God is Coming

Chapter 1030

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When Mr. Chu came back to Lin Xi's area, Lin Xi had already completed the inspection and was looking at the inspection report that had just come out.

"How about it?"

Lin Xi handed the report to Chu Jungui and said, "Overall, it should be a good thing, but I don't understand the reason for some changes."

Chu Jungui quickly glanced at the report. It was mentioned that almost all of Lin Xi's organs had undergone slight changes, but he judged that the changes were in the direction of strengthening functions, not simple lesions.

Chu Jungui called the medical supervisor on duty, and said: "All her reports and data are classified as top secret, and no one can see them except the existing insiders. Only after the doctor returns can he lift the ban!"

"Sorry, you didn't..." The medical director swallowed before finishing his sentence. Chu Jungui did not know when an extra gun was in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun hit the medical director's chin, pushing his head back continuously. The guard next to him was taken aback, and subconsciously reached out to touch the gun, but found nothing.

"Accreditation is dead, but people are alive." Chu Jungui said coldly, pointing his gun up again, and said, "Don't use your life to challenge my relationship with the doctor."

Chu Jungui patted the medical director's face with the gun, then threw the gun back to the guard, and said, "If I were you, I would watch the external communications of everyone around me. As long as even one piece of Lin Xi's data leaks out Byte, I can also guarantee that everyone will have nothing to eat, and no one can save you."

The guard took the gun, he was in a state of surprise, and looked at the supervisor in a somewhat unkind way. Although their ranks are not high, their positions are crucial. They are all good people, and they all know that Chu Jungui is the celebrity in front of the doctor. Fighting against people like Chu Jungui for the sake of the rules of death, only people who can't change their minds will do this.

Chu Jungui ignored the staff at the scene, and said to Lin Xi: "Go, go to the doctor's laboratory and wait for him."

At this time, the door opened, and a young man in a research uniform hurried in. He was relieved when he saw Mr. Chu returned, and said, "I am a doctor's student, and I also serve as his academic assistant. Why didn't the doctor come back?" ?”

"The doctor decided to return at the end. In addition, he still has some things to deal with inside, and he may come back later. The expected return time is 1 hour later."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and said, "It's good that the doctor is fine. By the way, I heard a little misunderstanding on the way here. During the doctor's absence, he temporarily entrusted the authority to three people. I am One of them. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Chu Jungui was not polite, and said: "I need a top-notch medical laboratory. In addition, all data about us must be kept confidential, and there must be no leakage. I may need some medicines and special effects later, and I will list them soon." Here's a list for you."

"No problem." The young man agreed very happily. He looked at his personal terminal and said, "Molecular knives are relatively scarce in the market recently. If you need them, I can only allocate 500 of them to you with my authority."

"Then 300 first." Chu Jungui was not polite at all.

The young researcher didn't seem surprised, and said cheerfully: "No problem, the authority of the test area has been given to you, and the molecular knife will be ready within 5 minutes."

With his help, the preparations were quickly completed. Lin Xi lay down in the medical cabin again, while Chu Jungui activated 300 molecular knives at the same time.

Surprise flashed across the young researcher's face, but he didn't stop him. He just said, "The doctor can only manipulate 300 molecular knives at the same time, so my suggestion is to be careful. By the way, my name is Su Mosheng, what do you need?" If you want to come to me at any time, I will wait outside."

Su Mosheng walked out of the laboratory and closed the hatch. The lights in the test room were turned up a notch and then went silent. Chu Jungui sat on the console and connected his own chip to the system.

Lin Xi lay quietly, and after inhaling a sufficient amount of anesthetic, theoretically she should have fallen asleep. But she raised her hand and made an ok gesture. It seemed that the strong anesthetic had little effect on her.

Chu Jungui was not surprised by this, and he knew Lin Xi's situation all too well, because it had already happened to him. Facing the crisis of survival in the real dream, several people unreservedly improved their personal strength and constantly transformed their bodies, no matter how tyrannical they came. This will inevitably have an impact on the real body. Some microscopic organs and tissues are effective in real dreams, but they lose their function in reality and become completely diseased tissues.

As a test subject, Chu Jungui had inspected his own situation immediately, and determined which tissues could be kept and which were useless and had to be cleared. After determining the target, Chu Jungui cleaned out the useless tissues in his body within a few minutes, and then slowly waited for the repair. But Lin Xi didn't have this ability, so Chu Jungui had to operate on her immediately and clean up these tissues by hand.

The vitality of the biological tissue formed in the real dream is unparalleled. In ten minutes at night, it can complete a copy and double its own number. Lin Xi's body functions are already very powerful, which is equivalent to adding a strong logistics to these body tissues.

At this time, the preparatory work was completed, and with Chu Jungui's thought, 300 molecular knives entered Lin Xi's body one after another to remove unnecessary tissues and perform corresponding repairs. The whole process was smooth and flowing, and there was no difficulty as Chu Jungui expected. He found that he now has an order of magnitude improvement in data processing capabilities.

Ten minutes later, as the last molecular knife exited Lin Xi's body, the entire operation process ended smoothly. After Chu Jungui injected Lin Xi with tranquilizers and growth-accelerating medicines, Lin Xi fell into a deep sleep. According to the medical system, Lin Xi will fully recover in one hour.

Chu Jungui stepped off the console and suddenly felt a little tired. The 10-minute high-intensity surgery consumes a lot of energy, not to mention manipulating 300 molecular knives at the same time. He casually picked up a bottle of pure alcohol in the medicine cabinet, unscrewed the cap, and was about to drink it up in one gulp, when the hatch opened and Su Mosheng walked in, applauding: "Amazing! Really amazing! I'm only in the doctor's place." Having seen such a high level of surgery, if it were me, I would be in a hurry with 30 knives.”

"Let her rest first, is there any news from the doctor?" Chu Jungui asked.

"Not yet, let's wait in the rest area. I will be notified as soon as the doctor returns."

"Alright." Chu Jungui and Su Mosheng came to the rest area to sit down, and the waiter brought snacks and drinks. Looking at the pure water in Su Mosheng's hand, Chu Jungui frowned imperceptibly, and began to miss the bucket of alcohol that he just put down.

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