips of the three tentacles in an instant!

The hill monster let out an earth-shattering roar, and all the eyes were on Chu Jungui! But at this moment, Chu Jungui's skin had all turned into pale gold, causing half of the round eyes to lose their target in an instant.

The hill monster seemed furious, and dozens of round eyes appeared in the shadows in the sky. Many eyes not only locked on Chu Jungui, but also caught the doctor out of nothingness.

By this time the doctor had reached the middle of the troll, standing on the edge of the giant mouth.

As soon as he appeared, the doctor held the knife in both hands, a bright red color suddenly appeared on the edge of the knife, and he slashed off at the base of the tentacles!

Where the blade fell, the base of the tentacles was cut open like hot butter, and the cut was far beyond the range of the blade, nearly 20 meters! The doctor moved the knife like the wind, slashing upwards and then slashing downwards. When the three knives fell, the roots of the tentacles tens of meters thick were cut in half. The tentacles fell to the ground and kept bouncing.

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