God is Coming

Chapter 1007 Body Shape Determines Everything

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Painful roars resounded from the inside of the giant hill monster, its whole body shook violently, and countless grayish-white rocks fell down. Dozens of gray shadows suddenly rushed out of the surrounding apes and monsters, rushing towards the doctor as quickly as lightning. Most of the round eyes in the air ignored Chu Jungui, but stared at the doctor.

Chu Jungui seized the opportunity, jumped up, stepped on the landing tentacles, and sprinted all the way. The tentacle was still twisting and bouncing unconsciously. Chu Jungui flew past hundreds of meters ahead. At the last hundred meters, he stabbed the tentacle with a long spear, and the tentacle rebounded instinctively. , Chu Jungui leaped into the sky, flew straight hundreds of meters, and landed on the mountain monster.

Without stopping, he climbed up at full speed and went straight to the top. There, a large shadow-like tissue oozes out from the mountain, supporting hundreds of round eyes in the air. If there was any weakness in the mountain monster, it might be there.

The doctor will obviously be in trouble, but just as Chu Jungui started to use himself to attract firepower and create opportunities for the doctor, now the doctor cut off a tentacle, which also created opportunities for Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui's whole body was steaming hot, and his body temperature had already climbed to 200 degrees. However, at this moment, the cells in his body were fine-tuned. The temperature of his blood was even more than 300 degrees, and he still didn't boil. Under the high temperature, energy gushes out from every cell, allowing Chu Jungui's strength and speed to reach the peak. With a single stride, he can rise tens of meters, climbing onto the back of a giant mountain monster like a rocket.

Chu Jungui plunged into the shadows, and suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped by dozens of degrees, as if he had plunged into a piece of jelly, and his movements were a few beats slower. But looking around, there is no entity in the shadow at all, and I don't know where the body's touch and resistance come from.

Intuition told him that he had already entered the body of the hill troll. This shadow is part of the troll's body.

Chu Jungui swept across with his spear, and several meters of light suddenly shot out from the spear's point, casting a halo in the shadows. However, the hill monster didn't feel anything, and Chu Jungui didn't feel that he had swept anything. This attack was completely ineffective.

Before he could think about it, Chu Jungui nailed his feet to the ground and gave a loud shout. Suddenly, a layer of dark red surged around his body, and the temperature within tens of meters rose sharply. In a short period of time, Chu Jungui felt unspeakably weak, and the energy reserve level in his body dropped by more than half in an instant.

But within tens of meters around Chu Jungui, the temperature has soared to 1500 degrees, which is enough to melt steel.

The surrounding shadows materialized instantly, turned into raging flames, and burned up. The flames not only ignited the adjacent area, but eventually all the shadows within a hundred meters were burnt out. The gray-white leather under Chu Jungui's feet, which looked solid and thick like a rock, was visibly softened, and bubbles kept popping up, and then exploded on the surface, spewing out streams of hot steam.

The effect of the attack was far beyond Chu Jungui's imagination, and the range of damage to the gray skin also reached a terrifying 30 meters. This is the height of a seven or eight-story building, which was destroyed by Chu Jungui's attack.

But the body of the hill monster is too huge, even so, Chu Jungui couldn't pierce its cortex. Fortunately, those invisible shadows seemed to be its real key points. After being injured, the hill giant roared like a tsunami, and the upper body of its huge body stood up, shaking violently from side to side.

This action obviously hurt it, several cracks appeared on its body, and a large amount of graystone mud-like substance continuously gushed out from it.

All the round eyes in the air stared at Chu Jungui, and even subconsciously lowered their altitude to gather towards Chu Jungui. Hundreds of lines of sight bound Chu Jungui firmly, and the pressure brought this time was very obvious, as if a pair of armor weighing several tons had been added to him.

valley milling

The shadows are quickly making up for the gaps, black oil droplets continuously ooze out from the cortex of the giant beast's back, and then spread into a large shadow.

Chu Jungui caught this scene from the corner of his vision, and the result of the analysis was just as what the eyes could see, the black oil droplets were tangible, and then turned into invisible shadows. There are several links missing in the conversion in the middle, and it is just converted directly from matter to shadow.

The basic rules of this world are too different from the universe that Chu Jungui is familiar with. At this moment, he has no time or ability to study it. He just wants to inflict as much damage as possible and see if he can get Lin Xi and Hathaway together. rescued.

Chu Jungui held the gun with one hand, and suddenly yelled, the spear in his hand turned red all over, and suddenly let go, like a blood-colored lightning, shot towards the largest round of eyeballs in the air!

The fiery spear directly passed through the pupil of that eyeball, leaving a striking hole. The edge of the hole suddenly started to burn, and the flames quickly spread to the entire eye wheel, directly burning it to ashes. Such a huge eye wheel, after burning, there is only a smear of ash left. If it weren't for Chu Jungui's eyesight, which is comparable to that of an astronomical telescope, he really wouldn't be able to find a wisp of ash the size of a little finger hundreds of meters away.

A wheel eye turned into floating ash, which is easy to be unexpected. All the round eyes were like frightened small animals, flying into the sky in all directions, and the line of sight flicked around, and one of them happened to be rubbed by the falling spear, and immediately ignited violent flames. The flame spread along the line of sight, reaching the round eye in an instant, making it burn into a ball of fire and turn into ashes.

The roar of the giant mountain monster was like the collapse of heaven and earth. The sound wave was already visible to the naked eye, and spread outward in circles. Many apes and monsters within the affected area exploded on the spot, and the evolutionary warrior fell to the ground in pain. Instead, a transparent shield appeared on the surface of the altar with 12 giant totem pillars, blocking out all sound waves.

The spear fell from a high point, whistling and falling, Chu Jun stretched out his hand, and caught the spear firmly.

He took a deep breath, jumped up, and landed heavily! Originally, the gray matter cortex was melted into a large area by Chu Jungui, but at this step, Chu Jungui's whole body did not penetrate into the gray matter cortex, and the depth was more than ten meters. When he was exhausted, Chu Jungui held the gun in both hands, and stabbed heavily into the skin of his feet. Terrifying heat rushed out from the spear point, and went deep all the way, melting a passage tens of meters deep.

Chu Jungui fell down the passage, and when he reached the bottom, he stabbed again, melting a passage again. With two shots in a row, plus the initial depth, Chu Jungui has already shot a passage over 100 meters on the hill monster's body, but it still hasn't penetrated the cortex, and there is no hope of penetration.

The mountain giant finally reacted, the surrounding cortex began to shrink, and at the same time, a large amount of highly corrosive acid was seeped out.

Chu Jungui hesitated a little, but still jumped up, cut the upper cortex with a spear, forced a passage, and stood on the back of the giant beast again.

At this time, the energy reserve in his body had dropped to a dangerous level, and he could no longer afford to go deep into Ju Zeng's body for a hundred meters like just now. This behemoth is really too big. In an era without technology, size can often determine everything.

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