God is Coming

Chapter 1020 Suggestion

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Chu Jungui circled around the camp. There are no wild animals on the plateau, and if there are any, they are all eaten by ape monsters. It is really not easy to find some ingredients.

Under a clump of rocks, Chu Jungui found a clump of white mushrooms, so he picked one and tried to eat it. Before the mushrooms were completely chewed, Chu Jungui's mouth felt a little numb. It can make Chu Jungui feel abnormal, and there is no problem with this mushroom poisoning thousands of ordinary people.

He also found a clump of plateau shrubs. Although there is no fruit, the shoots are generally edible. Chu Jungui picked one, threw it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it. Then he opened his mouth in the next second, and sprayed out a burst of blue fire, spraying out all the twigs he ate. There was nothing on the surface of the twig, but the internal tissue was extremely corrosive, and it corroded a deep groove in Chu Jungui's esophagus just after it entered the throat.

In this way, Chu Jungui tried seven or eight edible ingredients in a row, but the results were all stronger than the same, and even the test subjects couldn't stand it. In the end, Chu Jungui became angry from embarrassment, and directly picked up a handful of grass on the ground and stuffed it into his mouth. He stopped chewing and swallowed it raw.

Things like grass are similar in many planets. They have little energy and are extraordinarily tough. They increase the difficulty of animal digestion as much as possible to ensure their own survival. Therefore, Mr. Chu is really desperate to eat grass, and the probability of expecting to eat wild vegetables on the bitter cold plateau is really low.

Put a handful of grass blades into the stomach, and it really doesn't have any calories. This is also expected, at least these grasses are not poisonous, much better than the previous few ingredients. Chu Jungui speeded up his digestion, decomposed and absorbed the grass leaves in his stomach in a blink of an eye, and then trouble came.

After the outer layers of these grass blades are completely digested, some fibers are left hidden in the deeper layers. As soon as these fibers were detached from the leaves, they immediately became extremely tough and elastic, extremely resistant, and extremely slender, like needles of cow hair. Even Chu Jungui's gastric juice could do nothing to them. Because these fiber needles are extremely thin, only 1% of the thickness of hair, they also have a terrible cutting effect. When Chu Jungui's stomach moved, hundreds of wounds of different depths were drawn.

Fortunately, Chu Jungui was not troubled by this, he directly wrapped all the fiber needles with energy, and sprayed them out of the body in one gulp. The physical properties of these fiber needles do not change at all at high temperatures above 1000 degrees, which is really shocking. If it weren't for Chu Jungui, Austin and the doctor, everything in his stomach would have been strangled.

Chu Jungui looked up at the corpse of the giant beast that looked like a hill in the distance. When it dies, all tissues are transformed into rock, and it is impossible to find repair fluid. Moreover, the repairing fluid itself is also mixed with poison, and its energy density is too high. If someone like Crassus can't control the heat, if he swallows it, he may be burnt to ashes from the inside out.

After trying it, Chu Jungui discovered that finding a stutter in this seemingly vibrant world is really not an easy task.

He returned to the camp full of worries, and it seemed that the doctor still had to solve the problem of eating.

Chu Jungui walked into the doctor's laboratory, and after talking about it, the doctor suddenly realized, "I forgot, there are still people who need to eat!"

Chu Jungui could only roll his eyes in his heart.

All three of them can directly convert matter into energy, and they no longer need to eat. McMillan would not have needed to eat if he hadn't been wound up in a coil. As a result, the doctor who was obsessed with research forgot that there was such a thing as eating. Counting the time lying on the altar, the five rescued guys had been hungry for several days.

"Let me think about the food they can eat, um," the doctor fell into thought.

Chu Jungui exited the laboratory, checked the time, and went to check on McMillan's situation. This guy can't take it lightly at all times, thinking about his appearance in the blizzard back then, it can be described as domineering.

When Chu Jungui arrived, Mier was whispering beside him, and McMillan looked unyielding with his nostrils upturned, but his eyes would always inadvertently look at the bowl of dark green still steaming. Steaming soup with a lot of moving parts in it.

Chu Jungui heard Mi'er say: "Father, you can eat! Apart from these, there is nothing to eat here."

"Even if I starved to death, I wouldn't eat this kind of thing!" McMillan said impassionedly, with a look of determination.

different valley

Mier sighed and said, "If you don't have the strength, who else can protect me? I'm just a burden here. Once something happens to you, I won't even have the last bit of use value. Who knows what they will do?" what will it do to me"

"They dare?!" McMillan was furious.

At this moment, Mier heard footsteps and immediately stopped talking.

Chu Jungui came over, looked at the bowl of thick soup that hadn't been touched at all, and then felt the temperature of the coil. At this moment, McMillan's weakness was clearly visible, and the energy reserves in his body had already bottomed out. Chu Jungui checked the firmness and completeness of the coil again, then turned and left.

Mier followed and said softly, "Can you help me?"

Chu Jungui spread his hands and said: "Even you can't persuade him, and I can't do anything. This little torture can't make him succumb."

Miller said: "No! You don't know my father. He has lived a very comfortable life since he was a child and has never suffered hardships, so the torture now is very heavy for him. Just give him A step, retain the last dignity, he will not refuse."

Chu Jungui disagreed: "He is equivalent to starvation, not torture at all. I think he can last at least seventeen or eight days."

Mi Er pleaded: "Time is also a factor, isn't it? With father's help, your progress will be much faster."

This is indeed a reason, Chu Jungui thought about it, and asked: "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Beat me hard and threaten him, that's all."

Chu Jungui looked at the girl strangely, not understanding why there were so many strange thoughts in her mind. However, this suggestion is really exciting. Throughout the ages, heroes who can ignore the fate of their families, wives and daughters are rare after all. As for the torture, it was not difficult for Chu Jungui. He could completely bring the girl back to life, but the actual damage he suffered was not even a minor injury, and the few drops of blood shed were also for the effect of the show.

Seeing Chu Jun's intention to return, Mi'er quickly turned to the details of the action, and was about to settle the matter.

At this time, the little princess came over as if nothing had happened, stood beside McMillan, and said to him: "We urgently need to know what can be eaten and what can't be eaten. What about the bowl of soup in front of you, if you don't eat it, then let you eat it." daughter to test the poison."

"How dare you!?" McMillan was furious, sucked up the soup bowl in one gulp, and said sternly, "Come at me for anything! Let my daughter go!"

The little princess said: "That's impossible! We still have a lot to do, and she happens to be a good coolie. If you really care about her, you can do her part together if you have the ability."

"You'd better not break your word!" McMillan said in a low voice.

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