God is Coming

Chapter 1029 Problems left over from history

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The overwhelming sea of ​​ape monsters poses no threat to the camp, and the evolution fighter is no different from a chicken in the eyes of McMillan and Austin. The combination of Lin Xi, Hathaway and others has considerable lethality. Lin Xi can pull water out of the ape monster's body, while Hathaway exerts a large-scale gravitational field, making the ape monster within tens of meters move slowly. The most astonishing thing is Mi'er. The red clouds she swung are endless, and each piece is getting bigger and bigger. The ape monsters touched will immediately trigger the ignition effect. The ape monsters were already under Chu Jungui's high-temperature force field, and the ignition effect was extremely violent, and pieces of ape monsters were burned into coke.

Later, even Kun finally made some progress, being able to penetrate two with one shot.

A few hours later, the small flesh totem tree had grown to the waist of the doctor, and the leaves were as beautiful as rubies, shining with a charming luster.

The energy reserves in the camp had bottomed out, and Chu Jungui had to be distracted to recharge the energy storage room to meet the bottomless pit of the Flesh Totem Tree.

Finally, the small tree produced a bunch of fruits, which were beautiful like ice crystals. The moment the fruits formed, wisps of blood-colored mist began to float around the tree.

The doctor picked a grape-sized fruit and crushed it. The bloody mist around it was immediately attracted, blended with the fruit, and finally turned into a brilliant light, floating in the doctor's palm.

It's comeback!

Most people are familiar with regression, but almost no one knows how regression occurs. So when the regression appeared in the hands of the doctor, everyone was extremely shocked. Although everyone knew that the doctor was a genius, even Austin was shocked when he saw with his own eyes that a miracle was born in his hands in less than ten days.

McMillan's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what to think about this moment. At this time, Mier gently pulled him, pulling him half a step towards the doctor.

McMillan looked at Mier, then at the doctor, and snorted, with murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

The doctor crushed the fruits one by one, and got a total of 12 returns, and there was still one for each man.

The doctor assigned one return to each person, and the remaining three merged into one, and a light group including thousands of digits appeared. This light group is no stranger to everyone, it is the quota.

The doctor held the quota in the palm of his hand and turned it off, and then said: "I will accept this quota, do you have any comments?"

A mere quota, naturally no one will compete with the doctor at this time. And the number of places disappeared in a blink of an eye, and only Chu Jungui was able to write down all the numbers of thousands of digits in just an instant, and no one else could do it.

After accepting the quota, the doctor said again: "Everyone can start returning, let's start with those on the altar first."

Everyone used return one after another, that is, before starting the return, the little princess took a deep look at Chu Jungui before leaving.

After everyone left, McMillan said: "I won't get involved in your troubles, but that kid surnamed Chu, if you have time in the future, it will be in your interest to come to the community."

After all, McMillan's figure gradually disappeared and returned to the real world. Only Austin, the doctor and Chu Jungui remained in the real dream. Outside the camp, endless ape monsters are still gathering, and waves of them are attacking the camp. Chu Jungui increased the output of heat energy, and only then barely blocked them all.

Austin and the doctor faced each other across the tree, and neither of them meant to leave.

Chu Jungui endured for a full ten minutes, and the two big brothers were still fighting like cocks. He had to increase his energy output, and the outside of the camp wall had already turned into a sea of ​​flames, so he could barely block the ape monster.

At this moment, the doctor waved his hand and said, "You go back first, he and I have some historical issues that need to be resolved."

When Chu Jungui heard this, he stretched out his hand to grab it falsely, and an alloy rod flew into his hand. This time, he didn't need to move, and directly used energy to repair the spear point. The doctor himself may not be Austin's opponent, but with Chu Jungui, the chances of winning are much greater. In the past few days, Mr. Chu has served as an energy pack day and night. His body has gone through countless times of self-optimization, and his energy reserves and conversion speed have increased several times. In terms of strength improvement, he is definitely the number one. Austin is fighting head-on, and with the doctor's words, the chances of winning are not small.

But the doctor waved his hand and said: "This is an old dispute between me and him, young people don't want to interfere. You go back, I will come back later, it won't take long to solve this little problem."

Austin also said: "Indeed, it doesn't take ten minutes to solve the problem."

Chu Jungui was worried, but the doctor saw him talking, and directly activated the return in Chu Jungui's hands, sending him back to reality.

The process of returning this time was very fast, and Chu Jun returned to reality without any twists and turns.

The feeling of returning to the body was both real and unreal. Chu Jungui slowly opened his eyes and moved his body a little. The nutrient solution in the medical cabin suddenly burst into strings of thin bubbles, and the temperature suddenly rose.

The eye-catching alarm signal quickly attracted groups of doctors and nurses, who nervously surrounded the medical cabin to troubleshoot faults. A gray-haired old expert looked at the data and shouted angrily at the technical experts beside him: "20 The temperature rose to 65 degrees in seconds, a full increase of 45 degrees! What does your medical cabin want to do, boil water or stew soup?"

The technical expert was shocked and aggrieved, and said: "The temperature in the medical cabin is strictly controlled, and the plus or minus error will not exceed 0.01 degrees. We have also applied the most advanced micro-water flow circulation system. Any area where the temperature exceeds the standard will Corrected within 0.5 seconds. All in all, there is no way this kind of error will ever happen!"

The medical expert put his hand directly into the nutrient solution and said, "It's hot! Is this 20 degrees in your house?"

The technical experts also tried and were speechless, but the system showed that there was no fault, which made it difficult. When he was suffering from a headache, Chu Jungui sat up slowly, and the nutrient solution was recovered automatically.

"Wait, you can't..."

"My health is fine." Chu Jungui gently pushed the medical expert away, stepped out of the medical cabin, changed into his clothes, and asked, "How is Lin Xi?"

The medical expert checked and said: "She woke up a little earlier than you, and is undergoing a comprehensive physical examination now. The preliminary examination shows that the body has changed to a certain extent, but the overall function has improved significantly."

"I'm going to see her, don't continue the examination yet. In addition, when the doctor returns, let me know as soon as possible."


Chu Jungui mentioned the medical expert standing in front of him, put him aside, and said, "No, but, do what you have to do, and don't worry about extra things. The doctor has given me enough authority to act freely."

A group of experts did not dare to stop them, they watched Chu Jungui walk out of the ward and headed straight for Lin Xi's area.

-----Off Topic-----

Happy Holidays to everyone again!

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