God is Coming

Chapter 1008 Rules

Even though the lethality increased dramatically under the special environment of the real dream, Chu Jungui still had no way to deal with this giant mountain beast. It is too huge, even if Chu Jun goes back to dig such a big dead mountain, it will not be able to dig it out in a few months.

Chu Jungui stared at the wheel eyes in the sky again. Although the shadow part has obvious weaknesses, it is too thin and too huge. Chu Jungui's current energy reserve is no longer enough to complete a burning within a range of 100 meters. It seems that the easiest weakness of the giant beast is the round eye, but Chu Jungui intuitively feels that it may not be the real weakness of the giant beast. The shadowy body of the giant beast gave Chu Jungui a sense of instant vision for Kaitian. Kaitian can have dozens or even hundreds of eyes appear anytime and anywhere, but that is not its key point at all.

Strictly speaking, Kaitian, as a single-cell life aggregate, has no weaknesses at all.

But looking around, he couldn't find a better target for a while, so Chu Jungui still stared at the wheel eyes in the sky. When he was about to throw his gun, he suddenly felt the danger, so he stepped back ten meters, and saw several tentacles popped out from the cortex, passing through Chu Jun and returning to his original position.

Chu Jungui swept across with his gun, cutting all the tentacles in two. However, the surrounding cortical ground cracked, and clumps of tentacles emerged from the inside, ranging from three to five to more than ten. Only the area burned by Chu Jungui did not appear.

Hundreds of tentacles shot from all directions, and the round eyes in the air refocused on Chu Jungui. Their sights could not only be slow, but also predict and guide the attack. Every movement of Chu Jungui will attract several tentacles to attack in advance. In an instant, Chu Jungui not only had to mislead the enemy with fake moves, but also had to guard against numerous attacks on his body. The spear in his hand has turned into a light dragon, cutting off clusters of tentacles continuously. But the tentacles grew more and more, and the ground under Chu Jungui's feet was constantly being repaired, and it would not be long before the tentacles would cover it.

Chu Jungui, who was caught in the sea of ​​tentacles, was struggling hard, and his physical strength was on the verge of danger. Finally, his movements became unavoidably sluggish, and then a tentacle grazed under his ribs, directly opening a terrifying wound nearly half a meter long and the width of a palm!

Chu Jungui let out a muffled snort, before he could close the wound, he was shot several times from his body. These tentacles are extremely fast, with great lethality, and the number is endless. It takes less than a few seconds to flatten a clump and grow back again, which is completely unsolvable.

At this moment, it seems that the only way is to escape, but if you escape, you don't know when you will be able to lay down the altar. What's worse is that both Hathaway and Lin Xi have already been placed on the altar, and no one knows what will happen next.

Another round of tentacles struck, and Chu Jungui judged in an instant that he would be hit at least three times, even if it was the best solution, his left arm would be pierced, which was equivalent to abolishing a small half of his attack power. Then after 26 seconds, Chu Jungui will be physically exhausted, his defenses will all collapse, and he will be torn apart by his tentacles.

Chu Jungui turned on his pain sense, and the sudden tingling made him tremble slightly. Only in this way can we realize what death really is.

For the first time, he felt tired, and felt that every part of his body was silent due to the exhaustion of energy. This feeling of powerlessness was so real that even his blood was turning cold.

Chu Jungui raised his head, and looked at the invisible altar through the overlapping tentacles. He didn't want to retreat, not because of the mission, but just didn't want to escape.

The spear once again drew a perfect arc, cutting off all the tentacles flying in front of him, but one of the falling tentacles bounced up after landing and flew towards Chu Jungui.

This attack was also unexpected by Chu Jungui. The moment it was ejected from the ground, Chu Jungui's expected life for himself dropped from 26 seconds to 2 seconds.

That tentacle is like a sharp arrow, with a distinctive cyan luster at the tip, and the surface is as smooth as a mirror, and there are circles of air waves flying away where it passes.

Chu Jungui knew that this blow would break into the abdomen, shatter the spine, and protrude from the back again. The terrifying explosive force and cavity effect would completely shatter two-thirds of the abdominal tissue.

Valley tired

Chu Jungui completely ignored the fatal blow, and just aimed at the biggest round of eyes in the sky and threw the spear in his hand with all his strength.

At this moment, from the corner of Chu Jungui's eyes, he saw a figure approaching at a leisurely pace. The figure seemed to freeze in time, and in the blink of an eye, it arrived at Chu Jungui's side.

The tip of Feishe's tentacles had cut through Chu Jungui's battle armor, but was held by a slightly slender hand that transcended time. The huge momentum caused a piercing metal friction sound between the tentacles and the palm, and the entire front half of the tentacles began to turn red. Its tip tried to cut through Chu Jungui's abdominal muscles, but it was firmly held by that hand and penetrated several centimeters After that, it can no longer go deep.

Billowing green smoke billowed from that hand, most of the flesh and blood melted away, and white bones were exposed on the palm of the hand.

Chu Jungui looked up and saw the doctor.

The doctor drew a circle with his knife, and a light curtain immediately appeared around the two of them. All the tentacles lost their target in an instant, and the eyes of the wheel eyes in the sky were also refracted on the light curtain.

The doctor stabbed the ground with a backhand knife, and then there was a wild energy explosion underground, as if a ton of explosives had been buried, the ground suddenly swelled up, and then exploded, ejecting countless things that could not be determined whether it was leather, plaster or flesh. The strong momentum bounced the two of them high, and the doctor grabbed Chu Jungui and flew high with the momentum, falling a thousand meters away.

The place where the two landed was already on the other side of the hill monster's body, and the large tentacles in the distance were still looking for targets.

The doctor drew a circle around with the blade, and a light curtain immediately erected on the ground, hiding the two of them inside.

At this time Chu Jungui was already exhausted, he leaned his spear on the ground and sat down slowly. Only then did he notice the doctor's left hand. Just now, the doctor grabbed the tentacle with this hand and saved Chu Jungui's life. But all the flesh and blood in the palm of this hand disappeared, exposing the dense metacarpal bones. Although the bones of the hand were shining with a metallic luster, they were also worn away by half.

The doctor moved his left hand, gasped in pain, and said, "I haven't had such pain for a long time, and I can feel the existence of every nerve."


The doctor raised his hand to stop Chu Jungui from continuing, and then plunged the long knife into the ground. Chu Jungui clearly felt a wave of energy converging and exploding at the edge of the knife, and finally formed a jet, which penetrated into the ground dozens of times at once. Rice, a passage was blasted out.

The doctor's blade shook again, another burst of energy, extending the passage to 100 meters.

This kind of energy jet, which is equivalent to a directional blast, surprised Chu Jungui. He really didn't know how the doctor did it. The doctor seemed to know what was going on in his mind, and pointed to his head with his left hand, which had almost turned into a skeleton, and said, "Although the basic rules of this world have changed, the scientific thinking remains unchanged. As long as there are rules, they can be ruled." Understand, master and apply."

At this time, clear water began to flow from the holes in the ground. The doctor stretched out his hand to grab it, and a water polo flew in front of Chu Jungui, saying, "Eat it, it may be the only food we have."

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