God is Coming

Chapter 1019 Your meal

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The great McMillan is obviously no longer omnipotent, and as the upper echelon of the community, his influence is obviously not at the same level as that of the Doctor and Austin. Both a dynasty and a federation are unified wholes, while a community is actually a loose alliance of small states. McMillan is the actual controller of one of the small countries, and has great influence in many small countries, but when encountering major events, those small countries may not listen to him.

Leaving aside some troublesome personalities, McMillan's personal strength is actually on the same level as Austin and the doctor. It's just that he was really unlucky, he crashed into the encirclement circle of three people, and couldn't even escape.

So Chu Jungui didn't dare to neglect at all, and came over every 5 minutes to check the condition of the coil. This coil is actually very useful, it can effectively prevent the appearance of mass-energy superposition state, and cannot freely switch between matter and energy, just like a tiger whose claws and claws have been pulled out, and its full strength cannot be fully displayed.

When Chu Jungui checked for the first time, McMillan threatened and lured him. During the second inspection, McMillan just scolded. By the time of his third visit, even McMillan had lost the strength to speak.

After checking the coil for the third time, the girl quietly appeared beside Chu Jungui and tugged at his clothes.

The girl's name is Mier, she is 16 years old this year, she has amazing potential, and her personality is harmless to humans and animals, so after confirming her identity, the doctor allowed her to move freely, but did not give her any information.

Chu Jungui followed Mier to a secluded corner, and the girl asked eagerly, "Will those things hurt father?"

Chu Jungui explained patiently: "Those coils will form an energy barrier and interfere with his use of energy, that's all. As long as he doesn't use energy indiscriminately, there will be no harm. Also, this is the third time I have talked to You explained. Instead of asking about this, you might as well persuade your father."

The girl sighed and said, "Father never listens to advice. Unless"

"Unless what?" Chu Jungui immediately pricked up his ears. If McMillan's level of combat power can join, the possibility of returning to the real world will greatly increase.

The girl's voice became softer, and she lowered her head: "If you do something bad to me, father will probably change his mind."

"What?" Chu Jungui shook his head. The girl is very good-looking and cute, but the point is that she didn't do anything, and she didn't threaten, the torture or something was a bit too much.

So Chu Jun returned: "There is still time, don't worry. Besides, I won't beat you."

The girl was startled, she didn't expect to get such an answer. Seeing that Chu Jungui turned around and left, she quickly chased after him, and said unwillingly, "Then is there anything I can do to help?"

Chu Jungui looked the girl's slender figure up and down, evaluated her labor force, and shook his head again.

Seeing Chu Jungui walking away without hesitation, Mier looked down at himself, then puffed out his chest, and hummed, "What's so great about it!"

The doctor's laboratory has begun to take shape. There are seven or eight instruments in it. The styles are weird and there is not much high-tech beauty. Instead, it looks a bit like a medieval witch's laboratory. The doctor was standing in front of a large cauldron, stirring the thick soup in it. The thick soup is extremely thick, and there are all kinds of things that can cause bad associations floating in it.

Chu Jungui carried a newly assembled instrument into the laboratory, and the doctor said without raising his head, "Just put it in the vacant corner."

Chu Jungui put the instrument away, activated the heat supply skillfully, then stood in front of an alloy cabinet, and began to charge it.


"What is Austin doing?" asked the doctor.

"He's been looking into the distance for 30 minutes."

The doctor snorted, and said disdainfully: "This old guy just refuses to admit defeat, and always wants to comprehend the truth of heaven and earth by relying on epiphany. If you have this spare time, it's better to make up for basic physics and biodynamics. The formulas given to him are all It has to be a simplified version, otherwise how can he understand it?"

Chu Jungui listened quietly and refused to comment. No matter how poor Austin's academic level is, as long as his combat level is high enough. Anyone who criticizes his academic level other than a Ph.D. is courting death.

The doctor took out a bowl of thick soup from the cauldron, handed it to Chu Jungui, and said, "Give this to McMillan and tell him that this is the only meal of the day. If he refuses to eat, add more to the coil." Wen. The specific principle is here, you can see for yourself.”

The doctor sent a bunch of data, and it took several minutes for Chu Jungui to sort out and digest it after receiving it. It turns out that there are extremely complicated principles involved. The coils designed by the doctor according to McMillan's existing body structure, and the composition thickness of the alloy rods have been carefully calculated. When the coil is heated to 850 degrees, the defense mechanism of McMillan's body will activate by itself, and the energy in the body will be absorbed by the coil in large quantities.

The rapid decline of energy reserves will cause a series of serious consequences, such as emptiness, weakness, irritability, etc., and finally a rapid decline in the will to resist. When the energy reserve is low to a certain level, and the emotions are also accumulated to a certain level, let alone a bowl of poor-looking soup, even a bowl of dirt, some people will eat it.

However, this trick is okay against ordinary people, but it is doubtful about the effect against a powerhouse like McMillan. The doctor seemed to understand Chu Jungui's doubts, and said, "Don't worry, that guy is just looking for a step down."

Chu Jungui couldn't figure out what the bosses were thinking, so he took the bowl out of the laboratory and walked towards McMillan. On the way, the little princess happened to come out of the room, saw the thick soup in Chu Jungui's hand, and asked, "Is dinner ready?"

She leaned over to look at the contents in the bowl, her little face immediately turned pale, she quickly took a step back, and said in shock, "What is this?! Why do you still have a leg? It's still moving!"

The experimenter said: "This is for McMillan, the doctor said, this is all he eats today."

"This kind of thing" The little princess turned her head to the side, trying not to look at the bowl.

Mr. Chu was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped by the little princess. She leaned close to Chu Jungui's ear and said softly, "If you're free later, remember to cook!"

"Uh, the meal is good." Chu Jungui realized after thinking about it. He doesn't need to eat regularly, but other people can't. The two big brothers didn't need to eat much, and the three of them forgot about it as soon as they got busy.

Chu Jungui subconsciously wanted to pass the bowl of soup in his hand, but he finally reacted in time and did not really reach out.

After the little princess told her to go back to work, Chu Jungui had an inexplicable sense of urgency, and walked quickly to McMillan in the corner, first stretched out his hand to wipe the coil, increased the temperature to the predetermined 850 degrees, and then Putting the bowl in front of McMillan, he said coldly, "Your meal."

After finishing speaking, Chu Jungui turned around and left. McMillan's face was messy. He just eavesdropped on the conversation between the doctor and Chu Jungui. It shouldn't be this attitude!

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